Monday, 24 October 2016

Another Dragon Dream.

Dreams from all night again, it feels like I'm home. Hard to put into words, but It's wired waking up again. I'm noticing pattens in the types of dreams that happen at different times.

The first part of the night first hr or so... Just awesomeness, I'm vast, so huge so aware no body no mind... spreading out threw a space type void. Lots of stuff going on at once, I'm observing that which holds and that which flows.

Then toddler wakes me and it felts so odd trying to wake up..... like I've had to leave most of my mind behind to fit back into my body and go and see what he wanted..... like trying to squash what you are into your little toe and then function :P

I went back to sleep to have the strangest dream of my life... like a wired parody of my life/dreams/messages but while in it didn't realise It was me :/

The dream was of a female in an ancient castle or fortress. She is confined to a small room, but can dream and travel into the rest of the castle. She's guided by poetry, visions and dreams and her job is to fix things.
In the dream she keeps getting taken to story in the tower with no windows, there are 2 skeletons and 2 fruit that look like apples. She needs to balance and integrate them into each other... but all she can use is her awareness. It take her a good few dreams, as she can't directly influence anything.
When she dose manage to line them up they transform into a jewelled golden chalice that clatters across the stone floor and then a giant beautiful dragon starts to appear it's got violet and red overlapping triangular scales, I feel like I'm inside it looking back at myself.

Was wired waking up from this :P As it wasn't until I was awake I remembered the other dragon dreams or anything else.

Next dream was trains/time & books.... info tunnels.   Three of them weaving like strings to make patterns.
I was aware I was 'writing' a book but it was un- 'sequential'
It seemed like others were in this place, I was helping with the lucidity levels and recordings.
I opened a door and found myself in the wrong place, a massive wooden road shaped like a cross roads with a roof.

I'd popped out into a 'station' where a 'Royal Possession' O.o was starting.
There was a very disabled king and his helper, they were dressed in red,black gold and white... they were trying to get the king into a gold carriage to wheel him past people & well-wishers - but he was really ill.

The royalty & staff didn't seem bothered I was there but I was trying to hide from the crowds... It all seemed odd and kinda tragic.

Again toddler wakes me.

Next dream jumped round lots, a mix of places I have lived and worked and people I have known. It was also set in the future I think.
Most of the buildings were 'vet' animal medical. I seemed to have worked at many of them (though they were a blend of places some real some from dreams)
As far as I could understand I was employed at all of them at the same time but the head nurses seemed to keep forgetting I was on the staff rotation until I was in the building.... perhaps  I was more of a floating locum.
I was washing surgical kits for sterilisation... I think I had new tools I was adding, it was wired, the pet owners and pets seemed to recognise me more than the other staff.
I was also painting the sky to help with the weather and helping with some experiments.
I also went for a walk round the dream town to look at all the new places, they looked interesting, modernised.
I tried to buy some bread at a stall but the staff in an indoor market didn't trust me as my money looked wired, I remember being kinda annoyed at them as I was trying to do them a favour by shopping there.

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