Monday, 31 October 2016

Eagle Owl and more Light Body Dreams.

First part of the night was mainly images.  

I was flying over forests that were also brains and cauliflowers! :D

I was flying in and out of 'tree worlds' and the amount of 'knowing' was incredible.    I was in a you-me-verse like a story book, wired version of my own reality.  It was both fun and funny.    Then there was the words  'Water Hunter'  ??

More shapes and images  like wired squashing balls (Found this here )    Amazing images from inside!   Anyway, in this part they were like that but all white (They were later in the dream to but coloured)
A massive Eagle  owl too with awesome eyes,  reminded me of 'fire' who I sometimes meet in dreams and also the Alien with the Orange eyes. 

There was also a part were I was seeing a the shape of 3 corned pyramids on top of each other. (Oh is that 5 too?  )  Anyway there are 2 men, one keeps getting things broken in this pattern, and thinks he's unlucky but the other man is laughing as he sees it as a message.  

First dream, 

Setting is a 'room'  it feels flimsy like a caravan or hummm not sure.... there was nothing outside it.

The room is many coloured, and full of containers draws and cupboards to sort things.  They are all arranged by colour as well as shape and type, the things are in the room to be looked after and categorised.
There are shaped like the ones above  they are made from what feels like play doh it's squashy can can change forms and vibrate..  There are lots of coloured lights in the room to 2 guys come in to repair one of the lights.
Some of the things in the room have been taken out to play with and I'm putting them away again so they are safe and organised.  

(This could be mental house keeping :P   literally experienced )   Some of the things I was using behaved like they were radio active,  they had a half-life that I had a meter that could read. 
I think there was someone with me while I was doing this, I was marking a chart for each of the items I was putting away it was a way of keeping track how often they were played with if I marked the half-life again before they were packed up.


I'm aware of another short dream with Zak my toddler in it, there was a church and other people...   Zak was busy and so was I, he was doing his own thing and me mine..  a female my mother in lawn in the dream she wanted me to 'worry' about Zak... they were telling me it was unnatural that I didn't 'Worry'    lol  
I was mildly irritated by this as he was fine, and I was fine...  she was telling me the floor of the church was to hard to let him walk on and he might bump his head, so she was trying to cordon of areas were he couldn't go.   I remember thinking, Meh, I'll let the 2 sort it out.   (will have to think about this my mother in laws not the worrying type so she must have been representing an aspect of me)

Next Dream

The setting is a sort of 1600's dock, but it's not 'real' in that sense, it just has that sort of theme. 
It's all arranged flat though like a massive dolls house with layers, the lower layer is underwater. 
I enter the dream from the front like my body is a doll someone is playing with and popping into a scene :P
It's quite 'dark' the light is muted.  

I'm in a light body form again similar to the one from Fridays dream.   I'm gold-light, it looks like I have wing shapes, but these are just parts of my energy field that are like reflectors :P  lol  
I'm aware It's ok to use this form in this dream world as most people can't see it, and it's ok for the people who can see it to see. 
First, I'm bringing together 2 male lovers... they are underwater they are find down there just walking round so I guess the water is emotion, they are not sure were each-other are though so I find one and he follows me to the other one of them.

I don't think I can speak to anyone in this dream...   I don't remember saying much but I can hear other people talk to me.

I think there is also someone there who is dead?  Or on the run from something,  anyway I show him somewhere to go to then I go exploring.   I go into a packed inn, it's like a huge sailor tavern rowdy and fun...   I've forgotten that drunk or people under the influence can see me, one notices me and then points me out and more can see me.     I laugh cause I 'know' them all, but realise I can't stay there and change my vibration to move out of the dream world. 


Sat's nights dream.  I didn't get round to adding.

It was visually crazy, it was Ian's VR game but being made physically by gnomes and elves and magic.  The room was huge with no roof, and on the back wall is a massive structure that is like a wired version of the mouse organ on bag puss,  it's also powered by balls that work in a sort of pool table mechanism. 
The balls that 'power' are silver ones but they are interspersed with blue and white plastic balls to stop things going to fast.   It's the job of some of the gnomes to keep resting the balls.

I seem to be a pixi or something in the dream :P  I have a cave to the right of the workshop filled with gems and a wand.    I can also fly and do magic...     I keep flying up to the top of the game machine and setting of fireworks and party poppers. 

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