Friday, 27 January 2017

Rock SeeSaw and Dwarf Elemental.


I met the dwarf last-night in my dream I was talking to him, but also morphing in and out of him so I was him talking to me too......   He was also shape-shifting.  It was odd, as first he was young then old, so I was tugging his beard to see if it was real... but then I had the beard and could feel it being pulled. 

I have no recollection of what 'I' was in the dream.   I was asking him if he was a dwarf of a half-ling?     he replied sort of, and that he was elemental.   I get the impression he's a masculine earth aspect.    It reminds me of when female fire used to pop into my dreams alot and help, I knew she was part of me.

I'm beginning to think this is the bit of me I've been tracking/meeting/getting to know on and off over the winter months - I'll have to have a read threw all my other dreams and see how it fits together.

The dwarf was associated with the number 22 as well,   there were like 2 dreams overlayed one was story, and the other numbers and symbol they stuff.   The dwarf was 22, and waves in the sea were 33


My dreams were broken...   but hum.  The first was of a school and we'd just finished learning something so were having a party. 

Then the rest was jumbled with waking up.   The things that stood out were something that looked like grey megaliths... the kind of blue/grey stones like Stonehenge. 

I remember being on some grass and grey stones coming up out of the ground/earth   around me, they looked like standing stones.  But then stopped surrounding me, it felt like I was standing in the fingers of a hand, were the palm was hidden below me and only the fingers rising out of the earth.

Next think I remember is a massive monolith also grey/blue same stone.... it's laid on it's side like the needle in a compass or the spinner in a board game... it's balanced in it's centre.     It's reminiscent of a playground roundabout / see-saw and I want to play... but it doesn't work with one.   SO I split myself into two and we climb up onto each end of the stone to play.....  it rocks and spins!

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