Thursday, 13 October 2016

Dreams from 2012.... Now I'm upside down I can see!

Dreams from 2012...    I will just stick them here... they are upside down, like me!   So might make more sense to start at the end.  I realise I've been dreaming threw the Heroes journey...   The tarot archetypes...

I think it's time to set them free and ground them now into the web/matrix/grid   what ever it is we are doing here!    Sorry about the spelling!

26 September 2013
Fay had a dream last night about her new baby brother.
In the dream she was talking to her new bro, but he was stuck inside a rainbow colored seashell :D
Symbolism really made me giggle.

6 June 2013
I had such a funny dream last night were me and my Partner Ian were bickering.
The reason! An awful shit filled stinking red portable toilet that Ian had got cheep and was so pleased with and protective of :D
He was trying to justify keeping it in our house!
- We both laughed about it this morning. Ian is a hoarder and we have a small house, I'm currently trying to persuade him to get rid of some of his crap so we can store our newly acquired camping gear.

9 May 2013
A dream that turned lucid.
I was getting married to my cousins husband in the dream, I can't remeber why as we were not in love, and he loved my cousin.
Straight after the service he took of his suit and went to see my cousin I was left in a wedding dress outside a hotel on my own.
Having nothing better to do I decided to go for a fly :)
I took off and was heading straight up quite fast until I 'popped' out of the earths atmosphere very suddenly it was like going threw a membrane.
I became lucid as I popped out so just waited to see were the dream would go next.
There were lots of different planets with stuff going on, and there was a 'hell'
I was curious as to what 'hell' was like so I'd decided to go look. The gate was funny, like a cheep theam park ride with loads and loads of people queuing up to get in.
I remember wondering why they didn't go of to do something else rather than just wait in this line to go to hell :P After looking at the hell q I'd decided I wasn't standing in line to look at hell so went of to look at something else that was going on.
Annoyingly Ian's alarm woke me up before I got anywhere else.

24 April 2013
I was going to be executed, and was waiting.
I felt lonely then someone joined me and made a warm bath stone pit for me to wait in they stayed with me.

2 April 2013
Setting was like a big shopping mall type of thing. All the people had been turned into asleep zombies I had these blue flashing buttons that I could attatch to people by sticking them to there necks and they would wake up that person and all the people near them.
So there's a small group of us running round trying to stick blue buttons on people. There was also some wired oriental gang leader who seemed to want the zombies to stay, so we needed to avoid him but wake up the people working for him.

10 March 2013
I was in the council estate where I grew up, but it was bleack as hell! The sky was a grey/red colour and for some reason the council had removed all the roads, gardens, trees fences and on the ground between the houses was black sticky wired tarmac stuff.
It was oppressively dark. kind of crumbling houses in a sea of smelly black sticky tar. (I think we were kept there as prisoners of a sort)
I started to hack away at the sticky layer and found that the grass was still alive under it..... I gradually cleared more of it and as I cleared the houses near mine got brighter. It was like the grass was glowing.
As other saw me they started to cover there crumbly houses with bright colored graffiti, the more of us working the more diffrence we made,more and more people got involved clearing the blackness and coloring there houses, it got brighter and brighter

8 March 2013
First thing I remeber is being told my head had to be empty for the dream to work. I don't think it was cause I went into the dream the wrong way.
I was in what the caretaker called the 'back end' of the dream.....
There were wires and circuit boards allover it was I suppose like behind scenes at a studio but very white and bright.
The onnly person I could find there was a caretaker with a wheely bin and a brush, he was the one who explained I was in the wrong part of the dream I was hungry and he shared some chips with me.
After the chips he took me to a turn-style were I could get into the dream. I can't remember much of the dream it's self other than it was colorful like an Asian wedding and seemed very staged.

12 March 2013
Semi lucid messy kind of state. I was again in the dream version of my childhood house.
I was floating round the rooms. Bumping into the ceiling and stuff, I was having a vauge kind of conversation with someone about the state of the human race, but also 'alien' DNA mixed with humans. There was awareness of other dreams and other ideas while I was bobbing round banging my face on the ceiling

13 March 2013
Another lucid dream.
I was in a bed reading, as I looked at the book I realised the book I was reading wasn't in English - and thus realized I must be dreaming (cause I only know English)
It was a harsh realization and I thought I'd woken myself up becoming lucid. It was while looking at a 2nd book, still in the same bed I realised I was still asleep as this time the words had numbers in them too.
I started to look more closely at the book, and it started to unfold into a fractal flower type of shape. I felt myself leaving my body sideways - but I wasn't crazy about that sensation and snapped myself back into it.
After I was back in my dream body I decided to look round the dreamscape. I floated round taking it in. It was a massive posh type of house with big elabrate staircases and 100's of types of plants. Many were growing in tall rooms with glass ceilings big enough for 6 or 7 really lush looking trees.
Josh woke me up while I was exploring.

7 March 2013
Hard to discribe dream, I wish I could just upload my head to a youtube vid :P
It was an insane kind of underground steam and metal world.
Hard to describe, but a huge dark underground all metal complex, filled with huge and a little scary mechanisms were (it reminded me of when I was a kid and engines frightened me)
First off I was in a vast corridor going on for miles with what looked like 4 huge screws traveling down the middle of the tunnel, a massive machine with drill heads traveled up and down the screw lines. It bizzarly had something to do with cleaning toilets :P (I think I needed to pee)
The main part of the dream was competitions, that took part in elaborately encased dark and steamy metal rooms.
I was paired with another person in a 2v2 room.
The rooms were full of amazing carved cogs and pistons, steam and wizzy things.
We had a set amount of life and to 'win' we needed to turn of valves at the top of the room on our side.
Our set up was metal platforms over boiling water, with traps and wired stuff in the middle.
Our health/life could be restored by a feather. We each had a personal feather in the room, and that feather could be licked briefly to bring us back to full health.
Each feather had 4 charges and needed to be put down again down after each lick :P
It was really intense, though we were all aware it was a game. Oddly intimate too, with the other person on my team mainly in the way we looked out for each other.
We lost, and then got sucked out of the room, I remeber feeling happy for the people who had won the right to defend the room.

3 March 2013
I had the most visually amazing dream last night with lots of you guys in :D
I don't know if it was earth we were on, things were similar but different.
We were in a large expanse of what was like ancient grassland with huge tall trees that were shaped like magic mushrooms.
We were in a massive encampment of humanity, and had a picnic table. M was there and Lynn, Jane, Austin, Lorna Taji and more of us..... we were waiting, there was an air of excitement and anticipation. The camp of people went on as far as the eye could see in all directions, but we were dwarfed to insignificance by the epicness of the wilderness around us. I guess I could feel more than see the others.
In the first part we are laying looking up a grass bank to a pink sky between the huge sparse mushroom trees. Floating threw the sky are blue prints or patterns for human like species, there kinda made out of light. (a bit like them trippy luminous squid things in the deep sea) We seem to lay for hrs watching and pointing.
Then the dark clouds come. Rolling in and blocking out all of the pink sky. Untill it's soooo dark with only a faint red light at the distant horizons.
With cracks of thunder parts of the clouds open and what look like rivers of water fall from the sky onto the people below. We got really cold and wet, but the excitement was still there.
As fast as the darkness had appeared, it started to break again. The pink light started peaking threw again and the dark clouds were breaking up and falling to the ground in what looked like lumps of candyfloss. In with the cloud lumps were these 'seeds'
They were shaped like big spherical dandelion clocks and fell slowly like snow.... we were calling them snow seeds there arrival caused lots of cheering and hugging as we jumped about to try and catch them. It was really cool :D Everyone was supper loved up and embracing each other.
That's as far as I got as Josh woke me up looking for a toy

24 February 2013
I had another of my school type dreams last night.
I was in a residential school, we'd all passed our last exams and were getting ready to move on. It was sad, I remember many of us were reluctant to go cause we'd has such good fun.
I was with a small group of close friends the main thing I remeber was we had really wired silly granny type of clothes on.... each of us different different and miss matched except for we all wore the same 3 colours, an odd mix of deep green, deep purple with bright yellow. We looked fairly hideous tbh

15 February 2013
I was in my childhood home. My parents were there but also my kids.
There was something odd going on outside electric cable were stretching and pulling apart.
There was a broken cable right outside the door, with sparks and lightning coming from it. I wanted to call the electric company to come and sort it, but when I went to the net to get there number my keyboard had melted and was about to set on fire.
I chucked a damp towel over it and as trying to use my mobile before it went off too. I woke up after than.

25 January 2013
I had a string of wired dreams, with interludes were I seemed to be talking to people about them.
One was writing allover the floor, I was seriously angry about it... and the more angry I got the more writing there was. I'd realized it was a 'dream' and it vanished, but the other person in the dream started getting me to see it again.
Next bit I'm in a wired science lab with glass down one side that lookes over a large aircraft hanger, there are some aliens that have parked there spaceship down there.
When I go over to look there's a wired energy in that corner I think it's me at first, but it seems to have a 'will' different to mine but I merge with it when I'm close to it.
The other lab person tells me to move back to him, as I move away all the taps on the sinks come on full quite quickly water overflowing from the bench sinks.
We run round trying to turn of the taps but they come on faster than we can manage. After that a 'team' of another 3 people come into the lab, 2 of them are alien.... we go sit were the other 'will' is to discuss our next project, but we just end up smoking very old style pipes of tobacco.
Next bit I'm photocopying, with a huge old school copier, it's a balck & white 2 sided folded publication some how the copyer folds it to, but it keeps getting jammed.... It's jammed with wired things like shoes and food :P
After that it get's all wacky, people are bleeding and stuff like white PVA glue is coming from there noses and out of spots!
Theirs a huge pile of black and white cows all asleep in the back of the photo copyer and there's an assassin writing a book in a house on a hill with a green gate. I'm ment to be watching him, but I'm to busy trying to unjam the phto copyer and wash the blood out of every ones white clothes.

Most odd scrambled head stuff

13 January 2013
Dream was visual really nice, so I'd decided to take pics.
Some scenes up a mountain, then forest and some awesome clouds.
Some really old moss covered trees, with this hanging lichen that glowed pink (that was amazing)
Then some old ruins of a funky castle. All of a sudden my phone was full, and I couldn't take any more piccs. When I looked at the most recent pics they were of a public toilets and wash basins.... that I hadn't taken.
I said to the person I was with oh I guess that must be this place up here, and we walked in to find the toilets in the photos.
---- Kinda kicking myself this didn't make me lucid :P but at the time it felt perfectly natural to have a time loop, and have taken the piccys before I got into the room

10 January 2013
Fun dreams of party's and dancing, the first was a Halloween fancy dress dance, then it moved onto squat party's.
It had lots of friends 10years ago in.... my clothes were really odd, at one part I had on wooden clogs and trousers made of big bits fat of cane so my knees didn't bend.

9 January 2013
Dream with 2 different endings.
I start to remember it from being in bed with an x partner, the building is communal and some relatives and lots of strangers live in it.
Lots of people keep coming into the room I'm in and bringing random things.
A guy comes in with 5 cat's and 3 kittens (our room happens to be full of mice that the cat's and kittens want to chase)
I get out of bed to help the guy with the cats.
ending 1)
I look out of the window the veiw is a smoky red brick city, and opposite our building is a huge elaberate crazy place, like lots of terreces of houses all piled ontop of each other, with stairs winding up the outside. I can see smoke rising like it's on fire so I go to see if I need to call fire brigade.
When I get there it turns out to be a really crazy run down hotel, and theres a lady having a bbq outside her front door part way up. She tells me it's her smoke, I'm not entirely convinced she could be making that much smoke so I keep walking up wired staircases on the outside of the building till I find a kitchen that is on fire.
Every one evacuates, and we end up in a carpark marked like chessboard.... it has small wooden forts in and were spilt into 2 groups to play a game. (then Ians alarm woke me up)
Ending 2) I go back to sleep but the dream restarts from the man with cat's in room.
This time the man is leaving us with all the cat's to give to an elderly relative of mine in the same communal building. The cat's and the building have a really bad flea infestation going on.... but annoyingly only me out of the people are being bitten by them too.
The kittens are small and will get anemia if left with the flea burden so it turns into my job to get rid of the fleas ..... last part of the dream I was in a wired kind of vet's mixing up flea solutions and trying to get some tins of spray to unbug the building. (then my alarm went...... it feels unpleasant to be awake :D )

8 January 2013
A strange dark but entertaining dream.
Some kind of huge uni/complex. We were under attack of sorts and there was a small resistance of which I was a part.
There was soldiers allover shooting random people, me and about 6 others were being searched for.
We weren't sure which of us were still alive.
At one point I gave myself up to the other side as I distraction I think to stop them doing something bad.
They were going to kill me the following day as an example to the others.
I had an odd plan to survive by splitting myself into too toy fluffy rabbits and letting them kill one of me.
Annoyingly I didn't get to see how this was going to work out as the alarm woke me up

31 December 2012
Last night dreams were all unpleasant, and similar them.
I had a wired dream with 2 things, and a friends partner... it was really odd. The 2 things were not compatible (I think they were thoughts or words)
We kept jumping between thinking one thing then the other..... we felt trapped.
Next dream I remember Josh had jumped into a big deep river....
I saw his feet going under. I dived in to find him, but the water was really murky. I could just see him, I followed him down grabbed him and got him to the surface.
He was fine.
I was yelling at him about it.... I started to look for the other kids I had with me, and while doing that Josh jumped back into the river!
New dream with another river, this one was clear I was swimming round the river bed looking for something but I kept finding cut up manky body parts :/
Next dream I was in a bathroom beating up and attacking my own kids for using all the hot water?? I was kind of crazy with anger.
I kept picking them up and dropping them onto a stone tiled floor...... Also I kind of knew it was my fault anyway for letting the hot water out of the bath.
Then a dream about a partner who had murdered someones young daughter, he'd hid her body in bin bags and dumped it. I was really concerned for him that he was going to get caught and we were planning on trying to get out of the UK to Brazil.
O.o what a wired night of dreams!!! Non of them were nightmares as such, just really grim.

Such a nice dream :D
(I dream of schools/hallls of residence/uni/ lots. Often there empty and I'm all alone and everyone but me has gone)
Last nights was really different.
It was like the start of a new year, I was in a massive uni type of complex and people were arriving by the 100's.
It was an amazing celebration atmosphere, there was so many people I knew we were all young again. There was lots of hugging and shouting and yelling and jumping - everyone was really happy to be back together again.
Our new residence hall was up a massive stone spiral staircase. The room was huge, with no roof, and lots of fire places we all seemed to be magical.
We were all having a big party, and everyone was helping :) Some people were making food, some setting of fireworks others doing tricks.
One of my friends was mining gems from the palm of her hand, and another opening black holes in his fingertips.
I had the job of lighting all the fireplaces and keeping them burning.
It was such a lovely joy filled huggy dream :P
I was little miffed when Ian's alarm went of and I realized I wasn't cuddled with a huge pile of friends in front of a magic fire.

3 December 2012
writing this down so I remember it :)
Also it's the 2nd night in a row I've drempt of schools (normally that means I'm getting a lesson )
The setting was dry and very urban, lots of huge concrete towers, garages but no cars. No trees no grass. I had a room in a tower block, it was shared with another person that I didn't meet.
It had no windows just a bed, a bog and bit of storage.
Most of the people living in these tower blocks attended a big school/uni
I did to, but I was really lazy, I'd only taken a couple of classes so I had mainly free time and didn't need to visit the school much. I seemed to spend my time wandering round looking.
Anyway there was a big assessment going on in our tower block. I think it was like some big safety test (to make sure we knew what to do about fire/security and such.... it was a tenants test, i think there was a pass rate to be able to keep your room)
I'd already taken it, and got 93% there was a big fuss, 100's of people all trying to get into a large auditorium room to re-sit to see if they could better there score.
Rummer was there was a prize for the highest and lowest score, a girl I used to know was there and she asked me what score I'd got, and I told her 93% she was really miffed cause she had 92% and was the highest she knew off, she was upset someone lazy like me had a higher score.

2 December 2012
I was dreaming of explaining the flower of life pattern and how we are represented in it to an old school friend. (It was about how we are a ring, and the 'I' in the middle of each ring is created threw the interaction/reflection of the interlocking other rings.)
I was seeing it as I described it... when I finished talking and looked round for the friend, she wasn't there.
I was a little miffed that she'd found me so dull that she'd wandered of without even telling me :P
Then I noticed that she'd not wandered off but had turned into a old black and white cat that had curled up and fallen asleep.

28 November 2012
Last nights yoga, our teacher did lots of OM chanting energy raising, and 3rd eye & heart opening postures.
At the end we all did an earth/love meditation. It was as usual great.
As a result I had lots of astral type dreams, I vaguely remember meeting someone from the plaladies I'm sure she was blueish.... and there was some kind of symbol she was wearing on her face.
It's a little annoying cause it's just out of my recall to remember more.

26 November 2012
Wired and semi lucid dream.
It was some kind of disaster, or change anyway... but it felt like turning inside out.
Both the people and the planet... I could feel my energy all pulling in the other direction? Also the planet I was on seemed to be earth quaky and lots of water.
I had a hold of someone, who was dissapearing into a hole. They were kind of rubbery and kept morphing into wired terrible faces.....
They kept yelling to me that they were dieing.
It was odd cause I knew I was asleep, I kept a hold of this person (as they freaked out and morphed lots...... I herd myself telling them 'your not dieing, your made of love and you are eternal'
After that they smiled and me and dissipated - I woke up after that.

18 November 2012
I had quite a long dream, I don't remember that much of it but it was set in the dream version of the country surrounding the place I was born.
First there was a car race and then a crash.
When we got out to make sure the other driver was ok, his big black dog had it's paws over it's eyes, once the man came out ok though the dog was happy.
The car had crashed in a farm and as we were helping turn the mans car back over we realised this farm had 'sold out' and was making huge 1tone box's of Kellogg's cornflakes and giant jugs of milk. Each huge box was being put onto a single lorry and shipped out of the county. (wired)
After that I seemed to become someone working on the farm. I was Asian, and had an Asian twin sister.... there was a brother to, but he was ginger. I think we'd all been adopted to work on the giant cornflake farm.
I also had a lesbian lover that came to visit me in this dark barn we all lived in.
Next thing I remember was I needed to go to the next village, that involved a journy along this crazy little stone path, with castle style battlements and the sea on one side.
It was insanely windy, and everyone had to crawl along this small busy path as if you stood up you got blown into the sea.
Though it was fun to poke just your head over the wall so the wind blasted in your face. Along the path were resting places made of upturned boats with windows and braziers in..... these seemed to be full of happy sailor people drinking beer.
Then the kids woke me up. It was all very odd

Me and Ian both had mad dreams last night, his was about a telescope that was taken by of worlders and he went back in time with American Indians to get it back.
My first dreams were about a cottage near a railway junction in beautiful agless countryside, the house was full of ghosts and demons.
It was some friends of Ians that lived there and they'd invited us round to get our take on it.
I found the ghosts funny, they did stupid things like lifting up skirts or playing with children's toys.
There was all kinds of weirdness outside the house too - big moving shapes.
I sat with Ian at the door, there was this huge skeletal zomby thing running at the house looking fairly mean.
As it got close up I held up my hand and shouted stop! It did.... I then held out my hand to it and I asked it what it wanted and if I could help.
It smiled at me and said 'stay safe' then vanished.
After that some portal opened outside the cottage, there was an alien metal road and Ian had decided he was going to steal some of the road to sell.
The alien people were going to kill him, I asked them not to as our kids would miss him.... and I told them they could have me instead.
They seemed content with that, but they told me they wouldn't kill me I had to take the road metal but accept the corruption that came with it. I agreed... after that I joined some wired alien group that were doing interesting but not entirely ethical things.... It was kinda fun.
The 2nd dreams were about volcanoes erupting outside an elderly relatives house, they were like 3 mini volcanoes the ground kept shaking and they kept spewing hot stuff, there were also dogs everywhere.
This one didn't have much story line it was just kinda cool and very real.

I duno :P It was like glowing metal path made of tiny metal pebbles... but they were all shaped to fit together and polished. It was very pritty.
30 October 2012 at 09:22 ·
Andrea Shell Some of them had markings on, and others had holes in. It was like an iridescent purple metallic color.
Cause it was made of small individual bits and it was so cool looking Ian had prised some bits of it up to take.
They were the bits I had to take of him and accept there corruption

I had a selection of horrible scenario dreams last night. (I think it has something to do with my strep throat coming back.... I've got a feeling I need to battle the strep with no penicillin)
The dreams were,
Josh keeping running in front of cars, The vets were I used to work... we were there and we all had really heavy parasite burdens, heart worm, lung worm and all kids of yuckys..... on and the washing machine had broken and I was stuck hand washing shitty vet-beds.
Watching an ambulance driver get shot to bits while trying to help someone and everyone getting covered in blood.
A horrible comedown/drug withdraw/addiction experience were I was just sweating and voming for hrs.
My partner being in a hospital on chemo therapy for incurable cancer and while I was in the hospital all my bank cards getting stolen.
So as shitty dreams go I had a truck full :P Oddly they weren't 'too' distressing despite the obviously bleak and horrible theams. I was also aware of stuff going on in my throat, my eyes were gummy and joints achy.
I'm going to try a 48hr green veg fast, with beta glucan, echinchia and some homeopathic Merc Sol..... Oh and I'm going to ware blue :) I've got a feeling it's a blue ray issue!

31 July 2012
I had a dream in a dream lastnight.
First part was a long night walk threw northumberland (where I grew up)..
I was with a few people and we were walking from my old grans house to an auntys.
about 7 miles threw dark countryside.
There was a shop in the front of my aunts house, and then a dark back garden with lots of wired stuff the stars seemed to come right down to the grass.
In the garden were lots of other people, some awake and some asleep - it was fairly quiet and I whent to sleep there.
In the dream, dream. I'm a dragon/dinasoar type of thing.
I have a long pointed face and 2 triange shaped wings, a small pointed horn 2 clawed feet, scales and pointy teeth.
I can talk to the other dino's with thought. We have an underground city, with rivers flowing threw it - it's a bit of a dump.
Just a messy series of caves, mainly we live in a pine forest outside of the caves.
Our river is drying up, and we need the water to hatch our eggs.
We decided to dam the water flowing into the city with tree's and as one of the flying dinos I'm required to rip up trees and block the river as it flowes to the city.
Some time passed and a lake built up at the city wall, but the cave/city dwelling dino's got angry at us for blocking there river up.
I think they distroyed the dam causing a flood.... I do remeber we have a big fight about it though - a huge dino battle.
I was fighting in the air, I discoverd I could also heal other dinos using my horn - it was a bit like a my little pony horn :)
The battle is the last part of the dino dream I remember I fell from the sky with something I'd been healing and as I fell I fell back into the first dream.
But I was still a dino, but smaller - human size. It was daytime and ended up going to a school/church type of place, lots of old school friends were there and were all dressed in white robes, like school nativity angels.
I was still scaly and wired, they all seemed to be afraid/repulsed by me. I wasn't to bothered cause I could still fly and it seemed like a fair trade :P
The last bit of the dream I was exploring the buildings and watching people.

24 July 2012
The other semi-reacent lifetime dream.... I think it was the end of last summer. (I just copyed an pasted from were I posted it :P)
I had such a beautiful dream last night. It felt like it lasted a lifetime...... hence it's long
I was myself, human and I lived naked in a large deep lake were I was able to breath in the water.
The pool was in the most beautiful setting, surrounded by light forest with perpetual low sunlight that shone on the surface of the lake.
One day a black & white penguin appeared in the pool - at first we just imitated each other, but with time we learnt to interact and play together. Our favourite game was fetch, with a pink bath toy.
During a game diving deep for the ball, I happened into a tribe of human like 'people' living at the bottom of the lake.
At first they were a little unsettled that I had found them - I felt that I knew them. (Then realised this was a memory from a future, and that I would know them)
With time they accepted me and I grew especially close to one of them, years went by I lived with them and learnt there ways.
With time they gradually faded out of my visual sight but I knew they were with me still and I could always talk with the tribe even though I couldn't see them.
During this time the other humans (ones similar to how I had been) had taken over the area where the lake was situated. Eventually all that was left of the lake was a small dark deep pool.
The water there had become very polluted, the pollution didn't harm me as I'd become part of the nature of the lake.
The water was harmful to the other humans though, they wanted to dig out the pool and replace it with a swimming baths so that their infants could play there. I agreed and left the lake.
After the lake had been turned into a small swimming pool, I tried to find the lake water.
I found where they were channelling the lake water too - it was now flowing in a dark underground canal, the water was now black and thick and was being pumped fast threw massive turbines.
I could feel the tribe were with me though I couldn't see them..... I could hear them telling me. 'Don’t be afraid, don't be upset'
I left the canal and the dark water and found a small stream I followed into wild grassland.... I think by this time the tribe member I'd mated with had materialised to keep me company.
We came to a small metal shed on the edge of the grassland, inside the shed were 2 children working several computers. The tribe member I was with asked about the door way.
The children smiled and said they would help us in a moment.
After a small wait they asked us to open a cupboard and press a blue button, when we did so a doorway into another scene opened.
Looking through the doorway, I could see the tribe ‘people’ there.
In the distance there was a small beach set in a rocky cove and beyond a huge bright blue ocean.
I hear them in my mind saying to me ----- 'you know how to swim now, next you have to learn to swim in the ocean'
- I woke up then :) It was such a rich beautiful world and it felt like I'd been there for so so long..... literally a lifetime!

24 July 2012
Another dream that seemed to last for years/lifetimes. (thus long)
The start of the dream there is a train, the front end & back end have diffrent destinations - and the train is due to split.
A few of us from the back carriges decide we want to go with the front end of the train.
So as the train splits (it's still moving) we kind of make ourselves ethereal and blast ourselves threw the train walls into the front.
Once on the front train it changes into a huge space ship - it's massive more like a flying sciance lab/factory with huge rooms, windows and bridges.
At first me and the others who crashed the journy are really pleased. We can fly and pass threw walls into space, we are also totaly invisable to the people on the spaceship.
As time passes (months) we start to get depressed. Cause we can't interact with anything or even eachother. Were just ghosts, watching.
The people on the ship get old and some of them die and were just stuck there - timeless, trapped observers. Eventualy the ship landed/crashed to a planet.
On the planet there were a few people who could see us but by this time most of us were in deep depression. I was quite excited to be on the new planet.
I could see magnetic lightining strips up in a very cloudy sky (the landscape on this planet was an amazing modern industrial cityscape)
I'd flowen up to get closer to the lightning, but was intercepted by some people who could see me.
I stopped to chat to this woman, sitting on a pipe miles above the ground - she told me they'd been waiting for me and the others like me, that I was one of them.
It got a bit wired at that point, cause she didn't look like me but all her manarisims and expressions were the same as mine.... she was explaining that we had all been cloned by this one guy who was leading them.
I'd decided that I wasn't keen on the idea of having a 'leader' so flew of back to the lightning stuff.
As I got to it, I could no longer fly - I fell threw the air for what seemes like ages, when I landed I was back in the ship again.
One of the other ethereals had changed, she'd found away to become real again - it was to do with her eyes/crying and emotion.
One by one we all whent to sit and look at her as she cryed as we started to cry we became real again too.
The last part of the dream was like a journy home, we started to have kids and make a civilisation on the ship.
Years passed, and kids grew up and we had a world on this ship - but our socity was a mess the younger generations we had produced were fighting eachother and us as elders had all become wired and vain.
--- I woke up after that :)
I'm a bit nackerd, it felt like I lived for 100's of years lastnight

19 July 2012
I had a really funny and intreasting dream lastnight.
It was the 2nd coming of christ... well a wired version :P
Jesus was back, but we'd put him in a box.... and he was really pissed about it!
'We' seemed to be all of humanity, the box seemed to be a coffin.
The dream landscape was amazing, it was like someone had taken a street of victorian town houses and used them like building blocks to make a huge tower. There were wired glass houses, observitorys and masses of red bricks all balancing wiredly in some kind of urban park with the tower reaching into space.
It was all going on in this human house tower, there was lots of timelines meeting there and people on the inside and outside of the building gravity wasn't there and people could walk up the outside.
We were also launching people into space... and there was big TV and radio interuptions (tv/net/radio) was being streamed all the time in every room in the crazy tower and on massive boards outside.
I kept bumping into people I know in the dream, we were all super excited! hugging and yelling.
Then all the info screens got taken over by a military type of screen saver, humanity ran to the windows in the tower to see what the leaders were doing about the box (with christ in)
Then something that looked abit like a starwars ATAT appeared, but it was organic :D Made of flesh and fur, rocks and plants and had wings and all kinds wirdness.
In the last bit before i woke up, I remeber standing laughing with my friends.... at the total crazyness of humanity and the massive flesh made AT AT to get the lid of a wooden box.

2 July 2012
The dream was broken up (due to Dotty waking me lots)
Each time I whent back to sleep though I was in the same place though.
It started with friends all being converted to this 'policy' for want of a better word - it was about a new leadership.
People would be against it, then thered be wired syncronicitys and they suddenly bought into it.
I had a feeling that they were being manipulated, but I wasn't sure how/why.
I left a house, it was the house I grew up in as a kid.
As I walked up the path outside my block of houses there was a kind of error in the matrix.
I'd walk up and in one area the flowers growing in the borders would turn to empty beds with soil then back to flowers as I passed threw it.
No one else seeemd to notice it. I worked out that I could possition myself in the seam between the 2 veiws and my vision would go wired and I could see crackles like lightning where the 2 veiws joined.
My vission started to get more wired and I fell onto the floor.
I could see a tunnle (like the ones that see to go between dreams) I traveled up it a bit and met a sun.
I was excited at first, but then it seemed this sun wasn't a 'nice' sun. It told me it was watching me..... it was going to get me to, and my definace would make me an intreasting trophy!
I fell back out of the tunnle onto the dream path.
The dream continued, at first it was robot like machines that were coming after me.
I seemed quite logical in the dream, and I kept trying to brush it of as paranoia... but sure enough, I was being followed by xray & lazer type medical machinary. Getting frustrated with it, I pushed them over off it's wheels so it couldn't follow me.
I kept trying to tell people in the dream what was happening, but they were really quickly also getting mind controlled then after me too.
I think there was about 6 people in the small town resisting one of them was a combination of 2 guys I was friends with as a kid (they were both neighbours).
He was trying to help me.... that was when we started getting assaulted by invisible things :P
It was trying to insert tube like tenticles into our backs between our sholders, we were evading by laying on our backs and trying to work out what to do next, we had decided to head to one of the Churches as we knew the Vicar there was also refusing to be assimilated.
--- Josh woke me
As I whent back into the dream it was same stuff but I'd hopped to an island were the new leaders hadn't got to yet.
I arrived the same time as there campain leaders who were giving out wired propagander.
The islanders were reluctant to join, so wanted time to discusse it and I was trying to inform them what was happening in my home village.
The campain leaders were really pissed off with me now too, but the people on the island were nice and we were trying to arrange a meeting for me with there shaman.
Then Josh woke me up again.
:) It wasn't a scary dream, but was very surreal. Especialy the grumpy sun and the wired dream matrix errors

14 June 2012
Lucid dream... where I wasn't really in controll
First time I've ever experianced a lucid dream yet not been able to do what I wanted.
The frist bit was a normal 'dream' long dream I was in a cafe/bar chatting with some people there. I'd decided to sleep the night an was asleep at the end of the cafe... in the morning I set of home.
I was walking threw what was like an outdoor train depo, there were huge carriges, vehicals, machinery quite modern looking.
I started to look around me as I was passing between 2 big carriges and thought to myself, shit look at the detail on them things.... I stop and walked back to look more and thought this is a really detailed dream.
Then whent ping! Lucid Ah I'm dreaming.
First I think, Yehy I can go fly... so I try to get out of the carriges.
They start to move and close in round me trapping me.
I look for a way out but they keep moving like massive transformers.
I think 'Oh... meby they are going to turn into a flying machine for me'
I jump onto a bit moving up to avoid getting crushed. At that point 2 bits move round me, with kind of freaky robot faces.
I was a little allarmed at the fact I 'knew' I was dreaming.... but things seemed to be happening with out me being able to controll them.
The robot heads looked kinda freaky so I said I wanted them friendlyer.
They made this wired attempt at a smile... that just looked a little sinister.
Then one of the robot heads with a bendy neck started to use a red lazer on me. First on my leg moving back & forth up my leg, then on my face and lips.
It felt hot but not burning.
I asked what it was doing but it didn't answer.
I got the feeling I had to focus on trust..... so I sent out an energy of trust and woke up.
It wasn't quite scary.... it had the potential to be, it certanly wasn't a nice experiance though.
I've no idea what/what bit of my was in controll of the dream though??
My half asleep mind told me it was prehaps what freud would call the id.
Sooooo dose anyone have an experiance of lucid dreaming where you lack controll?

6 June 2012
I can't remeber all mine either but here goes.
I'm living in a old comunity house where I lived for a few years in London.
In the dream, I'm being a real bitch - very horrible to people.
This voice askes me if I want to continue with this.... I tell them yes.
The reply is ok, well we need to split your soul in to two.
Then theres a big POP!
Next bit one of me is in an amazingly beautiful field growing and looking after huge poppies.
Another bit of me is in a massive tenement block, one side of it is nearly all windows, I'm close to the top floor.
I'm a smack addict, I'm also selling it to people who visit me.... I'm completely wired in that part of me.
I got lots of dream messages too but there all sort of fuzzy ..... it was maily the big POP as I split in 2 that stuck in my mind :P
Oddly there was another bit of the dream were I lived underwater making worlds from lego

24 May 2012
My dream was big/uni school type set up with all kinds of freaky races.
Some had wings, others flippers some were battling with eachother. It was a huge epic place with many lessons going on - I seemed to be running messages for some of the teacher/overwatching people.
Best dream bit was when I randomly bumped into Austin :D
We said high and hugged then I rushed of to get on with my other dream stuff.

24 March 2012
lots of odd dreams.
*First part I'm doing wired math. Where I'm working with an earth grid, and the rotational spin. Grid /Spin = 52. 52 is a magic number ? I then eat a potato in reverse ----- wake up with number 52 in my head.
*I'm chatting with M on an Ipad thing, It's turns lucid dream, I'm looking at planet allinments when voice with no body says to me.
'Used with compassion ''Shut up' could be humanitys greatest gift for a generation'' :P ---- I wake up (Think meby higerself is telling me to shut up again ;) )
*Last dream was more of a 'dream dream' It was a set few 100 years ago but with modern bits. I'm in a wired mix of the places I have worked and I'm a waitress for animals but all the bowles and plates are dirty. Below the cafe/vets is an odd ground work of caves then these very posh long corridors in the earth that go on for miles.
There is allso a locked up building with latin writing over the door (In the dream I could read it fine)
We need to go into the building - as I enter it, I get possesed. Something enters me in the left of my face and neck and I start floating and ranting :D
When I'm taken over I go back in time to see a wired blood ritual by knights templar types. They then all vanish into the underground corridoors. After that I woke up.

18 May 2012
Lastnights dreams was epic crazyness, it seemed to last for days. :)
The first part I remeber I was being hunted by a giant Troll thing, and some kind of etherial sord assasin - we could jump over huge areas and the chase was threw a mountain range.
I'd managed to wiggle my way to getting them to attack eachother and forget about me.
I then found a cave - In the cave was a missing element from the periodic table, a ring that allowed for time travel and an old 60's sci fi novel.
The element was wired, it was metal like and was liquid till you touched it, if you played with it, it turned into a chewed gum state :P
As I flicked threw the sci fi book, I realised it was a book about my dream - and was being written as I did stuff, I could kind of comunicate with the author and they were giving me hints of stuff to do next.
After the cave and much travel I talked my way into a crazy underground city, really awsome looking victorian industial steam/punk style.
I had to take the element from the cave to the inventors in the city, but I ended up in a royal area filled with giant size wrought iron candle sticks.
They were huge like buildings amazing twisty designes and all under a large coloured glass roof inside a hill.
Next part of the dream that stands out, I'm on an open hillside with a royal coach pulled and pushed by 4 horses. I'm with some other people and we start to drive the coach supper fast down the hill and into a vally and river below.
We keep going into the river... the coach is made of gold and sinks.
I go down with it to free the horses. I'm underwater trying to save a huge chestnut horse, it eventualy wriggles free and me and the other people make our way to the bank and help the horses out of the water.
I watch the bubbles from where they royal family had sealed them sleves into there gold carrige.
After that I woke up, I feel like I need to go back to sleep after such a long exciting night of adventure

17 May 2012
This is a dream I had a few nights back, just remebered it and felt compeled to share :)
I'm at an event.... there is 2 doors there.
One Dark deep blackness , one brilliant light.
I enter the dark door.
Inside was amaing,
What I can best discibe as utter 'saturation'.
Any need you could concive was allready fullfilled.
Compleat satisfaction - like I'd just had the best meal/sex/creation/dream/sleep ect ect but more..... much more.
I've never felt anything like that before. So saturated desire was impossible.
I came out again from the door after a bit..... I think I just sat on the grass outside thinking Wow, darkness is not what I thought it was.

15 May 2012
In the dream I'm in a narrow street, it seems like dream was set in the past meby the 50's
There were street stalls selling odd bits and bobs, outdoor cafes and bars.
All the stores were shutting up due to poor buisness, the area and people are all dull and grey.
I'm working at the bar, serving customers - everything seems slow and lifeless.
2 new punters come up to the bar, there waring black raincoats and hats, I serve them pints.
I make eye contact with the smaller of the men..... his face is soooo alive and his eyes really familier.
They are twinkly and childlike - he knows me.
He askes cheekily 'what did you go create a reality like this for?' as he looks around us.
I sort of shrug and tell him I want out of here.
He grins again and tells me 'I'm working on it'
Then his face changed into just another of the normal people at the bar and he vanished.
After that I woke up.

14 April 2012
I had lots of dreams lastnight, Seas & Rivers were a comon theam. Also A cleansing dream, in the 2nd bit of the cleansing dream I was I was digging, my spade was a huge shiney upside down Ankh.
(I had a similar dream years back before a big energy release, it's like I'm digging suff out of a thing tube that is 'me' only last time I just had an old shovel.)

6 April 2012
First part of the night I didn't really dream.... I just felt like there were lots of arguments going on in my brain.
Then a lots of animals dream. (sorry it's long)
It started offshore on a lovely clear day.
There are 2 ships moored together on a large sand bank a mile from a beach. The boat nearest to the shore is lage oil carrying ship, it's long and really dirty, I'm in more of a ferry or fishing type of boat and we are fastned to the oil ship.
The there is a fire on the oil ship and it has been totaly abandoned (so no one over there can untie us)
I'm looking round my ship, but all the crew from there have gone too. All I can find are dogs :)
I untie and round up all the dogs I can find, we can't cross the oil ship to get to shore so realise we are just going to have to sail out to sea and hope we can get enough power to break the mooring ropes & chains.
The dogs are quite usefull and we manage to start the boat, and eventualy break threw the chains and head off down the coast looking for a place to get into shore.
We find a port and beach the boat and go our seperate ways.
I then meet a bird, it's got a beak like a parrot but brown feathers like an owl. It seems to like me and decides it's going come home with me.
I convenently have a large avery/cage in the garden, the parrot hops in and I leave the door open and head into the house to sleep.
I wake in the morning and go to the window to check the parrot is ok - it sees me so hops to the open cage door and flyes up to meet me...... but bumps into the glass of the window. It dosn't hit it hard and flaps up above the house.
I open the window and poke my head out to call for it.
At that point a butterfly lands on my nose, then another on my forhead and then another. On my forhead in my 3rd eye place 2 of the butterflys start mating :P
One is blue, the other pink. I watch there reflection in the glass of the open windown. They finish mating then flutter off.
I'm looking for the owl/parrot. I don't see it but I notice that there are 2 cormorant's curled up on the garden wall one is white, one black.
I wonder what they are doing inland on the garden wall (instead of on the islands) I relise there must be a storm or something, when I look out over the sea there is this huge crazy looking storm heading inland and the rain starts.
- My kids woke me at that point.

5 April 2012
(Lastnights bring4th dream)
I'm climbing up a long ladder into a suqare hole, like a loft sapce.
It looks dark as I get near the hole some people help to lift me in as my eyes adjust I realise it's really birght.
It's a huge space I realise it's my dream interpritation of Bring 4th.
There are lots of tables like a refectory where people can chat or play games, a library area where people sit alone with books and a huge blue swimming pool.
There are people around, some swim or float in the pool, others are studying, playing or chatting.
It's not to crowded, I reconginse some people there.
2 people greet me they hold my arms, we are in a place and there is an image on a teashirt. It's black & white stripes, it looks like some sort of illusion.
The 2 blokes with me hold my arms and encorage me to keep looking. I start to see 2 diffrent images apear I can do something with my eyes/brain to flick between them.
As I speed up the rate I can swap, the image tunes to a 4D butterfly flapping it's wings :) Then everything whent a bit crazy and sparkly. The 2 people with me cheered and hugged me then zoomed me really fast round all the other people.
After that I wandered about. I remember one person waa small and bobbing about like a hellium filled ballon. People kept grabbing a leg and pulling him about with them. :P
After that we all whent of on a feild trip. Some tall person seemed to be a guide.
We were in a jungle place and were there to see this crazy water clock/calander
It was like an upside down pyramid shaped hole deep into the ground. Really epic, and water flowed down the inside edges in impossible zig zag spiral steps.
We got to the bottom, in the bottom was a smaller but right way up version of the shape we were in. (I think there were more of them.. but the exact deatils of the water was sketchy) The guid was pointing out that on March29 the water had stopped on one calander, we were now on new water.
I woke up after that.

My dream with Mavie in.
It was on the corner of one of the streets, I don't remeber it awake as it had a large tree and hedge. Anyhoo, you had a room in it:D- there was no windows and it was all pinted blue...... everything in it.
I was visiting you - we were chatting. There was a garden there I think the house was shared.... we walked in the garden. All the plants were planted in square angular beds surrounded by paving slabs. I remeber you thinking the space was wasted as it was to stuctured.
Then something wired happened to my knee. :P It moved round to the side of my leg so it bent the wrong way to walk :D
You sat with me for ages while we waited for it to move back round agian .
It was a nice dream - really friendly!

3 April 2012
Wired thing I've never noticed before in a dream.
I'm looking up at the sky... and I can see lots of stars even though it's day/dusk. Then the stars look like big silver sparkely glitter as they towards earth.
I'm struggling to focus on them (like when you look up into snow falling)
Then my vission splits into a grid of 6. Each of the images is sliglty out of sync, or the contrast or colour is slightly diffrent.
It was kinda disorientating. I had to sit down and blink for a while till it eventualy wore off.
Another dream.. a really old cottage on a sea front. There has been a fire and I need to go help. When I get there the house is empty but for floor bords and some dust and feathers on the floor.
There is a big tower attached to the house and as I open a shutter into it 1000's of seabirds start screaming and flying up the tower out into the air.
The only damage the fire has done is burn off a big pritty wodden pourch at the front, and smash the decrotive tiles on the roof. So the house is structraly fine, but it's vissual attractiveness is gone.

2 April 2012
Crazy fairytale dream. I think for the first bit I was an observer. There is a wired set of run down houses on a flat lake in a dry land. The colours are bleached out and everything is grey/blue shade. It's quiet and windy.
In the middle of the houses is this huge building like a cathedral or castle with big arches and amazing stonework. Inside there is really wired twisted shit going on. Things that are like a cross between gargoils and human females are tourchering and killing people. Theres this crazy girl in white with fizzy white hair.
Non of this was wired/scary - the whole dream was like being in a fairy story.
A grey 'looking glass' wizard floats in. I seem to be flying with him.... we are above the wired stuff going on on the floor and watching it. He wants to show me how to use a mirror to travel to the the past and alter the now from there.
So we leave the crazy building and head down to his cottage, wich is super cosy full of cats and a big choc cake :P He takes of all his grey robes then starts to teach us protection and how to travell back in time.

28 March 2012
I had 4 dreams I remeber.
1) I'm in a big car park. I think we were being chased. Fay my eldest got rubber rings for Her and Josh and they both jumped into a rapid flowing river.
I realised I had no way of helping them.... so just had to wait and follow the river.
There was a big boat on it called the 'meat loaf' that mashed stuff up.
2) I'm in a dream version of the town I whent to school, but the castle and one of the town gates. It's an impossibly bright day and the sand stone buildings and walls are shining.
I'm of to a party in a huge Georgan posh house. It's all white, and it looks like the 1940's by what people are wareing at the party.
I'm now nekid and I make my way to the roof of the house, when i get there I find a big wide bumpy slide that goes right down to the ground. The mats for it are huge lettus leafs. I grab a leaf and slide down, it's great fun! I spend the rest of this dream running up and down stairs nekid with a big lettus leaf to play on the slide.
3) This one was sureal. There was a train, but it was kind of 4 or more diffrent trains all imposed onto eachother... they kept flicking in and out of eachother like they were breathing at a slightly diffrent time. There is a huge high arch celing above me with tiny square bricks - it looks like cathedral cealing. I'm with a guy who is a mix of 2 boys I grew up with - he is solving puzzles with chalk on the floor.
4) Massive city... I think prolly east end of London. It's very run down. I have a massive wheelchair with an old man and 2 kids in it, and I'm on a bus.
I try to get off the bus, a lady helps me. I go back for my bags.... but the bus is leaving so I chase it and jump on.
My bags have been emptyed. I ask if anyone knows anything about it or can see the stuff. Theres a big growly dog but it shuts up when I glare at it.
Theres a woman there who was 'me' too. She was poor and with a wired bloke - I suspected her of taking stuff but realise I'm just being judgmental.
I get back of the bus and have to run back to where I left the chair with the people in. The bags had the money for the old man and the kids and now it's gone.
As I walk pushing kids n man the streets change from run down to posh.
There are huge restrants and cake shops lots of tables on the street it's also seems to be moving back in time.
I get a bit lucid at this point and start to play with the dream bringing back the stuff that whent missing. ---- Alarm clock woke me up

27 March 2012
Oh I had another totaly wired dream about a massive hotel. There was a wired 'performance' of these dinosores/deamon type things. I was right at the front cause I wanted to see. They flew at us and I got a sticker saying 'your dead' but they wanted my little boy josh to join in the show. So I helped them put orange contact lenses in his eyes and they made him all hairy.
They took him off with them, after that the curate from the local church appeared and kept kissing my crown chakra :D lol dreams are wired!

27 March 2012
I had an odd dream of a party, in it were friends of my daughter, but they were all about 7 years older than they are now. (teenagers and taller than me instead of being 5) Was odd as they looked like them selves but older :P
Next bit I was with a diving team... it was a bleak day, cold grey rainy. We get our kit on and take the boat a little of shore ready to dive.
When we get into the water the water pressure is to high and it's semi solid. It's really thick :P I can barley get my face under the water, it's like pushing it into cream cheese :D Then the water under my feet turns to jelly and I can stamp on it without my feet going threw.
I wonder if the fish will be ok below.

10 March 2012
Not quite a dream.... But the bit before dream.
Was a long meditation after yoga (3 hr lesson! ) We did 30min meditation. It's a wired branch this woman dose, and she's a guru type. Anyhooo.
The meditation was lovely - called yoga sleep or sleep yoga or somthing. I felt entering the 'sleep' place, but was in and out of it.... keeping concious.
I got a real shock as I herd a part of me calling out to 'other's' It's wasn't words..... but I was asking who else was here.
When I herd part of me calling out to others (something that seemed both familier and totaly normal) ...... I was stunned as it wasn't 'Me' calling out so it brought me back awake enought to half concider it.
It was a bit like an online game when you look for others, or coming on here to see who is about. I realised that we do meet others of a night - I wonder if I meet any of you lot

15 March 2012
Wed Dream.
Setting is an old style school sciance lab. The kind with glass cases and jars with floating heads and animals, And the long walnut work benches with ceramic sinks and funny black taps.
The room is square, all the benches make a big square. Each side has glass windows and the roof is coloured glass.
The room is filled with potted plants, there all dusty and very dry.
Spring is coming, I spend the whole dream walking round watering the plants and they pop back into action while I water them. Streaching out their green leaves to the light.

15 March 2012
Thurs Dream.
Long kinda dream.... the kind that seems to last for days.
First part of the dream I seem to be travelling round with people, taking journys on trains and boats.
I'm on a trip on a bus with a group of people - the road runs out, and turnes into a dry river bed.... were trying to drive up stream but the rocks get to big so we get out and walk.
We find an old ware house and go in. This is the part where the battle begins. (It might have been going on earlier but we weren't involved) The sky fills with strange crafts. They are surrounding buildings and shooting things down.
Its pritty epic :D
There I go out of the warehouse as I see this small garden, I'm alone. When I try to go back in one of the 'battle people' is there I'm cornered and he lifts his gun it's white and square.
I wait to be shot. He obliges. All goes totaly white.... theres a noise.
As the white fades, he's still in front of me. He 'tag's me and I'm now 'out of the game'
I make my way back out of the building, and meet some of the people I was with.... they can still see me. They are looking for eachother.
After that I head to a city, possibly London. I'm waiting for the battle to be over - but there has to be total obliteration everything that was before.
I seem to spend the rest of the dream with others who are 'tagged' and out now. We pick threw the piles of red bricks of the old buildings collecting important and valuble 'bit's' ----- We hide them in the ruines of the red brick buildings so that they will be there and safe for the next game.

15 March 2012
Tuesdays Dream.
The setting is an old victorian Asylum or School,…/galle…/cherryknowle/303.jpg That kind of place. Red brick, all run down amazing and bleak at the same time.
I'm a ballet dancer - With big bright white dress. There is a cranky old bossy woman runs this place, and I dance in this white dress to the gardians of perspective students/patients. I lay down to rest, and my clothing fills with frogs.
(After that the dream changed and I was chatting with my Gran & Mother... both of who are dead)

1 March 2012
Odd 'smell' dream!
I was dreaming about something dull when suddenly there was the most overpowering perfume flower type of smell. It was so strong it woke me up. As I woke the smell totaly vanished.
It was really bizzar..... it's like the reverse of when you have small kid and your asleep and then wake instantly from no smell to poo smell

29 February 2012
Not really a dream, more an experiance after yoga.
We lay down to meditate, I was kinda falling asleep (again) and observing all that stuff your head throws about before it starts to dream.... piccys images and stuff.
The Yoga teacher roused us to come back like she normaly dose.
Well the dream head gunk zoomed out into this crazy 3D tunnle of purple and turquoise spiraling spagettie :P
It was like one of them meditation tunnel things you get on youtube. It seemed to take me so so long to pull back threw it till the colourfull spaggettie vanished to be replaced by the normal eye fuzz you get when it's dark.

27 February 2012
Lots more dark but non scary dreams.
First one I'm in some kind of world changing senario, it's not earth... well I don't think it was - if it was I was in somewhere like Nepal or Tibet but with stranger plants. Something had either run out or was being withheald, it was something vital like food or water... The people couldn't survive with out it and had all moved into the ground under there houses.
It then changed to the village where I grew up (well my dream version of it) but all the green had gone, it was all mud and smoke as far as the eye could see.
There was lots of oil well heads pumping, and big army type trucks making smoke and smells The sky was a brown colour too and everything was covered in this clay type of mud. Above was a wired monarail thing shipping people about..... It really was soooo sooo bleak - but again not at all scary.
There was 3 blokes in the dream and we were doing something, one of them was dieing and I was to wait with him till he passed..... he wanted to give me his gold ring as he couldn't take it with him, but I put it back onto his hand. I was sitting with him telling him I'd wait with him till he had gone. So I sat holding his hand till he died.
(Nop M no games, well only a little... just lots of and lots of dark dreams :) )

26 February 2012
This is from friday.... it's all kinda twisted and very dark... but not scary or uncomfeee.
First I see Fay (My daughter) in a pool of water, she is killing my mother.
Then I go threw to a morg type of room. My Mum is layed out dead on a stainless steal table, with Josh (My Son) curled up next to her.... he is hugging her dead body and I'm explaining how her 'special' bit has left the body now.
I then realise that the dead body is me, but then it flips again an then the body allso my mother and my younger brother. I then realise I am also Fay playing the roll of the 'killer' --- and that I am all the 'rolles' in my family.
The next dream is some kind of wired smurf land. I'm going to show someone these lovely hobbit kind of houses, but as we get there they are being bombed.
There all cleared out and there just straw an piss inside. (They used to be lovely cosey homes)
Theres also this vintage bus rally, with lots of sliver haird old guys running these lovely old buses.
I jump on the back of one asking for a lift out of the war area. On the bus something bad has happend, there has been some kind of family suiside, the blood has been painted over with fresh white paint..... and I'm kinda anoyed that I'm getting the paint onto my black clothes. The driver is freaky and involved with the killing of the family so I kind of lurk in this open back area.. waiting for it to slow enough to jump off.

14 February 2012
2nd time I've had a very similar dream. 1st one was golden stars getting closer and closer.. then becoming golden butterflys and then they all fall apart and there wings rain down on me.
Last nigth I was dreaming of being in a wired outdoor school, I knew the 2 teachers one of them was asking about being human. I'd commented we were CPU's for our reality.
I then wandered up to a hole in the ground.... loads of huge butterflys flew out of it. Really beautiful huge things. I was crying with joy, they all flew up and around us, and then fall apart and the wings rain down on me and I catch a handfull of them.
I've no idea what it means
Mine are so disjointed there nothing I can put into words.
One last night was just lots and lots of flashing symbols so fast it was like someone playing tennis inside my head :P
Then they were about moving to another house on another planet, but wanting to say behind cause I liked the bright orange walls of in old house ..... oh and a chicken who kept laying eggs in a fish tank.

8 February 2012
I had a very odd dream last night. The world had lots it's toys, or they had been taken away.... I can't remeber why they were lost.
It was time to get the toys back though.
In the dream I was in what was like a giant endless attic, it was really dusty and dark and crammed full of dusty old stuff. I was searching to find the worlds toys.
Then the cat woke me up --- I can't wait for warm weather so I don't get pestered by heat seeking cat's all night long.

WOW....  Just found a dream from Tuesday the 28th June this year.   

Setting is a new residential school,   lots of children there....   There Mother and Father are missing,   The school is laid out in a triangle shape... In the center is a grass and a large old fat black and white cat is curled up a sleep there.
Each night the children Sneak out to meet and play new music :D

I'm in a the house I grew up in...   Loads of friends there old and new...  I keep taking them up to the loft space..   I have lots of toys up there in clear plastic box's, my friends can see them and they remember the toys and gifts they used to have!!

Outside is an old tree, Huge pears are hanging on it.  People think they are bad, but they are just perfectly ripe, I cut them up to share. !! 


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