Tuesday, 18 October 2016

Brown, Sleep Meditation and Time Disks.

I went to bed early and was asleep before partner came up.    It defiantly seems I dream differently beside him. 

I was totally confused when he came in and woke me up.  I felt like I'd been asleep for ages...   In my dream I'd been inside out, I was filing and tweaking a life book...  I can't really describe this, it's like being a fractal book worm....

Hummmm  I draw it!!  Sooo I'm the cup shaped tubes or spiral torus stuff.   It goes of in many directions.. 

It feels like I run threw a thick book or many books, the pages are experiences story's lives possibilities... It sort of almost felt like doing a life review in my sleep... but sorting and editing too.

lol,  It's not really explainable I guess but it's very familiar and makes total sense when it's happening.   It happened before the Moon crone & Spaceship dream too. 

Id only been asleep about 30-45mins.    I didn't know were I was or who I was when I woke up :P  Took me a while to re'member! It was also odd that such a small amount of time had passed as felt like I'd been there for hrs.

Sooo I went back to sleep this time next to Ian and again my dreams are chaotic.    Hopping round in time and space and very jumbled.     Lots of people I've known all looking to be whole?  Balanced?  Mind and Spirit?  Material Spirit..   It was all a bit much so I started to meditate in the dream.

I start as me and then just turn into a pyramid, I'm black and white and brown stripy...  a bit like a pyramid mint humbug but with brown stripes too :P  Interesting as browns not a colour I dream of much... it's not a very popular colour either.... I've never much liked it, but it had a very positive feel to it in this sense.    (It was also the colour of the robes the scholars wore in this dream. 

I did have one 'dream' in the morning.  There was a play with 2 females,  I was both of the females.  One sang and the other made things,    We wore furs and leathers we both had a wired leather bib across our hearts with a clay patch were a 'coin' could be imprinted. 
The coins were big the size of saucers and they were to do with times and dates.  They were made of gold.  We didn't keep the coins but had the 'date' stamps on us.  I don't think they were to do with money, it was more a 'time' thing. 

June 22
Mondays Dream.
There was something shaman book and a name Kepht or Kheph
It's hard to fit new children into old box's
- I'm underwater in a dark cave looking for something it's some old fabric.
I can use sonar or echo location some kind of low frequency noise to hunt for it.
The caves are under a cafe.
I have to keep stopping looking for the fabric and be seen to be working in the cafe. (It's a cafe I used to work in when I was younger and the one from a dream the other night where the Venus girl was being kept prisoner) The lay out of it wired and poorly organised.
I'm trying to serve people but the lay out of the cafe is huge and every things really far apart making everything feel like a waste of time.
It's taking me ages to find what I need I'm trying to serve some friends of mine, but they keep swapping seats. The café's getting really busy the boss is happy about this, lots of his friends and family are there.... I know the people too.
There was a feeling of frustration and I couldn't seem to sort out serving my friend there drinks (or help the other people in the cafe and I also was aware I was supposed to be helping a friend find the old fabric and wasn't doing that either.

Sooo Just found this... when I looked for that name back in June I couldn't find anything.    Interesting it's also linked to Elohim as that fits in with the other dreams too.    Found it kinda accidentally from a guy who sent me to a daemon website....  both him and this page mention 72.

This book 

7 & 2   So 2 is the Mirror,  did I get to 7?  Did I work that out?  Hummm  

Nah, I got 6 & 8...    Not 7 though.   Hummm   toys.

Sooo???    No idea :P   I'm sure I'll find out at some point though.  :)

Oh Odd,  that book above is by this guy...

http://www.masseiana.org/   A work of reclamation and restitution in SEVEN parts.   Hummmmmm

Ooo I love this....


Seems like I need to check out Mass
At times I had to tread
   Where not a Star was found
To lead or light me, overhead;
   Nor footprint on the ground.

I toiled among the sands
   And stumbled with my feet;
Or crawled and climbed with knees and hands
   Some future path to beat.

I had to feel the flow
   Of waters whelming me:
No foothold to be touched below,
   No shore around to see.

Yet, in my darkest night,
   And farthest drift from land,
There dawned within the guiding light;
   I felt the unseen hand.

Year after year went by,
   And watchers wondered when
The diver, to their welcoming cry
   Of joy, would rise again.

And still rolled on Time's wave
   That whitened as it passed:
The ground is getting toward the grave
   That I have reached at last.

Child after child would say—
   'Ah, when his work is done,
Father will come with us and play—
   'Tis done. But Play-time's gone.

A willing slave for years,
   I strove to set men free;
Mine were the Labours, Hopes, and Fears,
   Be theirs the Victory.
WOWO  I've found so much more stuff today that I know is important, but as normal I CBA to read it, I'm sure I'll dream it anyway :) 


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Omar_Khayyam  -  A guy that seems worth looking into.

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Libation  -  Something to do with ancestors and spirit spirit/  

http://www.talentshare.org/~mm9n/articles/man2/5.htm  Lots of stuff that I kinda know fits, but can't 


List for reference. 

http://www.thekeep.org/~kunoichi/kunoichi/themestream/egypt_soul.html#.WAZW0ckvVH0   Ren!  lol  My gamer tag for the past 20 years and it also now  seems something to do with the soul :P  It fits with the soul name I was told in the Elohim dream but forgot. 

And then this!     WOW, 

http://www.masseiana.org/bbbk2.htm#49      Words,  this seems to be the power of the word also has that word Khept,  Kept  from this dream..     Gah I can't find it now...  I'm sure I will it's the new kids in old box's dream 

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