Sunday, 1 January 2017

Two Horses on a Train.

I'm on a journey with 2 horses leading them, one is black and one white.   I am leading them with ropes.   
I take them onto a train, it's quite a wide train, reminds me of the Metropolitan line on the Underground.
So there is plenty of room for them to stand, there doesn't seem to be any other people. 
I take them a few stops into a built up area and walk them up and over a bridge were one horse runs off, I chase it and get it back when a car pulls out causing the horse to stop. 

I decide its time to take them back to the country so get the train again, once we get off I ride one horse and lead the other back to the stables were they live.   I brush them and give them food and water. 

The cottage I find myself at is an old farmstead.   2 Irish men come to the door asking for paid work.  I suspect that they are dodgy but tell them there is an old gate to fix as I feel sorry for them. 

They set about mending the gate, but I know that they are bringing more of there friends to help who will want money too.  

I make my way back into the farm cottage it's in a dated 40's style and quite unkempt, going threw a door I notice that inside the cottage is a medieval chapel.

It's partly ruined, the columns are only half there and the roof that is long destroyed has been replaces with glass, in contrast to the rest of the cottage it's clean inside and bright.  The columns are ancient and worn smooth with age. 

There are 2 females that look after the inner chapel and  keep it clean.  Beautiful delicate fresh white wild flowers are round the place in small glasses.   
At the back is an old fashioned post office counter!  I know the woman who works there and go and withdraw some money to pay the men working on the gate outside.... she tells me they need a new village hall.


Next dream.  It's Niki's birthday and we are going to stay in a hotel for 2 nights to celebrate...  the hotel is more of a beer garden as it's all outside with fire-pits for cooking.  I'm the first to arrive from our group.   Next to arrive is a woman I know locally she's a childminder, she tells me she's about to buy a house that belongs to Dominic (the owner of the health-food shop here) 
I know this house in life as I randomly called a woman on day (she was part of my journey)  I ask about the room with the glass wall... this was an area that the woman did treatments in, it over looked the trees and woods.  I'd had a very profound meeting with here there. 

The woman buying the house didn't know, and showed me the deeds and floor plans.  In the dream this place is huge, it's a hotel and a school too, we are transported there and I'm walking round on the roofs.   I realise the school has a pool there too and it can be made into a special education area.   When I walk up the roofs into the hotel area the top is open to the air and sitting on the ground at low tables are people cooking meals on small burners they look like the metal bits of car wheels... but they are scrubbed shiny, with fires below and grills on the top.  

Each group at a burner has brought there own food and is preparing different meals.   I walk threw them and down some stairs to get back outside.  

Once outside the scene changes again to a housing estate.... there is a press photographer coming to take a picture.    I notice that the people in the estate are dead members of my mothers family as they were years ago. 

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