Wednesday, 19 October 2016

Frog Princess and My Ladybird Guide

Another fantastic night :D

I woke up at 2 am thinking WOW!

I'd been dreaming I was the One & it's mirror trying to find me. :P

It' was so cool, flying threw magical dream worlds writing a story as I went.  There was magic and power words, spells and mysteries..... I was all the people in the dream. 

I'd brought and weaved together the dream like a fabric web, I was waiting for the world to awaken to see what would happen.   It was so whimsical and fun

When I woke  I remembered the story of the Frog princess, Dropping her golden ball into a mirror pond.... the frog (Like I'd been tracking in my dreams


It made me giggle, the ball the world, the mirror illusion, how we are confused as to the true nature of things.... how things we think we don't want may be exactly what we need, the power of our promises and being true to ourselves.

I also re'membered that my child hood story's were all 'Lady-Bird' books! given to me by an Aunty on my Mums side too :P

The rest of the night was like sleep meditation, my sleepy dust was all in small organised dots that reminded me of seeds. 

The gold ball also reminded me of this dream from 2012....  It was a series of dreams that appearers to fit with the Hero/Fools Journey threw the Archetypes. It makes me think of the Coach, that sank. 
18 May 2012
Lastnights dreams was epic crazyness, it seemed to last for days. :)
The first part I remeber I was being hunted by a giant Troll thing, and some kind of etherial sord assasin - we could jump over huge areas and the chase was threw a mountain range.
I'd managed to wiggle my way to getting them to attack eachother and forget about me.
I then found a cave - In the cave was a missing element from the periodic table, a ring that allowed for time travel and an old 60's sci fi novel.

The element was wired, it was metal like and was liquid till you touched it, if you played with it, it turned into a chewed gum state :P
As I flicked threw the sci fi book, I realised it was a book about my dream - and was being written as I did stuff, I could kind of comunicate with the author and they were giving me hints of stuff to do next.
After the cave and much travel I talked my way into a crazy underground city, really awsome looking victorian industial steam/punk style. 
I had to take the element from the cave to the inventors in the city, but I ended up in a royal area filled with giant size wrought iron candle sticks.
They were huge like buildings amazing twisty designes and all under a large coloured glass roof inside a hill.
Next part of the dream that stands out, I'm on an open hillside with a royal coach pulled and pushed by 4 horses.

I'm with some other people and we start to drive the coach supper fast down the hill and into a vally and river below.
We keep going into the river... the coach is made of gold and sinks.
I go down with it to free the horses. I'm underwater trying to save a huge chestnut horse, it eventualy wriggles free and me and the other people make our way to the bank and help the horses out of the water.
I watch the bubbles from where they royal family had sealed them sleves into there gold carrige.
After that I woke up, I feel like I need to go back to sleep after such a long exciting night of adventure

Soo   More royalty, more writing dream storeys  & More sinking gold things :P    

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