Making no sound, I twirl to the ground.
I run threw the woods and into the earth,
to die once again and await my re-birth.
Still, warm, embraced in dark arms.
How long will it be till the light lets me see?
I've lost what I am, I don't care what to be.
Formless potential lays within me.
A rain drop.
A beat.
like a heart.
I can feel.
Rhythm of one, I sing along.
A song, My breath! I whisper 'Let's go'
From out of my seed I start to uncurl.
It's an autumn kind of day today, the kind of day that reminds us to die daily :)
First 'dream' I'm examining a thought construct that is close to the ground, it looks like a small shrub but sounds like a song!
The singer asks me if I can sing, I tell him 'no' (I don't think I understood the language) the singer tells me the translator/writer of the song was a genius.
People start leaving, someone asks why. It's cause we need a bigger thought construct, this one is out grown.
Next herd a new song about power. Oh I think it was the 'Power within' Young voices song.
This was wired.... It wasn't like a dream it was more like watching an old cini film.
On the film was my parents, an aunt and uncle and more parents from the village I grew up in.
I was watching them, they were younger before any of them had children, but they were young adults.
On waking, I realise I was viewing potential parents for this life time! Interestingly the Aunt and Uncle both I was viewing are related to both sides of the same family. The Uncle is my Dad's Cousin, The Aunt my Mums nice.
The other parent - has a daughter 1 year older than me.... also ADHD who was also errrr untameable in a smiler manner to me.
Next a dream of the Hillary Clinton! lol but she was also Donald Trump too... well she had his hair :P
She wanted me to 'help' but her campaign was messy and I got 'dog crap' all over my arms :P (lol full of shit perhaps) Anyway I blew her of to go shower and clean myself up.
When I got back I was handed a pile of Autumn leaves that were the votes, and I was ment to go wash them in milk??
Next was hummmm it seemed like that errrr remote viewing more than a dream, it's not something I remember experiencing before. It's something to do with a girl at a university and a space station?
Next 4 people on roll out mattresses with triangle shaped bolster cushions. They need to sleep but they don't want to get to close to each other - I'm telling them it's ok to touch. (Elements? )
The dream, dream... This was wired, I'd got to the dream place threw a document/article published in 2012, but only 8 people had viewed it?
I knew it was important... it was a place on or in the earth. I knew what was going to be there before I got there (travel was instant threw a portal)
There was a wired temple set in an other worldly jungle setting, sandy and bright.
The temple is made of dark/black smooth stone with tall pointed coulombs on the left and right in front of it long rectangular stone ponds... with dark water in.
There is a tidal/river flowing too and it rises each day to refresh the water in the temple pool's.
The lay out of it is very special, but the tides have changed and part of the temple will be washed away soon.
The people that live in the area are different too. I meet a large purple bat there that I chat with, he's friendly and is explaining stuff.
Can't remember what though :P
Oh just looked up Bats symbolism, all about rebirth lol Cool and amusing given todays poem and the comment of 'die' daily! *High five Bat* <3 ;)
Nice colours too, Purple & Black... and bang on theme!
-- Hummm
More piccys, I'll add them here to look at together, medicine wheels all seem to be a little different so I need to find what I'm comfee with :)
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