Friday, 27 January 2017

Journying, and a Meditation Class.

First dream woke at 3.28

It was set in a old caravan in a forest and there was a group of us, humm    around 8 Chelsea and a friend I know here called Claire were among us.   We were a mix of ages, the youngest around 5 years and the oldest a man in his 50's with short hair and a beard. 
We were doing shamanic journeying and recording what we were doing on an old fashioned  vidio recorder.   On the film guides and auras and all kinds of stuff not obviously visible was showing up.  The young girl had light coming out her throat when she opened her mouth  white but breaking into the spectrum a little like light reflected from a  diamond.   like she was glowing inside.
I was getting a bit impatient with everyone faffing round so I was the first to journey.   I was talking out loud my journey so they could record it.  I went to a cavern under an ocean, it was lit by crystals, I remembered I needed to bring something back to help remember so I created a shell hair slide

When my awareness came back into the caravan it was all going a bit crazy..... more people had started to materialise in there too, mainly school children in uniforms, they were afraid of something.    It was getting kinda crowded so I took some of the kids outside to tell me what they were scared of.... we also had a magic map we could use to navigate to different reality's, everything was connected and we could pick a map location and teleport there.


Next dream is a strange group/sect learning about meditation. 
It's being managed/run by a guy with a shaved head in long colourful robes, we are learning sleep/ meditation techniques.... It seems ok then he starts pushing Jesus as everyone's saviour and I'm annoyed he didn't make his intention clear from the start, I want to know why he had abandoned the Goddess. 


Dream after I was arguing with Ian, something to do with an apple (Oh the spell!)  O.o

Anyway...   We were in a wired twilight world...  with houses on stilts and mossy grass banks, and there was a quiz/argument/lesson/ about who was right, but neither was right. 

I was trying to get alone, I ported into some sand... as I walk along the tide is very high and it comes up over the dunes and onto a road. 


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