Wednesday, 18 January 2017

Scotish Accent and a Dwarf.

One long dream - that I kept going back into.

It starts in a tall featureless white room, I feel we are high up as I'm aware of stuff happening below, I think some vehicle is being repaired.    I'm making a vegetable soup and the floor is a light wood colour.  It's covered in black hair, that I'm sweeping up.

People come in and out of the room to get the soup, they are working below.  One of the people who comes in is small...   but not young.  He's one of the old races a dwarf or half-ling he dances with me, and I ask him to marry me?!?!   He leaves again but we are betrothed now.

Zak wakes me so I go settle him...

Back into a dream were I'm still betrothed to this strange bloke.   This time the setting is different, I'm in a lower ground floor of a tall building...  Ann (vet) is there, and the room we are in is large  and very busy.  Some people I know and others are strangers but everyone seems to know someone else in the room.  

It's a vet surgery/hospital again white featureless and bright.    Ann is the mother of my betrothed but also runs the hospital/vets we are in, I work there.    There is talk about a cardiologist coming in to do a talk on resuscitation and people are putting there names down to be present, but also social arrangements are being made the room has a large white island table in the centre and white continuous sofas round the outside.   Groups are lounging and chatting and one person is walking round with a huge blue cuddly giraffe toy that has 8 legs.  

Everyone is very very surprised at  the betrothal of this guy 'David or Dave'  as he was so 'different' it was assumed by all including himself he would never marry.    I'm surprised to, as firstly I don't like/agree with marriage! and secondly I've no idea who he is.   He has siblings too and they are all slightly suspicious of me.   

Dave and his parents go into a side room to talk about me and the betrothal - my shift is over and I want to know if I'm on the rota for the following day so I go to the room too and knock.  It has one of them wired eye/peep holes in it and I can see Ann's eye looking at me.   I can also hear them telling David he needs to ask me to dinner and get to know me.

I shout threw the door I need to see the shift rotas, they  unlock and open the door for me.  As I enter David smiles at me politely but then his father jumps in front with a box and says 'Do you want money?'  I laugh, as say 'Doesn't everyone but I'm here to check the rota to see when I'm working'  
He has a small old cardboard box filled with fake money.   David asks me if we can go to dinner - I tell him yes and he offers me a lift home.  
One of his brothers leaves with us and we get into a dirty wired car, they sit in the front and I get into the back seat but for some reason I refuse to sit or ware a seat belt and lay down along the back sear... 
They are annoyed and drive really badly intentionally trying to get me to fall of the seat....  I'm totally indifferent to them and I'm laying down so I can look up.  Up above I can see amazing ancient tall buildings with 1000's and 1000's of tiny pains of old fashioned leaded glass..    They look like a mish mash of ancient and modern... like if Tudors did skyscrapers!   The light reflecting of them looks amazing...
I arrange to meet him at the exit to an underground train station later that day. 

I don't remember anything until I next see him....   He's standing at the top of an elevator across a street I decide to get there via a short cut threw a university building. 
Again these are multi story buildings..   I plan to go in one building up and a cross and then down another to get across the street.   As I enter the first building 2 blond guys come up to me and ask if I want to come with them to a party, I politely refuse and head to the stair well.   I seem to be a residential halls building it's consists of small comfortable rooms with only a bed or comfortable chair in each decorated with coloured cushions or bedspreads. All the rooms are arranged round a spiralling stair well one small room on each landing so all the people are in the stair well.   It's a squeeze to get past them, the rooms and stairs are filled with beautiful half dressed young females getting ready to go out... there are also a couple of dogs too a Dobermann and a ridge-back.  It's all quite distracting as I squeeze past them all but I remember I'm in the city to meet someone.   So I make my way up first one stairwell go along and then down another.

It takes me ages and I remember it's freshers week, and my short cut wasn't short at all.  I reach the elevator but David isn't there so I enter the cafe were we were heading too...   I look around the tables but don't see him anywhere - I'm quite late now.   I notice him sitting on a sofa in the corner and go over to apologise for being late.  

I kneel down by the sofa so I can see him, and start to apologise but stop cause of the way he's looking at me.   He's hyper real, serious and intense he speaks to me and like the guy in the cafe last night his accent is Scottish. 

He says.   'Now then, what's all this? If ye want ta ken what I'm thinking, just look me in the eyes' 

His eyes are amazing....  very very dark warm brown almost like portals..      I wake up! 

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