Dream 1
Dream 2
I was 1/2 asleep 1/2 awake withe 1/2 re'mebered stuff. Feeling 'Fizzy' and 'Tingly' I remember thinking what the heck is this.
I wake up suddenly and then the Apple Mac in the room ( this in the room cause the TV suddenly broke) Anyhooo it comes on and updates (It's possibly set to do this??)
Anyway, I'm staring at the 'Apple' in the middle of the screen with a bite out of it. This makes me giggle as I remember the Fairy story, Snow white & The evil queen and the Eden story.
I fall back to sleep, I feel like there is another shift and I wake up again and feel like I'm buzzing all over... I feel excited as the 'Toy's are coming back. (This is 2 dreams years apart)
February 2012
I had a very odd dream last
night. The world had lots it's toys, or they had been taken away.... I can't
remeber why they were lost.
It was time to get the toys back though.
It was time to get the toys back though.
In the dream I was in what was
like a giant endless attic, it was really dusty and dark and crammed full of
dusty old stuff. I was searching to find the worlds toys.
Then the cat woke me up --- I
can't wait for warm weather so I don't get pestered by heat seeking cat's all
night long. -
Tuesday the 28th June 2016 this year.
Setting is a new residential school, lots of children there.... There Mother and Father are missing, The school is laid out in a triangle shape... In the center is a grass and a large old fat black and white cat is curled up a sleep there.
Each night the children Sneak out to meet and play new music :D
I'm in a the house I grew up in... Loads of friends there old and new... I keep taking them up to the loft space.. I have lots of toys up there in clear plastic box's, my friends can see them and they remember the toys and gifts they used to have!!
Outside is an old tree, Huge pears are hanging on it. People think they are bad, but they are just perfectly ripe, I cut them up to share. !! '
Back to sleep then woken again and wake to a 'POP'
This time stuff looks wired, everything is purplish - The Apple mac looks like a glowing stage with Purple Curtains.
All the worlds a stage...
It makes me think of this dream from 30th July 2016
2 tiny wooden self build cottages in the marram grass on grey sandy windswept coastline. The cottages are a distance apart. The place is stunning - I live in one cottage with two dogs,
I'm neither male or female but seem to change between the two I'm mainly male when in the cottage.
My cottage inside is dark small and cosy, lit by a fire and gas lamps. It has a tiny stage made of driftwood and I'm a performer I run a 'free theatre'
Every evening people come to watch my shows, my cottage is small so the audience is only ever one or 2 people.
It's very intimate and the audience doesn't pay but they bring me small offerings such as bunches of herbs. I have some kind of magic over them, and can make them sleep or turn away at the door if the show isn't right for them. I can swap between male and female on the stage to tell the story.
- Next is symbols and a poem, randomness that came threw years ago.
Dragon stones... ??
A great big golden statue with bright green glowing wings, an eye to take good care of you a heart that longs to sing.
From the 4/9/10
What are you looking at who do you see?
The others are with you, the others are me,
Awake and asleep both at the same time,
We talk to you with light in a rhyme,
Share your answers, open your heart,
Your love is always a good place to start.
The only dream I had was about a bus journey and someone had been left behind I was going back to get her.
When I woke my feet were really tingly, like scalp and 3rd eye get when energy's moving, I'm stating to think the dream messages about soft shoes are real too that I shoes that ground me,
I also noticed on the walk this morning a huge amazing tree, I went to touch it and I could 'feel' it. It felt like a mild current...
Kids couldn't
It's just occured to me to stick some of the earlier dreams this year here, I can't be assed to do the written ones yet so will C&P typed ones.
26th July 2016
Rodents, mice, rats ect still with me every night at the moment. Last night it was 2 very white friendly rats.

I also had a long dream that was a soul retrieval type of dream, though I'm not sure I actually retrieved anything.
It was along dream, I was an animal nurse again helping an elderly lady with an old animal. Then I was on a mission. First it was collecting little numbers on tiny bits of paper... we all had cards, they were all over a world but in places that were fire or ice.
Many people looking while doing it I caught up with 3 children I didn't know I had. (As I woke I realised they are aspects of me) The yongest was really cute, she was sad as she wanted to be an 'avatar' I hugged her and told her she was, that she was way way more than she understood... she was so big it couldn't all fit into her body and she was just a tiny part of herself.
- Next came a circular fortress it was like a maze I needed to get to
the centre were there was a big dark thing (also me) with me were 2
friends (who I loved dearly as a teenager, they loved each other - it
broke my heart, but I still loved them both
:) )
They were there too.. I was leading, and we needed to get to the middle - it was funny journy we laughed lots, in the dream they were still very attached to each other (they both live separate lives now with there own kids and family's) they had tried to be together but both needed different things.
The female friend was selling books, and then I got distracted by lots of colourful bags... I remember thinking I needed a bag. On the wall was a big sign, it had translations for stuff from different times.. the eye of horus was @
I woke before getting to the middle.
night I was a ranger in costal countryside. I had a long light bow.
Long dark hair and a long tunic red outside and blue within. I was
riding on a mouse
I don't remember thinking I was tiny rather that the mouse was big.
Me and the people with me had cornered some shadows. . Sort of human shaped, I wasn't harming them just keeping them there.

They were there too.. I was leading, and we needed to get to the middle - it was funny journy we laughed lots, in the dream they were still very attached to each other (they both live separate lives now with there own kids and family's) they had tried to be together but both needed different things.
The female friend was selling books, and then I got distracted by lots of colourful bags... I remember thinking I needed a bag. On the wall was a big sign, it had translations for stuff from different times.. the eye of horus was @
I woke before getting to the middle.

I don't remember thinking I was tiny rather that the mouse was big.
Me and the people with me had cornered some shadows. . Sort of human shaped, I wasn't harming them just keeping them there.
- it was a nice dream , oddly when I got up and took the dog out to pee
I herd a squeek and my friends cat jumped out in front of me with a
mouse in its mouth. I was to slow to help the mouse as cat jumped up
over a wall with it.
Not sure what the message is there.
This seems to fit with the Dryad dreams. Dream 1) Dream 2 )
21 July
Lots of symbols in my dreams last night.
I was in the garden of the house I grew up. It was 4am, I was meditating and hanging out laundry. I was meditation on the Tao seeing it as a moving sphere. The garden was very green an unnatural kind of lime green. As I'm hanging out the laundry the garden starts to change.... a fruit tree jumps from the middle of the lawn to the bottom, were it's growing in front of the shed door now (which is a refrigerator in the dream) It's been pruned too.
It then starts to section it's self up.... like the image. Getting smaller and smaller. My garden was that shape... the spot were the door the tree blocked would be the spiral. (Toddler work me during that dream)
- Next dream had the same vivid green colour - this time it was things I'd misplaced a pair of shoes a coat and ribbon all in that colour. In that dream i was driving a car with a boot full of white eggs.
First night popper sleep again - strange but powerful dreams.
First one, I was in my Grans village. (Back in 2009 I had lots of awakening dreams set here, I don't recall dreaming about it since) There was a man there that I didn't know he was tall and wearing a khaki uniform his intentions or roll wasn't clear to me, he was fairly bossy. Everyone else knew him.
Interestingly when I woke this morning I remembered my Gran had a brother who died in a Japanese POW camp in WW2 long before my birth.

Not sure what the message is there.
This seems to fit with the Dryad dreams. Dream 1) Dream 2 )
of dreams last night which seemed interesting but I could only remember
tiny bits of each. First one I was in India or Nepal on a mission
there were lots of temples that looked more Mayan than anything from
that region.
In another I was in a big ravine or mountain pass where huge groups of people were being moved from island to island for there safety... but they were completely unaware that it was happening as everything was kept to appear the same.
In another I was in a big ravine or mountain pass where huge groups of people were being moved from island to island for there safety... but they were completely unaware that it was happening as everything was kept to appear the same.
21 July
Lots of symbols in my dreams last night.
I was in the garden of the house I grew up. It was 4am, I was meditating and hanging out laundry. I was meditation on the Tao seeing it as a moving sphere. The garden was very green an unnatural kind of lime green. As I'm hanging out the laundry the garden starts to change.... a fruit tree jumps from the middle of the lawn to the bottom, were it's growing in front of the shed door now (which is a refrigerator in the dream) It's been pruned too.
It then starts to section it's self up.... like the image. Getting smaller and smaller. My garden was that shape... the spot were the door the tree blocked would be the spiral. (Toddler work me during that dream)
- Next dream had the same vivid green colour - this time it was things I'd misplaced a pair of shoes a coat and ribbon all in that colour. In that dream i was driving a car with a boot full of white eggs.
First one, I was in my Grans village. (Back in 2009 I had lots of awakening dreams set here, I don't recall dreaming about it since) There was a man there that I didn't know he was tall and wearing a khaki uniform his intentions or roll wasn't clear to me, he was fairly bossy. Everyone else knew him.
Interestingly when I woke this morning I remembered my Gran had a brother who died in a Japanese POW camp in WW2 long before my birth.
I'm still putting bits together with regard to 'relative's dreams' They
are different from other dreams I have - I'm sure they all tie into an
'inheritance' that seems something to do with the shamanic ideas of
'ancestors' and how we are working not just on ourselves but that of
ancestors also. Someone might know more about this that me
:P I haven't looked into it to much as this feels like something I should let unfold at it's own pace.
Next my dreams was an energy type of dream.
Starting with voles and a 'ripple effect' (of love and care) the ripple was going out to different world societies.
I was working with them.
I remember what I was doing from other dreams too.
I don't really know what I do I always think of it as I 'open and hold a space for them'
It a space that is for healing I think, but with no infringement on free will and I take no part in the healing. I remember doing it for individuals but this was bigger huge societies.
(I think this might be something I do awake too.... but not deliberately or consciously --- this will sound wired
but if I had to describe lt it feels like having big wings that are
like reflectors, they reflect the magic bit of people back to
themselves. I guess it must be something do do with aura or energy
centres/feild.........though I have seen 'wings' on other people too )
2 dreams last night. Both cut short by vole feeding alarm, but both quite interesting.
1- Dark underground city. The people are living 3 parallel time splits and once the solve the mystery they come together with themselves. The areas very seedy, bars and darkness. They is also a big lake that always has a frozen corner.
when I look in a mirror at the face I have, I've been attacked, I have lots of bruises... and scars all round my face in a ring made from crossing over little cuts.

Next my dreams was an energy type of dream.
Starting with voles and a 'ripple effect' (of love and care) the ripple was going out to different world societies.
I was working with them.
I remember what I was doing from other dreams too.
I don't really know what I do I always think of it as I 'open and hold a space for them'
It a space that is for healing I think, but with no infringement on free will and I take no part in the healing. I remember doing it for individuals but this was bigger huge societies.
(I think this might be something I do awake too.... but not deliberately or consciously --- this will sound wired

1- Dark underground city. The people are living 3 parallel time splits and once the solve the mystery they come together with themselves. The areas very seedy, bars and darkness. They is also a big lake that always has a frozen corner.
when I look in a mirror at the face I have, I've been attacked, I have lots of bruises... and scars all round my face in a ring made from crossing over little cuts.
This morning I realized they were like the ceremonial scars of some
tribes - but they were fresh, they were like an oval round my face.
2- The setting is a big party. I have a ticket for me +1.
Jeremy Corbyn was there and I was friends with him another friend i have locally was there too (she's a lawyer working for the government)
They both wanted to be my +1
I was confused as who to take, the party wasn't nice... everyone was drunk an in suits... someone had taken my purse and I remember thinking I needed to stop the bank cards but people kept pestering me.
Still having very disjointed dreams since I've been ill.
One of last nights I was in a residential block for adult students on a top floor looking out over a city.
The setting is familiar to me in that I have drempt about this place before - it seems like a twisted version of the collage I did A levels.
This isn't my dream - (I've been ill and dreams disjointed) But it defiantly seems worth a share for it's 'reality'.
I have a good friend who is a corporate lawyer. I've shared dreams with her on and off threw the years. We were at a local festival tonight and I mentioned a dream and she said to me....
I need to tell you this. Last Thursday, there were spaceships fighting over our house... Triangle shapes, with red lights shooting at other ships. It woke me and I couldn't sleep again.
2- The setting is a big party. I have a ticket for me +1.
Jeremy Corbyn was there and I was friends with him another friend i have locally was there too (she's a lawyer working for the government)
They both wanted to be my +1
I was confused as who to take, the party wasn't nice... everyone was drunk an in suits... someone had taken my purse and I remember thinking I needed to stop the bank cards but people kept pestering me.
One of last nights I was in a residential block for adult students on a top floor looking out over a city.
The setting is familiar to me in that I have drempt about this place before - it seems like a twisted version of the collage I did A levels.
The city was very run down, we were the only tall building. (Also like real life)
All the other people who lived on the top story were men. We were all adults, I was annoyed with them. We all seemed to be studying the society - they kept writing long essays on what was wrong and were very academic. They were very insightful and wrote wonderful social commentary but also very messy and seemed to be adding to the issues.
The guy in the room next door was of lecturing but had left all his windows open and his heating on max. I was frustrated and felt they were all hypocritical. When I approached them on stuff they always dismissed me as 'cute' and 'wired'
Another dream I've not had for years but used to have a fair bit is
were I'm dreaming that I can't wake up.... my eyes are heavy and I can't focus, I keep falling down and going back to sleep. This time my eyes wouldn't point were I was trying to look, and I felt like my body was full of lead.
Been pondering last nights dream on and off all day.. still not sure
I was in a small team on an ancient archaeological site, the ground was yellow clay like quite waterlogged. We had something in mind we wanted to find.
We were waiting for authorisation to start digging. There was a sense of urgency that we needed the 'go ahead' to come threw faster as they were getting ready to build a care home on top of the dig site.
I woke up before either happened
Really amazing insight from this dream.
The setting is a huge high security science complex, it's quite futuristic really clean and white, with huge cooling systems and miles of corridors.
I'm in there on a mission, I know I've 'done' this before.... I also know I'm 'winging' it but I instinctively know all the people I need to go to to help me, and also know how past all the security systems.
My mission is Crocheting - the thread is unbelievably fine and organic in nature. I've got a pair of hooks they are a size 7.
I pass threw the security un-noticed and I'm cleared for the bio security too. I'm connecting the few people I know in there who can help and getting things from them. When I get into the place I need to be, I realise size 7 hooks are to big, and I need 6.
I remember someone who can crochet leeks and that she has the 6, so I find her and bring her to the work station. I'm watching my team work, they are making amazing tiny molecules and shapes with the thread.
--- As I wake up I realise that rather than coming back into my body awareness from outside, I'm coming back into my awareness from inside me.
At that moment I realise that the complex was representing my body, the 'helpers' were cells the security was my immune system!
We were making cells molecules and DNA!
I've just quickly googled number 7 & 6 and 7 is intellect and knowledge spiritual awareness and 6 is balance, love/care and connecting above and below.
How cool!!
I'm now going to reconsider other dreams I've had in lab/medical/factory type setting
All the other people who lived on the top story were men. We were all adults, I was annoyed with them. We all seemed to be studying the society - they kept writing long essays on what was wrong and were very academic. They were very insightful and wrote wonderful social commentary but also very messy and seemed to be adding to the issues.
The guy in the room next door was of lecturing but had left all his windows open and his heating on max. I was frustrated and felt they were all hypocritical. When I approached them on stuff they always dismissed me as 'cute' and 'wired'
Another dream I've not had for years but used to have a fair bit is
were I'm dreaming that I can't wake up.... my eyes are heavy and I can't focus, I keep falling down and going back to sleep. This time my eyes wouldn't point were I was trying to look, and I felt like my body was full of lead.

I was in a small team on an ancient archaeological site, the ground was yellow clay like quite waterlogged. We had something in mind we wanted to find.
We were waiting for authorisation to start digging. There was a sense of urgency that we needed the 'go ahead' to come threw faster as they were getting ready to build a care home on top of the dig site.
I woke up before either happened

The setting is a huge high security science complex, it's quite futuristic really clean and white, with huge cooling systems and miles of corridors.
I'm in there on a mission, I know I've 'done' this before.... I also know I'm 'winging' it but I instinctively know all the people I need to go to to help me, and also know how past all the security systems.
My mission is Crocheting - the thread is unbelievably fine and organic in nature. I've got a pair of hooks they are a size 7.
I pass threw the security un-noticed and I'm cleared for the bio security too. I'm connecting the few people I know in there who can help and getting things from them. When I get into the place I need to be, I realise size 7 hooks are to big, and I need 6.
I remember someone who can crochet leeks and that she has the 6, so I find her and bring her to the work station. I'm watching my team work, they are making amazing tiny molecules and shapes with the thread.
--- As I wake up I realise that rather than coming back into my body awareness from outside, I'm coming back into my awareness from inside me.
At that moment I realise that the complex was representing my body, the 'helpers' were cells the security was my immune system!
We were making cells molecules and DNA!

I've just quickly googled number 7 & 6 and 7 is intellect and knowledge spiritual awareness and 6 is balance, love/care and connecting above and below.
How cool!!

I'm now going to reconsider other dreams I've had in lab/medical/factory type setting
I have a good friend who is a corporate lawyer. I've shared dreams with her on and off threw the years. We were at a local festival tonight and I mentioned a dream and she said to me....
I need to tell you this. Last Thursday, there were spaceships fighting over our house... Triangle shapes, with red lights shooting at other ships. It woke me and I couldn't sleep again.
- Now Jo, my friend who had this dream is one of the most intelligent
people I know.... she has 2 degrees and before having kids was partner
in a tax haven law firm. She now works for a big multinational Jewish
law company.
I was really O.O by her dream description as it instantly hit me as David Wilcock's latest blog post.
Up until that point that post hadn't resonated with me at all.... It seemed if anything irrelevant. But here was my good friend who would never in her wildest dreams look at anything like DW blog telling me there are triangle shaped spaceships fighting over the south of England.
Take from it what you will
I've made no conclusions... other than WOW! That's a fairly
freaky coincidence! Especially from a friend who rarely dreams and
never looks into anything 'wired' as she calls it.
2 positive exciting dreams last night. On the face of it they seem very easy for me to understand too.
1) Setting is a new residential school, in the school is a family with lots of children. They are quite spread out, the wings of the school are long corridors in the middle is an attractive grass garden area.
On the grass is a old black fat cat, he's really fat and fairly past it there are birds hopping round him, but he can't be bothered to even look at them.
There is a mother in the school but the father is away.
Each night the children sneek from there rooms to come together. When they meet they are composing a new and beautiful piece of music/song.
2)Setting, The house I grew up in. I'm there with lots of friends old & new.
I keep taking them up to the loft space, up there I have lots of toys I've kept they are all in storage in clear plastic tubs. My friends are really excited to see the toys as it reminds them of all the toys they have in storage too.
Outside in the street there is a really old fruit tree, it's covered in huge pears. They are all still on the tree, I ask why no-one has picked them.
The people tell me, they aren't good the skins are all wired and imperfect. I'm amazed they can't see that they are just ripe - I find a knife and cut them open we share them and they taste awesome.

was wired night, I slept with the gem. I often dream of energy
shapes/patterns how it's moving in me or how I dissolve myself into
something else. - especially first half of the night.
It was like I could feel the gem as it's own entity with me, with it's own energy mixing with mine. I almost felt like I was broken/split in the middle and the gem was helping.
I remembered lots of dreams the first was a journey trying to find the 'ends'
I was looking into house windows of members of my family up north and they were all sleeping, asleep on sofas and chairs. They had left gifts for my children. (It's the 2nd time I have drempt about old family in the past night - I keep having wired synchronicity about 'ancestors' too.)
I'm looking for things there and ask advise from people on here too
I think there are 2 more people with me, we set of to collect one of the things I need. I think I'm going for an old yellow car, I have a picture of it and its covered in feathers like a chick
When I get to the place to collect it first the woman wants me to buy her windows. I tell her I've come for the car, she takes me to a small funny red car it's a bit like a vw beetle but it's alive and has eyes that are looking at me. It's cute but doesn't look terribly reliable but we know it's the right car and we call another friend to come and drive it for us.
Next was an orange goldfish in a jar it was beautiful but it's water was to 'thick' like jelly I needed to move the fish somewhere else.
Then there is a glowing mother figure/goddess I go to her - when I get there it's me as I hug myself we join
Last one was odd.... I was like a tv camera on a football crowd It zoomed to a man.... he was like a pirate. Really dirty and had broken bottles of Jack Daniels all over him, he also had a false leg! He was drunk, the camera followed him to a car park.
In the car park are 2 more men, big biker types they are worried about the pirate - telling him he looks lonely the pirate is confused as he thinks he has a partner and dog with him. The bikers don't see them..... I then take the place of this pirates ghost partner I've been with him looking over him he doesn't realise.
The bikers tell him he's alone - and it gives ghost me a chance to get his attention.... as he sees and touches me I'm released.
After that I could fly spent the rest of the dream zooming round and taking in the view.
--- SO busy night
:P Lots of energy work which seems to be my lower chakras and the gem seemed to help lots! Thanks for the suggestion
Blugh sorry
:P .... another long dream with lots of elements!
Wired jumping round dream. (My kids kept randomly bringing up parallel reality's during the day which got me thinking about Mandela effect again-part of the dream was about that)
Fist part I'm in some magical and wired dark woods with a few people all spread out. Stuffs changing and a few people are welcoming it.
I slide into another dream, then another stuffs changing but I'm the only one seeing it.
I feel like I'm slipping threw time and it gets harder and harder to remember were I've been with each slide.
I was really O.O by her dream description as it instantly hit me as David Wilcock's latest blog post.
Up until that point that post hadn't resonated with me at all.... It seemed if anything irrelevant. But here was my good friend who would never in her wildest dreams look at anything like DW blog telling me there are triangle shaped spaceships fighting over the south of England.
Take from it what you will

1) Setting is a new residential school, in the school is a family with lots of children. They are quite spread out, the wings of the school are long corridors in the middle is an attractive grass garden area.
On the grass is a old black fat cat, he's really fat and fairly past it there are birds hopping round him, but he can't be bothered to even look at them.
There is a mother in the school but the father is away.
Each night the children sneek from there rooms to come together. When they meet they are composing a new and beautiful piece of music/song.
2)Setting, The house I grew up in. I'm there with lots of friends old & new.
I keep taking them up to the loft space, up there I have lots of toys I've kept they are all in storage in clear plastic tubs. My friends are really excited to see the toys as it reminds them of all the toys they have in storage too.
Outside in the street there is a really old fruit tree, it's covered in huge pears. They are all still on the tree, I ask why no-one has picked them.
The people tell me, they aren't good the skins are all wired and imperfect. I'm amazed they can't see that they are just ripe - I find a knife and cut them open we share them and they taste awesome.

It was like I could feel the gem as it's own entity with me, with it's own energy mixing with mine. I almost felt like I was broken/split in the middle and the gem was helping.
I remembered lots of dreams the first was a journey trying to find the 'ends'
I was looking into house windows of members of my family up north and they were all sleeping, asleep on sofas and chairs. They had left gifts for my children. (It's the 2nd time I have drempt about old family in the past night - I keep having wired synchronicity about 'ancestors' too.)
I'm looking for things there and ask advise from people on here too

I think there are 2 more people with me, we set of to collect one of the things I need. I think I'm going for an old yellow car, I have a picture of it and its covered in feathers like a chick

When I get to the place to collect it first the woman wants me to buy her windows. I tell her I've come for the car, she takes me to a small funny red car it's a bit like a vw beetle but it's alive and has eyes that are looking at me. It's cute but doesn't look terribly reliable but we know it's the right car and we call another friend to come and drive it for us.
Next was an orange goldfish in a jar it was beautiful but it's water was to 'thick' like jelly I needed to move the fish somewhere else.
Then there is a glowing mother figure/goddess I go to her - when I get there it's me as I hug myself we join
Last one was odd.... I was like a tv camera on a football crowd It zoomed to a man.... he was like a pirate. Really dirty and had broken bottles of Jack Daniels all over him, he also had a false leg! He was drunk, the camera followed him to a car park.
In the car park are 2 more men, big biker types they are worried about the pirate - telling him he looks lonely the pirate is confused as he thinks he has a partner and dog with him. The bikers don't see them..... I then take the place of this pirates ghost partner I've been with him looking over him he doesn't realise.
The bikers tell him he's alone - and it gives ghost me a chance to get his attention.... as he sees and touches me I'm released.
After that I could fly spent the rest of the dream zooming round and taking in the view.
--- SO busy night

Wired jumping round dream. (My kids kept randomly bringing up parallel reality's during the day which got me thinking about Mandela effect again-part of the dream was about that)
Fist part I'm in some magical and wired dark woods with a few people all spread out. Stuffs changing and a few people are welcoming it.
I slide into another dream, then another stuffs changing but I'm the only one seeing it.
I feel like I'm slipping threw time and it gets harder and harder to remember were I've been with each slide.
In one world we are slaves and humans are born in eggs, I'm trying to
explain to the people there that were I came from we give birth to live
baby's in a membrane bag and not a hard shell. The people are listing
to me, but can't understand - amongst them is an old man with kind
bright blue eyes. He tells me I'm not crazy and he'll find a book for
I slip again into a house were females are and they are filling in forms to get permission to have child/eggs.
I keep contacting home world, but the slipping keeps happening.
Next I'm in a huge house, only in one room.
It's in the bedroom of a middle aged man, he has some form of learning issue/autism.
He's in a big bed with green and gold silk bedding in the most beautiful room. There is no natural light or window and It's tiled in old fashioned cream and green tiles in striking geometric patterns, there are big ornate lamps giving of a golden glow. Some of the tiles on the ceiling have amazing pictures of birds and flowers on and cryptic messages painted with them.
His parents are there and round the walls of the rooms are shelves of 1000's of leather bound books. They have all been signed by the author especially for this man. There are some paintings there too also especially for him. The man in the bed seems unresponsive like in a deep trance.
Next I'm with a group of soldiers swimming in the mouth of a river, A shark comes up to us. I swim to the bank to climb out and the shark comes at me, but I reach the shore and climb out... as it bites out of the water one of the solider pushes it up out of the water to it's beached and he kills it.
I feel sad and we discuss it's death. Was it killing to survive or was it greedy? I'm saying it's just taking what it needs to survive but the solider who kills it is pointing out it is it's 'nature'
As I wake up I'm reminded of a beautiful albino catfish 'Layla' I had when I was younger, she was well fed but as she got bigger she just attacked all the other fish till I needed to separate her.
She would chase other fish and stress them and eat there fins.
She had an aggressive nature? She lived alone with a pet rock 'Mr Eyeballs' that she used to attack and bump round her tank.
I wrote a poem about her which i feel I needed to try find and read.
Last night, dreaming of energy being twisted and blocked.... then woke up with a tummy ache
Back to sleep I dream about a whirlwind and an extra month? There was going to be 13months this year.
Then a dream of a street of houses, in the street is a wired out of place ancient castle/pub. It's in-between terraced houses and looks wired.
Interesting dream
It was almost like I was meditating in the dream... I don't remeber any scenery or much at all.
All of a suddenly thoughts retuned - The thoughts became physical and they started to condense into huge grey fluffy clouds the moment they hit the dream scape, it was really epic looking!
few dreams last night. First one is quite exciting to me because of
the theme of trains/tracks. (These have been in my dreams all my life
since reoccurring nightmares in childhood)
In the dream, I'm on a platform with my teacher. We are saying good bye as I'm ready to move to next part of my life.
I'm getting a train to London. I have a small bag packed in it are a stainless steel teapot and some teabags.
Still half asleep this morning
First half of the night was crazy patterns fractal folding and weaving stuff.
The 'dream' I don't remember to much off but I was on a boat in a harbour I was talking to the spirits/souls of unborn children there were 1000's waiting.
Ian was in the dream too but in a house on shore house with a more direct spirit.
I slip again into a house were females are and they are filling in forms to get permission to have child/eggs.
I keep contacting home world, but the slipping keeps happening.
Next I'm in a huge house, only in one room.
It's in the bedroom of a middle aged man, he has some form of learning issue/autism.
He's in a big bed with green and gold silk bedding in the most beautiful room. There is no natural light or window and It's tiled in old fashioned cream and green tiles in striking geometric patterns, there are big ornate lamps giving of a golden glow. Some of the tiles on the ceiling have amazing pictures of birds and flowers on and cryptic messages painted with them.
His parents are there and round the walls of the rooms are shelves of 1000's of leather bound books. They have all been signed by the author especially for this man. There are some paintings there too also especially for him. The man in the bed seems unresponsive like in a deep trance.
Next I'm with a group of soldiers swimming in the mouth of a river, A shark comes up to us. I swim to the bank to climb out and the shark comes at me, but I reach the shore and climb out... as it bites out of the water one of the solider pushes it up out of the water to it's beached and he kills it.
I feel sad and we discuss it's death. Was it killing to survive or was it greedy? I'm saying it's just taking what it needs to survive but the solider who kills it is pointing out it is it's 'nature'
As I wake up I'm reminded of a beautiful albino catfish 'Layla' I had when I was younger, she was well fed but as she got bigger she just attacked all the other fish till I needed to separate her.
She would chase other fish and stress them and eat there fins.
She had an aggressive nature? She lived alone with a pet rock 'Mr Eyeballs' that she used to attack and bump round her tank.
I wrote a poem about her which i feel I needed to try find and read.

Back to sleep I dream about a whirlwind and an extra month? There was going to be 13months this year.
Then a dream of a street of houses, in the street is a wired out of place ancient castle/pub. It's in-between terraced houses and looks wired.
I go in
It's tiny inside, with a very old man in a big high back chair, and dog on a tatty rug in front of a large fireplace. It's dark with only candles it smells like an old stately home - it's so cramped I can hardly move round the room.
There is a door in the back of the old pub/castle interior behind the bar it leads into a huge house and walled garden, it's almost like a different world, bright light and open.
It was laid out like a house, but things had prices and it was all for sale.
The castle, house and gardens are owned by a woman who had lots of grown up children, they were all professionals lawyers, architect a dentist. It's a bit hazy but I remember there was a wired power play and loneliness between her and her children.
Mondays Dream.
There was something shaman book and a name Kepht or Kheph
It's hard to fit new children into old box's
It's tiny inside, with a very old man in a big high back chair, and dog on a tatty rug in front of a large fireplace. It's dark with only candles it smells like an old stately home - it's so cramped I can hardly move round the room.
There is a door in the back of the old pub/castle interior behind the bar it leads into a huge house and walled garden, it's almost like a different world, bright light and open.
It was laid out like a house, but things had prices and it was all for sale.
The castle, house and gardens are owned by a woman who had lots of grown up children, they were all professionals lawyers, architect a dentist. It's a bit hazy but I remember there was a wired power play and loneliness between her and her children.
There was something shaman book and a name Kepht or Kheph
It's hard to fit new children into old box's
- I'm underwater in a dark cave looking for something it's some old fabric.
I can use sonar or echo location some kind of low frequency noise to hunt for it.
The caves are under a cafe.
I have to keep stopping looking for the fabric and be seen to be working in the cafe. (It's a cafe I used to work in when I was younger and the one from a dream the other night where the Venus girl was being kept prisoner) The lay out of it wired and poorly organised.
I'm trying to serve people but the lay out of the cafe is huge and every things really far apart making everything feel like a waste of time.
It's taking me ages to find what I need I'm trying to serve some friends of mine, but they keep swapping seats. The café's getting really busy the boss is happy about this, lots of his friends and family are there.... I know the people too.
There was a feeling of frustration and I couldn't seem to sort out serving my friend there drinks (or help the other people in the cafe and I also was aware I was supposed to be helping a friend find the old fabric and wasn't doing that either.
I can use sonar or echo location some kind of low frequency noise to hunt for it.
The caves are under a cafe.
I have to keep stopping looking for the fabric and be seen to be working in the cafe. (It's a cafe I used to work in when I was younger and the one from a dream the other night where the Venus girl was being kept prisoner) The lay out of it wired and poorly organised.
I'm trying to serve people but the lay out of the cafe is huge and every things really far apart making everything feel like a waste of time.
It's taking me ages to find what I need I'm trying to serve some friends of mine, but they keep swapping seats. The café's getting really busy the boss is happy about this, lots of his friends and family are there.... I know the people too.
There was a feeling of frustration and I couldn't seem to sort out serving my friend there drinks (or help the other people in the cafe and I also was aware I was supposed to be helping a friend find the old fabric and wasn't doing that either.

It was almost like I was meditating in the dream... I don't remeber any scenery or much at all.
All of a suddenly thoughts retuned - The thoughts became physical and they started to condense into huge grey fluffy clouds the moment they hit the dream scape, it was really epic looking!
I became more aware of myself I was watching the thoughts causing these
huge storm clouds, I also became aware I was floating way out in a grey
I wasn't alone, but others were all a distance from me. I noticed the thoughts were also making waves..... the more extreme/unbalanced the thought the more I bobbed up and down on the sea and the bigger the waves I made.
I herd a word that I thought was perhaps Samsara,
but all morning walking the dog the word Samskara has been in my head.... I wasn't even sure if it was a word till I just googled it.
I wasn't alone, but others were all a distance from me. I noticed the thoughts were also making waves..... the more extreme/unbalanced the thought the more I bobbed up and down on the sea and the bigger the waves I made.
I herd a word that I thought was perhaps Samsara,
but all morning walking the dog the word Samskara has been in my head.... I wasn't even sure if it was a word till I just googled it.
In the dream, I'm on a platform with my teacher. We are saying good bye as I'm ready to move to next part of my life.
I'm getting a train to London. I have a small bag packed in it are a stainless steel teapot and some teabags.
I know a friend 'Rachael' is already there but I've lost touch with her... she was driven.
My teacher is waiting with me for the train but not coming with me, I don't know were I'm going and I have no place to stay but I'm really excited (I know I've been there before and can find my way around - I have a plan to sleep by the river one I arrive)
I'm thanking my teacher, I know lots of possibilitys have converged at that point.
(On waking today I can mentally map places in the dream city I'm heading too, I know there is a street with a secret door way, threw it is an ancient tree on a small hill - it's like a magic garden, know I have a bed there. There are other houses full of ghosts and the river... it's huge! I've only explored the more inland area so far )
Next dream
I'm hunting for a camping Gas Key, I need it for something.
I'm in a heated discussion with an uncle of mine. We are involved with a social experiment.
People have been given dogs that they can remotely control (It's like a trained dog they controlling with there mind from a distance)
The experiment is to see if people pick good or bad.
At first they do bad stuff, fight and steal stuff... My uncle is on a team that punish the humans for making the dogs do bad things, he's arguing it works.
I'm trying to point out that once over the initial power rush the people are naturally to stear there dogs at learning pack behaviour and modifying themselves. That the 'punishment is irrelevant and impacting the natural learning process'
Last dream
I'm in a city on the edge of a airport, I'm watching huge planes take off Some of them are like the big old blimps.
4 Children in 1940's dress are going to say thank you to a performer.
My teacher is waiting with me for the train but not coming with me, I don't know were I'm going and I have no place to stay but I'm really excited (I know I've been there before and can find my way around - I have a plan to sleep by the river one I arrive)
I'm thanking my teacher, I know lots of possibilitys have converged at that point.
(On waking today I can mentally map places in the dream city I'm heading too, I know there is a street with a secret door way, threw it is an ancient tree on a small hill - it's like a magic garden, know I have a bed there. There are other houses full of ghosts and the river... it's huge! I've only explored the more inland area so far )
Next dream
I'm hunting for a camping Gas Key, I need it for something.
I'm in a heated discussion with an uncle of mine. We are involved with a social experiment.
People have been given dogs that they can remotely control (It's like a trained dog they controlling with there mind from a distance)
The experiment is to see if people pick good or bad.
At first they do bad stuff, fight and steal stuff... My uncle is on a team that punish the humans for making the dogs do bad things, he's arguing it works.
I'm trying to point out that once over the initial power rush the people are naturally to stear there dogs at learning pack behaviour and modifying themselves. That the 'punishment is irrelevant and impacting the natural learning process'
Last dream
I'm in a city on the edge of a airport, I'm watching huge planes take off Some of them are like the big old blimps.
4 Children in 1940's dress are going to say thank you to a performer.
I remember the dreams right threw the night.
First one.
I'm sitting in a small group some are helping and teaching.
We have coloured paper and pencils and craft stuff. We are making Animal masks, mine is Wolf.
One of the teachers in the group is a shaman, he tells us we are honering the spirit of the animals focusing the energy and power by making the mask... by wearing it we are inviting the spirit animal into us, or asking to take it's form. There is a Wolfe with me watching, he stayed with me threw the other dreams too.
First one.
I'm sitting in a small group some are helping and teaching.
We have coloured paper and pencils and craft stuff. We are making Animal masks, mine is Wolf.
One of the teachers in the group is a shaman, he tells us we are honering the spirit of the animals focusing the energy and power by making the mask... by wearing it we are inviting the spirit animal into us, or asking to take it's form. There is a Wolfe with me watching, he stayed with me threw the other dreams too.
The middle dream.
I forgot to write straight away, it's many things spreading out way way out in different directions like ripples in a lake..and coming together again long journey almost like circular waves but all separate parts going way out - then coming in again to be reconciled. We finally come to rest all together, Wolfe is still with me.
Next was just a pattern (I posted a picture... It's swirling slowly.
Last dream
I'm working in a garden centre selling small plants, lots of people are sitting in a field I think they are meditating they are slowly going down in number as they vanish from view.
As I wake I get told to look for air element symbols. I didn't recognise the symbol in but googling it it looks like a shinto symbol.
I also got another message to keep looking for the 'GPS' That was mentioned in Sat nights dream. Wonder what it can be
I forgot to write straight away, it's many things spreading out way way out in different directions like ripples in a lake..and coming together again long journey almost like circular waves but all separate parts going way out - then coming in again to be reconciled. We finally come to rest all together, Wolfe is still with me.
Next was just a pattern (I posted a picture... It's swirling slowly.
Last dream
I'm working in a garden centre selling small plants, lots of people are sitting in a field I think they are meditating they are slowly going down in number as they vanish from view.
As I wake I get told to look for air element symbols. I didn't recognise the symbol in but googling it it looks like a shinto symbol.
I also got another message to keep looking for the 'GPS' That was mentioned in Sat nights dream. Wonder what it can be

First half of the night was crazy patterns fractal folding and weaving stuff.
The 'dream' I don't remember to much off but I was on a boat in a harbour I was talking to the spirits/souls of unborn children there were 1000's waiting.
Ian was in the dream too but in a house on shore house with a more direct spirit.
It's funny, I've been thinking lots about a dream I had years ago... It fits with the themes of male/female I've had of late, and it came after a series of dreams introducing the idea of a twin flame (as my other half)
I can't find it anywhere but remember it clearly.
Main jist of it was 2 ships miles apart in a stormy ocean. One was a military ship, hard angles and blue only male crew.
The other was a old luxury liner filled with only females on soft pink round sofas.
In the dream I stood on the side of my ship and changed into a Skua sea bird to travel to the male ship.
I got there and went to the captain, He was my 'twin flame' the other half of me. He was pleased to see me but angry at me for being there as it wasn't time yet.
- Remembered this was from last night too.
Just image
Massive sewing pattern with layers and layers of 'fabric' In and out of it was weaving a huge loose stream of smoke thread... up and down in and out in a long loose running thread. (Kama balancing, times/space)
It's funny, I've been thinking lots about a dream I had years ago... It fits with the themes of male/female I've had of late, and it came after a series of dreams introducing the idea of a twin flame (as my other half)
I can't find it anywhere but remember it clearly.
Main jist of it was 2 ships miles apart in a stormy ocean. One was a military ship, hard angles and blue only male crew.
The other was a old luxury liner filled with only females on soft pink round sofas.
In the dream I stood on the side of my ship and changed into a Skua sea bird to travel to the male ship.
I got there and went to the captain, He was my 'twin flame' the other half of me. He was pleased to see me but angry at me for being there as it wasn't time yet.
- Remembered this was from last night too.
Just image
Massive sewing pattern with layers and layers of 'fabric' In and out of it was weaving a huge loose stream of smoke thread... up and down in and out in a long loose running thread. (Kama balancing, times/space)
First part of the night is hazy one thing I recall is being told.
'More to know than we can see'
Then the long dream (I woke 2 times but kept going back to same dream)
It's set on the small main street of the village I grew up in, but one of the vet surgery's I worked at is now on the street too.
There is lots of work going on, I'm 2 people working in 2 places at once the vets and a cafe I had a job in as a kid. Both are very new and in the process of being painted, lorry's keep dropping of new equipment. I go down to the small bakers shop to collect something for the cafe.
On the way I notice one of the buildings is filling rapidly with water and then lots of water starts to bubble up threw the streets. I drop into another shop and tell them they must call the water board.
I bump into my old nextdoor neighbour he tells me he's much happier now he has GPS and shows me a camping stove, I want to know were to get one too.
Back out on the street the water people are there, one of them stops me and say's 'Thank you, it's a good job you knew were the source was'
- wake up -
Back in the dream now I'm in the new vet shop, I'm putting up prescriptions of cream to be collected - I'm also working in the cafe but I'm not me I'm the other Andrea (who was the owners daughter) I'm a prisoner there.
The dream changes too 2 child lovers trying to get back together and now I'm a female working and a young boy (I flick between these 2 characters now)
The female is being kept as a kind of slave, working. It's all parody though there's a spitting image type of royal family, and the shops are morphing into big sandstone buildings.
The boy is trying to get into the village which is now more of a ruined castle. he's small and keeps meditating turning blue and flashing blue. He has some helpers there clones and are like overweight versions of Redfoo - they find themselves really funny and are more of a distraction than anything else.
As the boy I meditate and teleport myself into the walls close to the female.
They grab each other and run, the girl blows up a section of wall which crumbles behind them to give them some moments to escape.
-wake up and see to toddler-
Back into dream, I'm with the boy outside the walls he starts to place a ring of explosives to give us time to get out of there.
After they are set we run and make a detour round the main part of the village onto the cliff tops. There is a carpark full of cars, old shiny ones all with blacked out windows on the road beyond the carpark some kind of roadblock with people yelling.
The boy recognises one of the cars and the door opens as we run into it.
Inside it's really plush - cream leather seats. With a large choc Labrador in the back. The driver is an old guy (I actually remember this car from a dream I had years and years ago when I was at school!)
I get into the back, and the blue boy curls up in the passenger foot well and hides under a trench coat.
He starts to drive, at the road block a man falls down like he's been shot - it causes a diversion and the other run to see him, they all fall down. We escape.... as I look back out of the window though I see non of them are really hurt and are standing back up.
We start to chat in the car, the older guy asks the blue boy if he's been calling in the angels, he says yes from under his coat hiding hole. They go onto to chat about the ascension of earth, at the front of the car a thing pops out like a tray, in it there's a holographic man he's like a butler he hands out eye pad screens they have lots of strange glypic writing on them and diagrams.
He has sweets on a tray too, I take one it's a chocolate eclair
:) It's nice then the dog starts trying to suck the sweet out threw my cheek, it feels odd!!
The man keeps talking about humanity being at the brink of ascension but not yet seeing it and not taking the final leap humans are worried.
They are from Jupiter, I comment 'it's bonkers why can't they see it?' Then they laugh at me as I took forever to get of Venus and get my wings, they say it's always the same. The dog is still sitting right beside me and then moves right into my body with me. He's brave and with me now.
I start to itchy my nose till I can see lots of flakes of silver skin... but the itch doesn't stop and I wake up to really scratch my nose.
Sorry, another LONG one!!
9th July 16
Horses, Team game. 1 Side is unhappy as lots of people not helping. A gypsy style horse and cart, dog too green and black iridescent feather.
White sand and a grey sky on a shore alone with a camp fire, I am twisting up drift wood to look like DNA lots of baby horses.
Child hood house, 1000's of people coming for a party, all bringing different gifts. Helen brings a gold and green necklace to hang on a huge driftwood tree in the garden. The house has no external walls. Others are coming to hang jewels onto the tree too. Martin is throwing hand fulls of diffrent coloured stars up into trees to light the party.
More and more people arrive, From upstairs I can see London.
I can see huge spirals of black smoke twisting into the sky, everyone tells me it's always been there but it's different to me.
I jump to another house, I've gone there by mistake. The view is wrong, one side country and the other a canal & estuary. More baby horses. A man is there he's from the past pre-industrial. He has to tell us a story so is calling us back. A ghost now he writes in rhyme like my poems, It's to his Gay lover telling him the magic is real & the spirit took him, he left a trail if you believe.
Next me and others have some crisp bags to share, so many people arrive we just give them the bags and leave.
Tuesday 7th Jun 16
Lorry with rubble in, big and noisy... it makes crumpets. It's not aligned so I fix it.
All watching and waiting for an aliment of planets, From above the orbit it looks like an eternity ring...
It makes lots of patterns people are cheering... a ring of fire.
Massssive dream to write after this one. (( Here we go, wonder how far I can get threw it) It's from same night on the 7th Jun 16.
Massive long adventure of finding and putting things back together. I'm with a wired team around 10 of us it starts of in a bleak volcanic terrain, black/grey stone.... there are broken roads and it feels like a blend of eras.
People have vanished, there are only the 'searchers' left. There is water round were we are like a rock island and the waves are huge they smash up against an invisible wall then run back down... it's like we are under a dome we can't see.
We have got together onto a bus to move faster but then some filthy water breaks threw a skeleton head wall that had been holding it back. The bus is stinking in the nasty water we easily open the escape hatch and swim up but it means we need to split up and continue on foot now.
I find my way to a huge ancient forest.. Massive trees there giants, I'm lost with someone else. We come across an old round wooden house on stilts, it looks amazing. It's on fire and burning but not being destroyed by the fire only I can see it, the person with me can't. He can see the flames reflected on my skin and when he touches me I'm hot from the heat of the fire.
We move into a City next. I bump into another friend here, I have known her for many many lives, she is/was 'Fire'
The city we are in is crazy!
It's 50's 60's American feel to it all the people have gone, but everything is left 1/2 done, the buildings are 1/2 build and opened like dolls houses, in them are - 1/2 cooked meals 1/2 done jobs like the people just vanished in the middle of what they were doing very suddenly, or that the whole city was set up like a dolls house village but someone took the dolls.
The other dream characters are also 'searchers' Not local to the city and not of it's time. I look into a room to find a person in all black making Jigsaw bags from memory's and old school books.
There are a few people there doing yoga and I find the odd couple having tantric sex.
I'm amazed by rows and rows of stunning perfect clean and shiny old cars they are in pastel colours with polished chrome .... they are all parked along side unused roads. There are metal painted sines there too.... One that stands out has a VW camper on it and states. 'THERE IS NO ESCAPE IN RUNNING AWAY'
I re'member that I'm looking for my Dad in this place, I'm still in the city I'm climbing up threw half build homes, marvelling at the way the food isn't spoilt... I pass threw a garden set up for a part and bbq and then in threw there garage and threw there house to get to another level. I have a place in mind were my Dad should be it's an old shop. I walk up some cocreate stairs and along a path.
The shop is closed up, with shutters down and rows of dirty shopping trolleys outside, it looks disused. The shop door is open I go into the dark, I call out but there is no reply. Something invisible slams into me and sends me flying back out of the door of the shop. I relax just in time for it to hit me again, this time I fall down the stone stairs but am unhurt as I was so floppy.. I relax still more as hits me again... I tell it I love it and I accept it back.... at this point things start going white and fuzzy I can tell I'm gaining lucidity...... But am woken up by the cat vomiting on the carpet :P
Monday 6th June 16
Have killed something or someone on the run.. they don't know they are dead though, there is a boat crossing with some kind of pretence and I'm aware I'm trying to upgrade something.
Next dream is set in a School, We are all writing a big book, it will be published by 1 author and we all get sylvanian family type toys to play out the bits of the story..... it's the authors job to pull it all together and weave all the story's into one book.
There is a black and white photo of a flower it's been dyed red.
Sunday 5th June 16
Dark & Light Ammonite Shells, I was dark and white too and also a shell :P
An Awesome flying dream with Mel (A friend who ended her own life as a teenager) We are in the town were I live now and we have a huge old phone cable. We are flying and teleporting I can also fly threw the ground too by changing my vibration. I keep teleporting myself underground then flying up out of it.
Friday 3 Jun 16
I'm a Mama Fox, I have 3 baby's that I can carry round in my mouth. In another dream there is a school teacher, I'm with his students telling them it's not important to pass, I don't want them to be stressed out.
Wed 1st of june.
Nature dance, I'm a huge jungle!! Stuff is going in and out... I'm like a massive Gaia Goddess.
- My team is ready we have full armour now, but we can't get the shields to activate. I get a message that we don't have authorisation yet.
Next I dream of my friends and we are getting gifts for each other.
Tuesday 23rd May 16
Setting is an old village. Local and regional councillors want to sell off the grave yard.
All the people object and the Vicar too they are coming together to try and save it.
I'm there to help, but I'm wispy and not to tangent.
The vicar of the old village at first tries to trick me. He takes me with him into the church... I'm playful and alive.
First he takes me to confession to try and manipulate me, but I see threw what he's doing. He starts to manipulate stuff and send it flying to intimidate me but I can still see it's him.... it's making a mess. I laugh and tell him, I know it's him and I will help him tidy up.
The vicar starts to like and fall in love with me...
It's an odd dream, the energy is wired - neither of us know what is genuine but we are both 'playing' a power game - there can be no winner.
I soften his edges.. I'm playful he's formal - but we have the same goal.
He wants to marry me as that's his belief - but I won't be owned.
Vet surgery work. I'm finished and am handing in uniform. There is a new head nurse, she's bitchy and I see threw her.... I feel bad for leaving the other staff with trouble... I know she will be trouble for them.
- Flying dream, making self lighter and floating and hovering. Asian man with me, who understands... We are weaving stuff together, big smokey strands of dark round the light like massive smokey DNA.
Monday the 30th May
Patterns, secrets hidden in light that we are not good at decoding. A yin-yang ball in 3D spinning.
Collage ending, Sitting with bag's full of belongings saying goodbye to old friends. I'm checking out and I need more 'payment' I mess up, I use my credit instead of cash... I try to call to fix it but get woken up.
- I'm chatting crying and learning with people. Also at a school that had finished, it was being made over and made new, I don't want to go to the opening as I want to remember it as it was.
Sunday 29th May 2016
Energy centres spinning, Old city in the country side.. I'm with friends writing a story. A boy gets the blame for something he's sent away 'dark wings'
Sat 28th May
Patterns with dots, like 3d more code, layers of understanding.
**Big Dream**
Rabbi dream, I'm at a huge holy festival with a young holy man. I'm walking and talking with him,
He is teaching me.
We are sitting in front of a massive red temple.
I ask him to tell me about 'God' (I'm a bit nervous as I do)
He asks if I'm sure, I tell him I am.
He talks quietly as we sit on the grass looking at the big red temple.
He tells me of a series of dreams and the number 52 or 42... he also goes on to confirm my thinking of dark and light. (It was a time I was exploring and delving into dark)
He tells me to pray/meditate then goes of to play football. I leave him and find a space at the festival. People leave me be as they assume I'm on drugs.
In the mediation, I leave and go up out of me. I meet, with above, it's amazing powerful.... love and tears... I know this home, I'm sorry I've been away so long, but there is nothing to forgive for as I always need to make my own way back.
I sit in dream meditation, weeping and tingling in total love - then all of a sudden there is a massive 'discharge'
Flames and smoke and woooosh come out of the center of my palms. I come out of the meditation back into the dream, I can still hear voices they are telling me it's the above and the below.. Divine meets earth. I'm confused, I can smell burning but my hands feel fine they just feel warm and look very pink.
I get up to go and try ad find the Rabbi again to ask him more. When I leave the mediation I find I'm on a staircase, some people are walking up to smiling and say 'oh, your on a higher level than us' I wait and we walk on together.
** Wake up very suddenly** from that uber light sleep, it all seemed so real, I'm tingly all over, especially heart and shoulders. I see a vision of the eye in the palm.
I go back into dream to try and look for the Rabbi again in the next dream. I find the same temple but there is a busy road round it now, no festival. I get the world 'Balala' or something... The temple now has beautiful paintings all over it, flower of life and mandala style... I could feel echos of the festivals and dancing and holy days but now there was just a busy road and it had been made into a round-a-bout.
'More to know than we can see'
Then the long dream (I woke 2 times but kept going back to same dream)
It's set on the small main street of the village I grew up in, but one of the vet surgery's I worked at is now on the street too.
There is lots of work going on, I'm 2 people working in 2 places at once the vets and a cafe I had a job in as a kid. Both are very new and in the process of being painted, lorry's keep dropping of new equipment. I go down to the small bakers shop to collect something for the cafe.
On the way I notice one of the buildings is filling rapidly with water and then lots of water starts to bubble up threw the streets. I drop into another shop and tell them they must call the water board.
I bump into my old nextdoor neighbour he tells me he's much happier now he has GPS and shows me a camping stove, I want to know were to get one too.
Back out on the street the water people are there, one of them stops me and say's 'Thank you, it's a good job you knew were the source was'
- wake up -
Back in the dream now I'm in the new vet shop, I'm putting up prescriptions of cream to be collected - I'm also working in the cafe but I'm not me I'm the other Andrea (who was the owners daughter) I'm a prisoner there.
The dream changes too 2 child lovers trying to get back together and now I'm a female working and a young boy (I flick between these 2 characters now)
The female is being kept as a kind of slave, working. It's all parody though there's a spitting image type of royal family, and the shops are morphing into big sandstone buildings.
The boy is trying to get into the village which is now more of a ruined castle. he's small and keeps meditating turning blue and flashing blue. He has some helpers there clones and are like overweight versions of Redfoo - they find themselves really funny and are more of a distraction than anything else.
As the boy I meditate and teleport myself into the walls close to the female.
They grab each other and run, the girl blows up a section of wall which crumbles behind them to give them some moments to escape.
-wake up and see to toddler-
Back into dream, I'm with the boy outside the walls he starts to place a ring of explosives to give us time to get out of there.
After they are set we run and make a detour round the main part of the village onto the cliff tops. There is a carpark full of cars, old shiny ones all with blacked out windows on the road beyond the carpark some kind of roadblock with people yelling.
The boy recognises one of the cars and the door opens as we run into it.
Inside it's really plush - cream leather seats. With a large choc Labrador in the back. The driver is an old guy (I actually remember this car from a dream I had years and years ago when I was at school!)
I get into the back, and the blue boy curls up in the passenger foot well and hides under a trench coat.
He starts to drive, at the road block a man falls down like he's been shot - it causes a diversion and the other run to see him, they all fall down. We escape.... as I look back out of the window though I see non of them are really hurt and are standing back up.
We start to chat in the car, the older guy asks the blue boy if he's been calling in the angels, he says yes from under his coat hiding hole. They go onto to chat about the ascension of earth, at the front of the car a thing pops out like a tray, in it there's a holographic man he's like a butler he hands out eye pad screens they have lots of strange glypic writing on them and diagrams.
He has sweets on a tray too, I take one it's a chocolate eclair

The man keeps talking about humanity being at the brink of ascension but not yet seeing it and not taking the final leap humans are worried.
They are from Jupiter, I comment 'it's bonkers why can't they see it?' Then they laugh at me as I took forever to get of Venus and get my wings, they say it's always the same. The dog is still sitting right beside me and then moves right into my body with me. He's brave and with me now.
I start to itchy my nose till I can see lots of flakes of silver skin... but the itch doesn't stop and I wake up to really scratch my nose.
Sorry, another LONG one!!
9th July 16
Horses, Team game. 1 Side is unhappy as lots of people not helping. A gypsy style horse and cart, dog too green and black iridescent feather.
White sand and a grey sky on a shore alone with a camp fire, I am twisting up drift wood to look like DNA lots of baby horses.
Child hood house, 1000's of people coming for a party, all bringing different gifts. Helen brings a gold and green necklace to hang on a huge driftwood tree in the garden. The house has no external walls. Others are coming to hang jewels onto the tree too. Martin is throwing hand fulls of diffrent coloured stars up into trees to light the party.
More and more people arrive, From upstairs I can see London.
I can see huge spirals of black smoke twisting into the sky, everyone tells me it's always been there but it's different to me.
I jump to another house, I've gone there by mistake. The view is wrong, one side country and the other a canal & estuary. More baby horses. A man is there he's from the past pre-industrial. He has to tell us a story so is calling us back. A ghost now he writes in rhyme like my poems, It's to his Gay lover telling him the magic is real & the spirit took him, he left a trail if you believe.
Next me and others have some crisp bags to share, so many people arrive we just give them the bags and leave.
Tuesday 7th Jun 16
Lorry with rubble in, big and noisy... it makes crumpets. It's not aligned so I fix it.
All watching and waiting for an aliment of planets, From above the orbit it looks like an eternity ring...
It makes lots of patterns people are cheering... a ring of fire.
Massssive dream to write after this one. (( Here we go, wonder how far I can get threw it) It's from same night on the 7th Jun 16.
Massive long adventure of finding and putting things back together. I'm with a wired team around 10 of us it starts of in a bleak volcanic terrain, black/grey stone.... there are broken roads and it feels like a blend of eras.
People have vanished, there are only the 'searchers' left. There is water round were we are like a rock island and the waves are huge they smash up against an invisible wall then run back down... it's like we are under a dome we can't see.
We have got together onto a bus to move faster but then some filthy water breaks threw a skeleton head wall that had been holding it back. The bus is stinking in the nasty water we easily open the escape hatch and swim up but it means we need to split up and continue on foot now.
I find my way to a huge ancient forest.. Massive trees there giants, I'm lost with someone else. We come across an old round wooden house on stilts, it looks amazing. It's on fire and burning but not being destroyed by the fire only I can see it, the person with me can't. He can see the flames reflected on my skin and when he touches me I'm hot from the heat of the fire.
We move into a City next. I bump into another friend here, I have known her for many many lives, she is/was 'Fire'
The city we are in is crazy!
It's 50's 60's American feel to it all the people have gone, but everything is left 1/2 done, the buildings are 1/2 build and opened like dolls houses, in them are - 1/2 cooked meals 1/2 done jobs like the people just vanished in the middle of what they were doing very suddenly, or that the whole city was set up like a dolls house village but someone took the dolls.
The other dream characters are also 'searchers' Not local to the city and not of it's time. I look into a room to find a person in all black making Jigsaw bags from memory's and old school books.
There are a few people there doing yoga and I find the odd couple having tantric sex.
I'm amazed by rows and rows of stunning perfect clean and shiny old cars they are in pastel colours with polished chrome .... they are all parked along side unused roads. There are metal painted sines there too.... One that stands out has a VW camper on it and states. 'THERE IS NO ESCAPE IN RUNNING AWAY'
I re'member that I'm looking for my Dad in this place, I'm still in the city I'm climbing up threw half build homes, marvelling at the way the food isn't spoilt... I pass threw a garden set up for a part and bbq and then in threw there garage and threw there house to get to another level. I have a place in mind were my Dad should be it's an old shop. I walk up some cocreate stairs and along a path.
The shop is closed up, with shutters down and rows of dirty shopping trolleys outside, it looks disused. The shop door is open I go into the dark, I call out but there is no reply. Something invisible slams into me and sends me flying back out of the door of the shop. I relax just in time for it to hit me again, this time I fall down the stone stairs but am unhurt as I was so floppy.. I relax still more as hits me again... I tell it I love it and I accept it back.... at this point things start going white and fuzzy I can tell I'm gaining lucidity...... But am woken up by the cat vomiting on the carpet :P
Monday 6th June 16
Have killed something or someone on the run.. they don't know they are dead though, there is a boat crossing with some kind of pretence and I'm aware I'm trying to upgrade something.
Next dream is set in a School, We are all writing a big book, it will be published by 1 author and we all get sylvanian family type toys to play out the bits of the story..... it's the authors job to pull it all together and weave all the story's into one book.
There is a black and white photo of a flower it's been dyed red.
Sunday 5th June 16
Dark & Light Ammonite Shells, I was dark and white too and also a shell :P
An Awesome flying dream with Mel (A friend who ended her own life as a teenager) We are in the town were I live now and we have a huge old phone cable. We are flying and teleporting I can also fly threw the ground too by changing my vibration. I keep teleporting myself underground then flying up out of it.
Friday 3 Jun 16
I'm a Mama Fox, I have 3 baby's that I can carry round in my mouth. In another dream there is a school teacher, I'm with his students telling them it's not important to pass, I don't want them to be stressed out.
Wed 1st of june.
Nature dance, I'm a huge jungle!! Stuff is going in and out... I'm like a massive Gaia Goddess.
- My team is ready we have full armour now, but we can't get the shields to activate. I get a message that we don't have authorisation yet.
Next I dream of my friends and we are getting gifts for each other.
Tuesday 23rd May 16
Setting is an old village. Local and regional councillors want to sell off the grave yard.
All the people object and the Vicar too they are coming together to try and save it.
I'm there to help, but I'm wispy and not to tangent.
The vicar of the old village at first tries to trick me. He takes me with him into the church... I'm playful and alive.
First he takes me to confession to try and manipulate me, but I see threw what he's doing. He starts to manipulate stuff and send it flying to intimidate me but I can still see it's him.... it's making a mess. I laugh and tell him, I know it's him and I will help him tidy up.
The vicar starts to like and fall in love with me...
It's an odd dream, the energy is wired - neither of us know what is genuine but we are both 'playing' a power game - there can be no winner.
I soften his edges.. I'm playful he's formal - but we have the same goal.
He wants to marry me as that's his belief - but I won't be owned.
Vet surgery work. I'm finished and am handing in uniform. There is a new head nurse, she's bitchy and I see threw her.... I feel bad for leaving the other staff with trouble... I know she will be trouble for them.
- Flying dream, making self lighter and floating and hovering. Asian man with me, who understands... We are weaving stuff together, big smokey strands of dark round the light like massive smokey DNA.
Monday the 30th May
Patterns, secrets hidden in light that we are not good at decoding. A yin-yang ball in 3D spinning.
Collage ending, Sitting with bag's full of belongings saying goodbye to old friends. I'm checking out and I need more 'payment' I mess up, I use my credit instead of cash... I try to call to fix it but get woken up.
- I'm chatting crying and learning with people. Also at a school that had finished, it was being made over and made new, I don't want to go to the opening as I want to remember it as it was.
Sunday 29th May 2016
Energy centres spinning, Old city in the country side.. I'm with friends writing a story. A boy gets the blame for something he's sent away 'dark wings'
Sat 28th May
Patterns with dots, like 3d more code, layers of understanding.
**Big Dream**
Rabbi dream, I'm at a huge holy festival with a young holy man. I'm walking and talking with him,
He is teaching me.
We are sitting in front of a massive red temple.
I ask him to tell me about 'God' (I'm a bit nervous as I do)
He asks if I'm sure, I tell him I am.
He talks quietly as we sit on the grass looking at the big red temple.
He tells me of a series of dreams and the number 52 or 42... he also goes on to confirm my thinking of dark and light. (It was a time I was exploring and delving into dark)
He tells me to pray/meditate then goes of to play football. I leave him and find a space at the festival. People leave me be as they assume I'm on drugs.
In the mediation, I leave and go up out of me. I meet, with above, it's amazing powerful.... love and tears... I know this home, I'm sorry I've been away so long, but there is nothing to forgive for as I always need to make my own way back.
I sit in dream meditation, weeping and tingling in total love - then all of a sudden there is a massive 'discharge'
Flames and smoke and woooosh come out of the center of my palms. I come out of the meditation back into the dream, I can still hear voices they are telling me it's the above and the below.. Divine meets earth. I'm confused, I can smell burning but my hands feel fine they just feel warm and look very pink.
I get up to go and try ad find the Rabbi again to ask him more. When I leave the mediation I find I'm on a staircase, some people are walking up to smiling and say 'oh, your on a higher level than us' I wait and we walk on together.
** Wake up very suddenly** from that uber light sleep, it all seemed so real, I'm tingly all over, especially heart and shoulders. I see a vision of the eye in the palm.
I go back into dream to try and look for the Rabbi again in the next dream. I find the same temple but there is a busy road round it now, no festival. I get the world 'Balala' or something... The temple now has beautiful paintings all over it, flower of life and mandala style... I could feel echos of the festivals and dancing and holy days but now there was just a busy road and it had been made into a round-a-bout.
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