Tuesday, 10 January 2017

Flying Cat and War with Money.

I had wired dreams last-night... quite stressful.   (although I did feel a shift yesterday from water to air...  (Possibly this is coming full moon  and the approach of Aquarius)    and I'd swapped my bracelet for a Jade one and this might have been the change. 

Soo  The night before my dreams were firstly of disintegrating and then of being on a wind swept scrub-land with a small tent, I played cards with a friend and we slept in the tent out of the wind. 

Last night first dream was of being outdoors at night, there was a perpetration for a party going on the was lots and lots of people who had come to dance, there were tents for us to rest in with strange fractal gems and as we danced stuff disintegrated.

Then the stressy dream, I was finishing a course in a country and town at war.

The opposition was 'corporations & money'  - the people didn't even seem to know what they were fighting against though, and were under the impression it was the same allover.   I knew that the bombs were coming soon.... and would drop (these were like the reality bombs I sometimes get in dreams...  they destabilise reality's and make jumping easier)

I was trying to leave, but my cat was there too.  I needed to get onto a plane to leave, and couldn't find my cat's passport and rabies certificates.... when I woke up I'd got all the cat stuff I needed and was chatting to someone at the airport about were to board the cat.


When I woke up I came down to the radio talking about this - http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-politics-38549807  Mainly about a USA& UK trade deal.    I knew my dream had been about this, before Brexit the left in the UK had worked and in hand with Europe to stop the transatlantic trade deals, as it would allow US corporations to much power over elected governments  (To do with publicly owned infer-structure/healthcare and agriculture. ) 

I know that's what my dream was about,    I'm getting prompted to work on it spiritually.  (

The cat could be independent me....  the dilemma to interfere or leave.  Or it could be greed,   sometimes when my cat's in a dream she'd fat and asleep and that means greed and materialism :stuck_out_tongue:

Hummmmm  to know what my responsibility is?? I used to  be scared of that word :stuck_out_tongue:

Now I know it means I just have the ability to respond.

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