Sunday, 29 January 2017

Lots of Coffee.. and Lots of Dreams.

First dream I felt like I was water but I was frozen, but then I melted and gradually turned to steam.

Then a very long rambly dream set in dream Seahouses, It starts in Pinnacles as an Amusement arcade, I work there.  I have a photo that moves like the ones in Harry Potter.. it pans round a whole scene.  In it is my daughter she's having a play-date and I need to collect her.

I find her in a large house on the seafront, it's the house that got burnt out a few weeks back leaving nothing but arches and a horrible red carpet.

Oddly, I also drempt of being part of a kings death that night O.o

When I get to the house now it's been done up, but I remember it from the other dream with the burnt out arches.
We are in a room downstairs with long trestle tables, the owner is a blind elderly woman - she has no teeth but she hugs me and tells me she 'see's' me and that I'm a good mother.
On the way out the front of the building was like a cross between a very old inn/museum/junk shop.

Oh wow!   They had these old artefacts that In my dream I knew and recognised.... 

I knew in the dream it was knights Templar.  I've just checked it and it is that!!   ...   the wired red cross thing, but in the dream it was carved onto a very old painted wooden throne. 

Hummmm....  I guess that fits with when I did a soul retrieval at the knights Templar blood ritual. (I'll type that up after)

I go out and next  It's sunny and I see the sea and beach. 
I remember I still have stuff to do and
I have to collect another image from someone I know called Ruth (in the dream people I knew as teenagers are there all the same age)  It's an image that was in an old magazine and it's important.  I walk up the main street and realise that they need a modern coffee shop (this is wired I duno why I'd think this)
I meet Ruth and her now husband and there friends and I follow them threw the village which is more of an obstacle course at one point we climb over rocks and what looks like exposed coral - it's been painted in rainbow colours.    I'm kinda stuck on it and then it all crumbles into little rainbow shards... I then find an office chair I can use to climb out of the rock hole.   I keep following them up and down until Zak woke me up.

Next dream I'm in a massive barn looking out onto summer countryside it's open at the front and I'm looking after some horses in it.  There is also an old grey elephant on the platform above... and people serving tea and coffee.   A man with me keeps passing hay up to the elephant...    it's making it restless, eventually the elephant charges threw the cafe area and down to were the doors are it's owner tries to stop it but fails..  I follow the elephant out onto the strange hillside - non of the trees and plants are familiar.     I follow the elephant and then find some pink baby lotion that's been spilt from a bottle and I try and put it back in.


Next dream is a wired setting of a Victorian science lab that is also a coffee shop, it's got long black benches and the sunken sinks with long thin black taps.   The benches are tiered, and at the front is small tables with groups of people who want coffee.    All the machines are out of order and I'm supposed to make the coffee one cup at a time straining the grains and boiling the water for each cup.

It's taking me ages to make each cup, I eventually make one then take it to serve Ann (who keeps popping into my dreams!)  As I put it down the cup vanishes and only the saucer remains. 

Frustrated I go back up to the other waitress and tell her that we have to make it by the jug full and get a hotplate working.    I sort out the machines and make a large jug of coffee.... 

I get called down to the front of the cafe, there is going to be a show/performance/game (it's to do with fire/water/flood)  I've been picked for a roll, we look like fancy dress pirates... they are trying to get me to take a weapon, I don't really want one but eventually take a red plastic sword. 

Sooo the pirates make me think of this dream.... 

Knights Templar Dream...from 2013.

Cafe/Restaurant/Vets type of building... it's dark with stacks and stacks of old plates.  It's a little like an old fashioned school canteen/sanatorium. 
The building is crumbling down and very old fashioned, all the staff are leaving.   Boss is upset as they are saying that they will get paid more at MacDonald's.  There are piles of dirty plates and dishes all over...... I stay to work.

The back of the cafe is very strange like an antique shop, filled with many strange artefacts, I go below to a room, there is Latin writing over the door and I can read it.   It leads to many underground tunnels that go on for miles and miles, they are furnished with old red runner carpet and occasional bits of furniture and old fashioned sofas.
I enter a room of the corridor and as I walk in I get possessed of something, something flyes fast into my neck on the left and I float up to the ceiling of the room ranting and raving.... the room changes and I'm watching a Knights Templar Blood Ritual..... they can't see me and after the all leave via the door into the long corridor. 

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