Monday, 16 January 2017

Weekends disjointed dreams.


I had hazy recall too but very long dreams, one was swimming with people in rivers running threw country side.. mainly they were windy but now and then there were concrete boat moorings and such to navigate.  I was jumping in of the side and we were diving down to collect rune coins.

Next dream was an odd building that we were packing up to leave from, 2 storeys and maze like with wired things like a woman making a mango smoothie and a machine that made toffee popcorn.     Someone had taken the baby's and I was comforting a friend who's daughter was missing.... then I realised Zak had gone too.     Oh and there was a dream were I had no body and I was like a drone watching a roof being replaced then zooming round gardens. 


taking a flight with kids, and sorting passports and one of the kids was mine but it's father was the homeopath owner of the health-food shop.. and the child was wired.    On waking I realised this was symbolic and I should work out what archetype they were... but I've been to busy.

Anyhooo...   this child was not like my real kids, but in my care..     He seemed huge  (but my kids are titchy)  so he may just have been normal.    I was following him on a scooter to make sure he got the right flight.

Were we landed, I'd spent so long making sure that the right people were on the flight that I'd forgot my stuff.   :P

It was bright blue sky and sea hot and sunny.   I bought a bikini in the local shop that was white with bit orange spots on.


A forest with houses in trees, the trees are big and dark and have little doors in them, we live inside them. 
I'm writing a story about a robin, there is a toy robin too made of felt. 

Next a big fibreglass pet cage.  In it are a strange mix of animals that all get on with each other.  There is a bat, and a rabbit and a tortoiseshell  cat (who hugs the bunny)  A bird, and some rodents, I'm making the rodents bed cosy with fluffy stuff.    I'm surprised that the cat is so friendly, especially when it wrap's it's furry paws round the rabbits neck and gives it a hug :)

- A town, I'm following my Aunty Betty, we are going in and out of buildings... she keeps leading us in and out of churches.   They are filled with incense and I cans see Latin writing in the stones... we weave in and out of buildings shops and churches from one street to another. 

Next is a dream journey first location is a beautiful green valley..  there are enormous megaliths in the hill side.    One is like a lintel in a door... the door is a cave.    The are old and it's lopsided were the hill had eroded over the years.    There are other massive cut stones above it also laid into the hill side.

Then a strange world, in my dream I considered it to be Nepal (but it didn't look much like it aside from very hilly/mountainous.   There were wired houses tall and rendered and painted white, each was just one room on top of another with one wall all window.    Inside them murals had been painted or were being painted onto the back wall of the odd dwellings.

Beautiful big pictures, they reminded me of 60's record covers.  

I was travelling threw this land scape on what I thought of as a bus....  except, there wasn't anything there.   It was like sitting down, but I was outside.   When we travelled threw fords my feet would trail in the water getting wet.  

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