Friday, 14 October 2016

Metaphysical Diarrhoea......

In the gaps, find connections, 
In the space find the Whole, 
In the empty, Drink the fullness,
At the start find your goal,
Breathing out threw space time,

The game is yours to play.

Find the Dots!  Then throw them away,

Hide them in the night time,
Hunt them in the day,
Give them to your team mates,
Share them with your friends...
Keep on playing!
Can you find an end?

The end is the beginning, the start is at the end.....
You'll allways keep on playing!  Chasing your tail,
Catch it briefly feel the whole,
then throw it away and scatter your soul.....

Into a new hole :)

Last night was all about the 1 & O

Or it started as the   1 & O

Water it flows from you to me, then back to the sea...   It's linked to the Orange Ray Centre.   I'm dreaming about nappies!  I wake and need to pee   lol  - the Humility dream, I needed to collect them orange-ray Me's feeling shame.

I'm wide awake again.  

Pondering the dream.   The knights Templar dream from 2012, Holy Mass are bubbling round my mind.    Alchemical water??  Emotions... 

Blood/Lymph it's 2 systems Dual flowing out coming back...
The 2 Spiders and Blood and ancient birth right?

Another poem pops up..  from years ago.

Pain, Sadness
A Sea of Tears Never Cried,
A Well of Emotions so Very Deep,
Encounters Forgotten In Times Sleep,
Let it out 'Now' Let it Flow,
Release the Sadness Let it Go.

My Throat tickles next so I go to get some honey..

The Land of Milk & Honey??  What's that?  Honey in the Apple Spell,  Kefir?  What is Kefir??  I've a feeling that's jigsaw bit.


I realise the room I'm in is laid  out with 4 lights..  

To My North  (Actual West) -  is a Sun, Candle with the flower of life on.  I got this on impulse after an impulse meeting with someone! ADHD/Quantum

In My East (Actual North)  A pink salt lamp

In My South (Actual East) A Stone & Water Oil Burner & Plant

In My West (Actual South) A Moroccan Lantern

Is this something like the Medicine Wheel?  

Seems like it's possible... Interestingly orientated round my position rather than the round worlds :P
These are things that have been in this for ages. O.o

Anyway, I went got some honey and re-lit all the candles... it almost felt like I was on 'Auto-Pilot'  ;)

I remember I noticed on the book shelf, the book before Earth Mother is 'Dedicating your life to Spirit' hummmm    The One spirit?  Zeitgeist?

In my Mind I'm again at the Architects Dream, It was a beautiful dream years ago.
It's a rustic stone cottage on a Sea Shore, a kind elderly man with twinkling eyes lives there.   He's an Architect, he builds stained glass windows into groins on the shore...    He lets me help him with one.

I tried to draw this once...   but it got away from me :P

Hummm,  this was the same man from another dream

5 May 2012
In the dream I'm in a narrow street, it seems like dream was set in the past meby the 50's
There were street stalls selling odd bits and bobs, outdoor cafes and bars.
All the stores were shutting up due to poor buisness, the area and people are all dull and grey.
I'm working at the bar, serving customers - everything seems slow and lifeless.
2 new punters come up to the bar, there waring black raincoats and hats, I serve them pints.
I make eye contact with the smaller of the men..... his face is soooo alive and his eyes really familier.
They are twinkly and childlike - he knows me.
He askes cheekily 'what did you go create a reality like this for?' as he looks around us.
I sort of shrug and tell him I want out of here.
He grins again and tells me 'I'm working on it'
Then his face changed into just another of the normal people at the bar and he vanished.
After that I woke up.

The Eyes,  Blue...   Hummmm the Dryad Dream, and the Bright Orange Eyes, This was something to come, Energy? -  The Humility?  The Orange..

I realise the Guy with the Twinkly Eyes is 'with me' 

Ohhh...   I wonder when I'm in a dream and I know I'm all the DC if I have twinkly eyes too... lol I kept miss typing this as yes :P  Soo I do!  Cool :D  

Then Phlegm  lol   ---  My Mind makes the weirdest Diversions!  Oh Green?  Cleansing Green??

Old Medicine,  Alchemy,  wonder what this is/was?

Another Leap... The Chuckling Goat Oil & Kefir, an unexpected gift.   Her oil is effective against MRSA - I pop some into the lit burner and get back under the duvet.

Next I realise 2 poems I wrote were 'Affirmations'   What's one of these? 

noun: affirmation; plural noun: affirmations
  1. 1.
    the action or process of affirming something.

    "he nodded in affirmation"

    synonyms:assertion, declaration, statement, proclamation, pronouncement, attestation, assurance; More
    oath, vow, swearing, avowal, guarantee, promise, certification, pledge;

    "an affirmation of faith"

    confirmation, ratification, endorsement, defence

    "the poem ends with an affirmation of pastoral values"
    antonyms:denial, refutation
    • Law
      a formal declaration by a person who declines to take an oath.
  2. 2.
    emotional support or encouragement.

    "the lack of one or both parents' affirmation leaves some children emotionally crippled"
Ohhh    lol,  I really have been sleeping threw my life :D :D Hehehe

One was.....

The freedom that comes from forgiveness, 
The power that comes from love,  
The insight that comes from inside,
The wisdom that comes from above. 
I open my heart, with thanks and with love, please purify me to use as you would. 


Where are we going?  What's there to see?
What else is hiding, Deep with in me?
I'll Shut up, I'll lay down,   I'll Get out of the Way
Surrender to Love and the games that it plays' 

Oh! Heheheh

I re'member I was told, possibly in a dream what ever they are! 

That I'd know the people to go too,

Lots of people pop into my Mind that I've met at the right time. 

A light filled rainbow relay poem..   The rainbow fractal holograms are in my head now!

Star people Poem....   1990's
Some people you meet shine like stars,
Something pure radiates threw there personality, or maybe something silent and subtle cushions there silence,
You know the people I talk of,
You may have known them for years or you may meet them only for a second,
But they leave you with a feeling of there shinning,
It’s a memory that isn’t easy forgotten a feeling which can’t ever be explained,
You sometimes feel changed – or like there’s something you just don’t quite get.
Star people make you think, encourage you to wonder.

I think maybe we all have a star switch somewhere.
Are these people hinting at that? That we should search for that switch and flick it?
The more stars there are, the more there could be.

Some burn bright and fade fast, others burn long slow and quietly, all of them feel there on fire, please don’t stare too long, stars can be dangerous and destructive and they shine just as beautifully when you’re not watching.

Look out for them, there special, their you and there me, maybe there everyone.
Some have there lights on and some have there lights off, some hide there lights and some ware shades.
They all have different strengths and powers.


Ok,  lol  I'll get out of the way now.    ---  Ohhh! I just remembered when I did the Alpha course at the local Church, when the Vicar called in the 'Holy Spirit'  He said he saw a Dragon for me......    

It was a nice Course, I realised Christianity didn't seem big enough for me, but I understood it and wasn't angry with it any more.   It was when I was first shown  Chakras, I had to forgive Christianity first.

Next I re'member a dream of splitting cells  1  - 2  -4 -8 -16   Oh,  is the 3D flower of life like cells??

Then I wonder about the fact I never feel I need to protect myself and in-fact actively seem to look for bits to enter me.    Some come back so hard they knock my dream self over, I just relax and let them in.....   I was told to trust (I think at some point)  

Then I re'member that someone in Dream time was going to teach me, Oh, all the dream schools we've been too!!  100's of them! Over so many life times!   I was told how we'd worked to this point over many lifetimes.

Then I see the Infinity sign being formed from spirals, it's layered.

*Shrug*   I ask to be shown what I need to know.

Zeitgeist, The Spirit of the age, the holy, spirit, the Wholy spirit...  Whole, Singularity.

The breathing out the expanding away, the in breath, the coming back together the re'membering the whole... the rest of me. 

The Whole, The Tree, Inside and out, they in you and me without any doubt, the flow....the tide!  Trust in this ride :D

Part of another poem pops in

Unseen we repel together we are caught in a magical spell.   Not even sure when I wrote this or where to find it.

In is inside us all :D   Our hearts are are homes.

Compassion  IS this Love & Comprehension?   Left and Right Brain Balanced to reach Heart?   so 4,  not 2 so still creation, but more balance and less wobble :P 

Jumping Mouse story..   Humm  I found a frog first,  Was it Buffalo Next?  

Ohhhh  My Vision!! The one with the smell & movment so I 'new' it was a memory, It went from cave paintings to standing in a herd of Bison, the soft leather shoes/wraps, and then the me on a ship with guns........   WOW   I'm not a dreaming Mouse now I'm a Jumping Mouse :P

I still have a lots of animals to go :D

Next is Chinese dragons..... Oh  lol they are made of lots of people!!

Next I'm seeing the flower of life as intersecting torus fields.

Yehy!! Bingo :D   It's the Apple too!!
I go to sleep and I'm kinda something like this.....   I feel my wingy bits getting wider and wider and wake up, I can still feel them.

Oh I just realised, the ice wall that the lady bird shattered with the hologram inside that was the veil too.   It's the wall of ice round the outside of flat earth..   so inside and Antarctica in the round world.

(Just after I'd typed this, I took the dog for a walk with the 2.5 year old...  He looked me in the eyes and said 'I saw the ladybird'  O.o  
Yesterday he randomly said...  'Thank you for God??'  - It was very surreal, I thought I was miss hearing him....  
Seems he is telepathic, that's why he was so annoyed with me as a baby, he expected me to 'get' him....  sorry 'Zak'!

I wake up.
I'm laying feeling very stretched sideways from the heart out  and then I get a text message from a friend.   I realise I'm laying like the hanged man. 

Oh,  I was wondering how I knew when people were going to message me,  This friend is local but it can happen far too (Oh that's the quantum thing... it's not far :P)  It keeps happening more and more.

We chat via text in the middle of the night! She couldn't sleep, I say we must meet soon, the Time is 4.44 lol 

Anyhooo it's a wired convo,  for before 5am in the morning :P   It's about her Sister in Law wanting a divorce.   She says 'she obviously doesn't remember what she said in church'  

The words 'Till Death us do part'  Humm, Is this Quantum too??  The Death Archetype.

I remember a dream about a Vicar.    (OH WOW,  I've just found dreams from this year that match up with the dreams from 2012-2013)  I'm going to have lots of stuff to type up!!    Eeepppp  this is too crazy! :D   Our Toys are coming back!   Now I know why I feel like a kid waiting for Christmas :P

OMG  I know what one of the Visions I had as a baby were too...    The line that snaps...  O.o    I've been moving threw reality's 
The Mandela effect IS the world stirring from it's slumber.  I was flicking between 2 reality's... that's the flicker rate.    No time, that's how I knew it was going to end well.  O.o  It's already back together!

OOPS  Tangent,   *Ties balloon head to foot*

The dream there was a Vicer and a church in a village, it was an old village..    There were people who wanted to bulldoze the grave yard and old trees to redevelop.  We knew the history was important.  The Vicer was attracted to me and wanted to marry me,  I was not going to be tied into a vow...  but I would help and work with him.    

Blugh.... sorry    Back to the Bison again....  Totem pole pops into my head,  Oh  Is this the Chakras too?  Do the animals represent the energy centres?

The colours on the wheel,  Are the totem animals Chakras the medicine rod?  Blood Red  - Yellow Sun?   Bison,   a herd animal, coming back together.

Another poem..

Infinity Within,
Infinity Without,
Light and Love,
Spirals from Doubt,
The Centre of Infinity,
The tiny dot of 'Now'
Experienced by an entity that doesn't know there power. 

Smell it & hear it catch it if you can,
I can feel it around me but not touch it with a hand.
Taste it or sense it, believe that its there,
Can anyone see it? Dose anyone care?
Like a web that were part of.
Like the ripple that we make.
In the something that is bigger a part we all do take.
(followed by a big doodle of a heart)

Or   Partake or Take Part   -  Join in <3  The Quantum

O   1  

Binary  -  Code,

lol     Making games,  Artist and Coders  :P

Wired breeze in the room making 2 candles flicker..  Spirit.  I re'member the sun dream   The Sun was lonely.

The Flat Earth and the Cosmic Carrot!  Is Prana, DNA   The Mind Misses our Hearts.

My friend Texts again,  she has her nephew and asks if I want to meet Today.   I tell her I'm a round O  lol   language is funny. 

'Prodigal son' pops into my head.... What's this?     A parable  Oh,  2 versions of it...  One older one new...   Different Cycles. 

Hummm  why are some religions Celibate? What is 'Tantric'  IS this 'magic'  They sound similar..

Tantra is a Sanskrit word that means 'woven together.' Hindu and Buddhist meditation practitioners use sexual union as a metaphor for weaving together the physical and the spiritual: weaving man to woman, and humanity to the divine. The purpose is to become one with God.   Ohhhhh!

The Sun and it's Reflection, So are we Earth?  The 'Real I Treee'     Blughhhh  my brain!!!

The illusion, Maya....   My dream with Mother 'Maya'  I must re'member find that that too.

I was seeing an overveiw of ancient sights and shown that they each had a pice missing, but there was great excitement as they coming back soon.
Then I met a lady called Maya a mum who had lots of young children, she wanted to share a big house with me.
But my brother was scared it was a cult..... he wanted to defend against it and brought gards and soldiers to her house.
I met her husband there who was an old tribal man with a lip disk, and he just told me just 'to love'

'Maya, ( Sanskrit: “magic” or “illusion”) a fundamental concept in Hindu philosophy, notably in the Advaita (Nondualist) school of Vedanta. Maya originally denoted the magic power with which a god can make human beings believe in what turns out to be an illusion.'  So many layers of crazy! :P Apparently also ment goodess in the older language.

My 2nd dream was almost a daydream, with someone I see often - It started as a daydream, but I don't remeber structuring it myself IYSWIM - I wasn't in control passed the meeting of my friend and going to a river by a waterfall.
We went swimming in the water the parts of our bodys fragmented into particles and disloved, mixing with eac hother and the water.
Very cool! We floated down stream for a while till we pulled ourselves back together
The the kids woke me up.

Lorna was right my brain is speeding...   Is the the vision of the porridge bowl I got as a baby?  Faster and faster...

Just found this from 2010......It also ties wiredly into a dream I had of standing on that hill waiting for the storm. Standing with others, waiting for the energy to change it and ankhor it. ....    

Oh that reminds me, I got the Red book by Carl G Jung - wow! I was reading a little last night, he was saying while he was delving inside he was manifesting things, his son had had a nightmare to do with what his father was doing with an angel and horned guy in... then all these spirits came to the house - when he finished his work to cleanse they all went again.

Oooooo  Is that why Zak has Nightmares and Sorry Roz :P   Another friend mentioned this to me too her daughter had had nightmares all week, but she also mentioned that the girls Gran & Aunty were psychic.

Oct 21 2010
a night I was having a really odd dream of a conflict of good and bad energy - and stopped it by shouting/thinking Unity and woke suddenly....
My friends little boy down the road, 3years old, he's a sensitive type energy and food wise.
Anyway at around the same time he'd woken hysterical from a nightmare -- he was up for 5 hrs after it, and could see lights while awake.... he kept pointing into the air saying 'can you see the lights daddy? what are they for?'

'Grace' was with me - I was on a bus. Like a coach trip, there were lightworker types and channlers on this bus
We were on a long journey driving past all kinds of wired stuff, huge rock falls, massive waves - most of them seemd to be crushing or destroying large shops.
I wasn't sure of the destination and we could get on or of the bus.... but had to stay with it, all our food was there.
There were guids there who were ment to be telling us what was happening, but they couldn't get the intercom to work.

2nd dream was at first, watching someone in 3rd person. She was young and had lost her family.... she was alone, but full of love.
She had a brother and partner she adored and lots of guides.
Later on in the dream I joined the person so it was me.
I was at a party the intensity of light kept changing so I could fade in and out. I was told it's not time yet and had to stay at the party.
I could see people scared, but couldn't see what they were afraid off. It was like it was on a different frequency to me.
If I lowered myself I could see outlines of fighting. 

Jul 25, 2010 at 9:38am

Well I Decided I ask my spiritual guides to for help a week or so ago .... 'Well it was more - hey throw me a fish here guys'

Last night I had one of them odd disjointed dreams, it was hopping round allover the place.
The bits I remeber the most was the flying part, I wasn't me but I was a younger person and was just zooming straight up into the air and bobbing round, but when I thought about it to much or people looked at me I came down again.

Then it hopped to being in a public toilet (wirdly my first real lucid dream was in a public toilet too
I was using the hand dryer and looked up to see a huge bright coloured sign on the wall

'SPIRITUAL REGRESSION - CALL NOW!!!!' with a name and a telephone number underneath. I might remember the name if I saw it but Ian came in and woke me at that point.

It's really amused me to the point I can't stop laughing, my poor guides must feel like bashing there heads on a wall sometimes

Also a dragon & healer - keeps popping up in messages too me.
lol the Vicer at the Alpha course even saw a dragon message for me

------ Oh  I had to Re'member    Go backwards...  like I did.  At least I know I'm doing the right thing :P  lol! 

HAhaha  My first ever poem!

'Fuck it, lets fly!
Lets ride in the sky,
We've done it before the times we were high.

Abandon your Ego and shit out your fear,
The moment is 'now' and the venue is 'here'    


'We've all smelt the flowers and all seen the sea, but now it's inside we just need to be free,

I've felt my own wings and I've seen them on you! Can we not use them? and everyone too?

Lets fly from this planet and visit the sun, tell him we know that life should be fun.

We won't try to hurt you, were having a laugh. Getting higer and higer theres no coming back.

When freedom is out there you can't let it go! How the hell could we with all that we know.

You might see us running, you might glimps us fly, come see what is out there! Are you going to try?


SO much stuff there is no wonder if feels busy in my head!   I also found stuff from way back that show how other people I know are influenced when doing this especially children...

Oh the dream....  The New KIDS can't fit in the old box's!This is was Shaman thing, the new kids are 'bigger'

Oct 15 2010

Last night I was in a huge oak tree. I was crawling from the outer most branches in to the trunk, then back out again.
In my way were lots of webs, thick spider webs... they didn't bother me but they made the gowing tough. I was doing something to do with acorns, and food. taking them to and fro.

It was similar to the up and down with food from a garden.

I feel they represent the journey my shuttle makes to my higerself/sorce and back to me again.  They are the Acorns!!! :D   I'm having to change to Zak's frequency. 

The tree!! 

It was there back then too 6 years ago, but I was scared of the rest of me as it was 'SO BIG' literally a giant :P lol   I can't wait till we all re'member!   <3

It didn't stop there though....  I only slept for about 3 hrs...   but I'm not tired at all.

lol  I think this might be the 'hyper' side of ADHD   :P  I'm finding round earth really slow O.o    HAHA  that's the DL speed in my spiritual pride dream O.O   OOPS!

Sooo   before dawn last stuff was,

Zeitgeist again, that's what I am....  I've sundered myself to that.  Is it the Muse of an age I guess??   Who knows,   It influences the cycles..  It's cyclical but like Russian dolls too.

IS it the in and out and the round and round that makes a spiral??  A loom?  A shuttle?  Oh that word again.

YES  lol the fabric of reality.  The 2 spiders, the weaves...

Dreamweaver, the website maker lol Lorna! 

Yggdrassil --     the weavers below it??  I don't know the story.. is it 3,  the spiders... the crone!  lol  It's real too :D :D 

Tracy I found your dream picture too!!   I think it fits in with my one I linked. x

There is is, Nephilim at the foot of the World Tree.......   O.o    lol

How far back can I go?? 

I've got Metaphysical Diarrhoea now!     The hanged man,  The flood inside... and now the flood coming out..... I'm making a mess!!    :P

Everytime I try to get of the mental loo...... more poo    :P

I try to empty my head, more stuff floods in....    On the 'Bright' side at least I stopped Puking Sunshine!!

Hugs & Giggles!

Phew....  just been to sit in a tree with my shoes of and feel way more normal!  Wonder how long this will last??

Was the soft soul shoes literal too?   Would that help me stop trembling...     Humm, I did spend a summer with no shoes once but I don't fancy winter and all the sweet chestnut prickles!

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