Monday, 23 January 2017

Mechanical worlds.

First thing I recall was being on a massive metal spinning fairground ride.   It was very fast and very mechanical..     There was nothing 'fair' about it, it was more like being inside a machine.  It's made of dark grey iron.

The setting on the machine I was placed in was flapping around and I could see a nut that needed clipped....  oh yeh, it was organic too as when I flipped the metal but to the clip the clip knew to catch onto it.    It was intense g-force on this thing....  and it was also something to do with marriage!    

The setting is in a underground city....   So we are in a huge industrial cave underground, the lighting is warm but low, quite natural looking possibly torches.   When the ride It stops I walked out of there into what seemed like a stone cathedral but also still underground, it had huge stone pilers and arches holding up the cave roof, old fashioned oil lanterns hanging from brackets on the side.   I was walking down the central cavern that was covered with cobbled stone when a small child approaches me and asks if I'm a vet nurse - he needs someone to help with his soft toys :)  So I go with him.

We port outside onto some grass by a road it's sunny, the kid has a picnic style soup kitchen for stuffed toys! I go and sit with him on the grass and we give plastic food to homeless teddies and dolls.


Next dream Is very odd.
I'm at a posh venue and I'm on roller-skates serving drinks!   Attached to it is a school type office. 

This bit was wired as the people in the party were people I've not seen in many many years from high school. 
They were young like they were then...  there was a wired vibe about it all with some being elitist. (The vibe of the dream was one of inequality) 

I wasn't bothered for me (as I was there working/on mission) but some people were upset at the way the elite were treating them.    I knew there was a party that only a select few were invited to, I made a point of mentioning it in a passive aggressive kind of way to the birthday girl (who I think was playing the role of elite(due to the fact she's now loaded)
She kind of made a show of saying she'd forgotten to invite me but I told her I didn't want to go - which I didn't I was just mainly being provocative but also I was just wishing her happy birthday.    Then she burst into tears!   

The dream jumps to were the party is happening, I'm outside but I'm there as I had something to do in the building below..    I'm speaking to a friend who tells me he's going to move his family to Stockton...  I tell him Darlington is better and I show him a vision of burnt out council estates and housing and destroyed high-schools. (Which is odd, as I'm showing him a vision of another dream I've had when I was doing something around the burnt buildings- it was also linked to mythical lake, and a group of people )   

It was an odd dream set in a world like this but with much worse inequality. 

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