Thursday, 20 October 2016

Poetry, Walking Dream and a Lot of Birds.

I climb into you, with my claws like knives,
I fall threw the dark, ripping up your inside,
I know that you've got me.
There is no where to go.
Each way I run I crash into the Whole,
Collapsing within, yet we're still looking out,
flowing like water over life's doubt,
Drowning in wisdom,
Fighting threw fun,
Trying to forget,
That we know we are one. 


A Dream was of walking.
Miles and miles all over the world, just walking and watching and waiting and looking...   I wore out my shoes... I'd walked all the roads and was going threw the fields now.

A fabric, I have tried many others a Hindu guy gives me this one.  People don't usually like the shape but the weave is amazing... it's so fine it's barley there.  I climb into it to sleep.

White corn, grain, ground into smaller and smaller bits.

An intricate puzzle, impossibly small the playing pieces look like Iron filings...   barley visible as individual bits.  It is magnetic, some have flipped and move on some to start over.   It's making patterns.

A school, a graduation is due /results the school is going to close......   At the last moment people are expelled, many are the teachers.   They are confused and sad, I stay with them comforting them.  

An ancient mystery too, a Man and an old Tape/VHS he has part recordings and can show me bits.  

Many houses with fireplaces but the fires are out.  (This is familiar too reminds me of a school dream were my job was to look after the magic fires)

Stone close, my old house, there are 1000's of birds - all types it's so noise and really awesome, I notice some drips... they look like bird poop :P  When I look up there is a wire high high above all the houses, on it are 100's of birds sitting...    some people are trying to shake the wire.

((I know this fits with one of my young childhood visions of a wire & I have also had dreams were I have seen it snapped....    Is it a connection in me?))

A man in a crazy metal protective suit... he's trying to do stuff in the sea, build structures, but he's crap at it, and keeps blowing himself up and trashing his progress...     I'm standing behind him watching.  

On Waking I get told the word  'Babgaveeta'  Or something that sounded like that, that it's something to do with what I do when asleep...        Soooo   Ok,   Odd!  :P

This was the dream with the fireplaces from mid Dec 2012
Such a nice dream :D
(I dream of schools/hallls of residence/uni/ lots. Often there empty and I'm all alone and everyone but me has gone)
Last nights was really different.
It was like the start of a new year, I was in a massive uni type of complex and people were arriving by the 100's.
It was an amazing celebration atmosphere, there was so many people I knew we were all young again. There was lots of hugging and shouting and yelling and jumping - everyone was really happy to be back together again.
Our new residence hall was up a massive stone spiral staircase. The room was huge, with no roof, and lots of fire places we all seemed to be magical.
We were all having a big party, and everyone was helping :) Some people were making food, some setting of fireworks others doing tricks.
One of my friends was mining gems from the palm of her hand, and another opening black holes in his fingertips.
I had the job of lighting all the fireplaces and keeping them burning.
It was such a lovely joy filled huggy dream :P
I was little miffed when Ian's alarm went of and I realized I wasn't cuddled with a huge pile of friends in front of a magic fire.

More Poems... from now   (I guess it's always now! )

A point like teeth So small and sharp,
White and flashy to defend a heart.

A heart so deep, so soft, a hue,
Unseen too eyes you fall into.

Bright and hard, or dark within,
The breath from the start from the blood we begin.

Collapsing inside, we fall into a soul,
the point of creation, we remember the whole.

Then slowly, so slowly,

you can't resist to expand once more and leave were you fit.

Your Breath in me, the world I see,
I surrender my heart for you to beat,

I'll watch, you love, within above, small yet whole, a part of ONE soul.

There's a cave in my heart you may find,
It's not of the ordinary kind,
For it doesn't belong to me and it's not in a space I can see,
The cave it is big, and it's deep, it's a tunnel I travel in sleep.


15 February 2013
I was in my childhood home. My parents were there but also my kids.
There was something odd going on outside electric cable were stretching and pulling apart.
There was a broken cable right outside the door, with sparks and lightning coming from it. I wanted to call the electric company to come and sort it, but when I went to the net to get there number my keyboard had melted and was about to set on fire.
I chucked a damp towel over it and as trying to use my mobile before it went off too. I woke up after than.

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