Thursday, 5 January 2017

Tortoise and a burning bid.

The dream starts in a medieval kitchen, it has the same stone coulombs holding up the roof from the church in my dream the other night.

I'm standing at the far end of the room next to a massive open fire, pots and pans are cooking and meat roasting.   There are no windows and only lamps/torches for light, it's smokey and busy..... it's hyper real, I'm chatting to a guy I know and I go to sleep in-front of the fire to get into the next dream. 

This is the dream version of the village I grew up, I'm on the shore but there are huge tall rocks on the beach...   the tide is going out and there are pools round base of the rocks.
  I'm playing hide and seek with people, we are all adults.    It's cold, and grey and stormy but we swim anyway. 

I find the male aspect of me and we go up into the dunes to walk towards the castle,  Bambugh Castle.

On the way we walk threw some houses that are on the dunes...  (at this point I split into 4...   so I'm me and male me who is Ian & the other 2 are my bro and his wife)

We go in the south doors, inside the rooms are very ornate, polished wood panelling with oil paintings.
It's decorated with expensive rugs and vases there is a large open fire place to the west burning brightly, the windows on the east look out onto the shore and sea.   

I see a tortoise walking across the floor and pick it up, I place it on top of a grand piano in the corner of the room before we walk into the next room.  The next room is a very old fashioned bedroom, with a dark wood 4 poster bed with heavy curtains.    We are on our way threw the building and at this point we run out of doors leading North...    I clime up to a small wooden window and open it, it leads onto the roof tops... there is a black cat there with it's bum to me.   I can see well worked stone guttering and tiled roofs.   

The rest of the party don't want to leave via the roofs so I come back into the room and offer to teleport us outside,   my male side tells me to make sure we have a vehicle as he doesn't want to end up in mid air.  

At this point my bro turns into a werewolf, and wants to lay down.   I tell him werewolf is an anagram.   I manifest a flying roofless car outside of the building to move us all too.

The port only works with me and my male half, we are in what would be the front seats.... but the car is only made of smoke so we are sitting in smoke...   I speak to the others and they didn't take the teleport as the moons up now and my bro thinks he should stay indoors until he's less of a wolf.

Me and my male aspect float over the road on the far side of the dunes in our smoke cloud and decide to go back to the sea.  

We make our way threw rocks back east and into the sea, there is a deep gully cut into the rocks on the shore...    it's making a deep channel were the current is very strong.     The tide is coming in now and we swim against it to reach the edge of the rocks and the open sea.

Once we get there we wonder about the channel, my male aspect thinks it has something to do with an ancient stone quarry inland, I'm interested so we follow the gully back till it leads to a fresh water spring...   flying above we follow this inland for miles until we reach a hill that is bare stone on one side. 

Part way up the rock face is a very unusual straggly brown bird, It's nesting like a bird of pray and it large so we fly up to watch it.   It's got wooden branches coming out of it too, and some dry grass.

My male aspect sets fire to it!  I'm confused but he seems to think the bird needs it!  

The brown bird seems un-phased by being on fire and the flames slowly start to grow till it's branches catch alight.  

((woken up by alarm clock) 

Soooo similar stuff again..      The rocks from these dreams.

The mountain pass....

Soooo   in dream terms what are rocks?     Old weathered rocks?   Rock formations?  Sea worn rocks? Ancient natural rocks expanded with bright pink Resin?   

Recurring threw the last few weeks..
It's the same kind of rock too in all of the dreams, also with a red huge to them. 

So the rocks are hummmmm (checking), defo not sedimentary.......  Not metamorphic either........    So Igneous, and they are mainly coastal. 

Oh, fire rock, burny stuff formed under the earth :stuck_out_tongue:  ... which also fits with the other recurring them of fire :stuck_out_tongue:    And my guide aspect of me being fire, yet at the coast were it has cooled and met with water   (all/emotion) 

I really wanted to study geology, but me and the geology teacher were like fire and water :stuck_out_tongue:    lol (edited)

Sooo   I've found the type of rock

What is Tuff?

Tuff is an igneous rock that forms from the products of an explosive volcanic eruption. In these eruptions, the volcano blasts rock, ash, magma and other materials from its vent. This ejecta travels through the air and falls back to Earth in the area surrounding the volcano. If the ejected material is compacted and cemented into a rock, that rock will be called "tuff."


This is fire becoming earth?

Arches...  and columns.   I think code here 1 & 0 
The black cat with it's ass to me on the roof, is the female independent aspect of me, that turns back to try and take my logical mind along... not the first time I've done this, but last time it was my male aspect that waited!

Tortoise, hummm I had turtle a few weeks ago...   often these are a symbol of the earth.    Reptile, so ancient, slow, steady... lol carries the world on it;s back.  So meby these are representation that I am aware I create my reality, so why did I pick it up and put it on a piano? 

An instrument?  instrument to create or recreate...

Sooo  I'm creating or recreating a reality, were my female waits for my male.

I change the aspect of the dream for all of the DC's   SO I know I'm the game master as such in this dream reality.   It doesn't trouble me that others aspects of me are not willing to join yet. 

Creative and logic me go back to the water...    unity/emotion.

There is a carved channel... oh, so I've done this before!   But this time, I'm going against the tide & natural flow!
So I'm not waiting any-more,  Oh!   The sleepy ladybirds, we heading for my birthday and Imbolc

So we follow the source of the flow away from oneness, it takes us west.   Were the Sun sets... Oh!  Sun SET! Death of the sun.   We get there and set a bird on fire,

Associated with the Sun, a phoenix obtains new life by arising from the ashes of its predecessor. According to some sources, the phoenix dies in a show of flames and combustion, although there are other sources that claim that the legendary bird dies and simply decomposes before being born again.


I'm dreaming pagan stuff again :P

Bring on Spring !!!!

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