Monday 30 January 2017

Very wired dreams!

First dream I was I think was possibly my childhood bedroom.   It's night and dark and I was in bed with an old school friend trying to sleep.  In the room was a ghost or something.   Things kept moving/changing.  It had woke us up.  The person who I was in bed with swapped into someone else another guy from school (I think these were playing male me) .... still toys kept moving.   
It was a bit freaky so we decided to have sex to distract ourselves.    At this point a cat appears that also wants to get involved with the sex  -  she keeps charging and jumping at our genitals!  
This made us laugh and stop.
Sex wasn't going to work as a distraction due to this crazy cat so the guy went to see what toys were moving.... there were some of them wind-up chatty teeth that kept going and going...    as he approached them they flew of the shelf and onto the floor.  

Next some toy cars moved, he knelt down to look at them and I stuffed my-head over the side of the bed and pointed to a toy tractor moving back and forth beside him.   When I looked again I could see the ghost of a small boy perhaps 3 years old, he had ginger curly hair and green dungarees... he tried to grab a teddy I held... I was going to yell 'No' then realised I'd scare him so I asked him 'Please... not that one '
He smiled and went back to playing with the Tractor.


Next a vission.

With the smell of singed furr or feathers... I was sitting on sand, drawing with sticks and placing runes into a pattern that had something to do with planetary conjunctions.


Another odd dream  later in the night a wedding that I was travelling far to go to, I'd forgotton not had time to get a gift.

Odd bridesmades... one was  familiar also with ginger hair...  she had gold tulle in it and wired white old fashioned bloomers with blue dried flowers on them and she had tiny bright violet eyes. 
When I commented on her strange eyes she pulled down her bizarre pants to show me she was a he!   *shrug*   
After that I was watching the couple unwrap there presents, they'd been given some really wired things like the front seat of a car!  When they brought out the wedding meal we all got one small boiled potato.

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