Thursday, 24 November 2016

Zak in an Egg & a Strange Shop.

First dream Zak is in an egg,  he's ready to hatch.  I need to use fire to hatch it.  

I'm woken by Zak shouting (he was dreaming about spiders)  When I woke though there was a lovely and strange smell of warm toffee that gradually faded with the dream.


The egg reminded me of the dragon dream were we needed water to hatch our eggs, and also the dream were I was slipping threw reality's.... in one of them humans were born in eggs.  ~

23 June
Blugh sorry :P .... another long dream with lots of elements!
Wired jumping round dream. (My kids kept randomly bringing up parallel reality's during the day which got me thinking about Mandela effect again-part of the dream was about that)
Fist part I'm in some magical and wired dark woods with a few people all spread out. Stuffs changing and a few people are welcoming it.
I slide into another dream, then another stuffs changing but I'm the only one seeing it.
I feel like I'm slipping threw time and it gets harder and harder to remember were I've been with each slide.

In one world we are slaves and humans are born in eggs, I'm trying to explain to the people there that were I came from we give birth to live baby's in a membrane bag and not a hard shell. The people are listing to me, but can't understand - amongst them is an old man with kind bright blue eyes. He tells me I'm not crazy and he'll find a book for me.
I slip again into a house were females are and they are filling in forms to get permission to have child/eggs.
I keep contacting home world, but the slipping keeps happening.
Next I'm in a huge house, only in one room.
It's in the bedroom of a middle aged man, he has some form of learning issue/autism.
He's in a big bed with green and gold silk bedding in the most beautiful room. There is no natural light or window and It's tiled in old fashioned cream and green tiles in striking geometric patterns, there are big ornate lamps giving of a golden glow. Some of the tiles on the ceiling have amazing pictures of birds and flowers on and cryptic messages painted with them.
His parents are there and round the walls of the rooms are shelves of 1000's of leather bound books. They have all been signed by the author especially for this man. There are some paintings there too also especially for him. The man in the bed seems unresponsive like in a deep trance.
Next I'm with a group of soldiers swimming in the mouth of a river, A shark comes up to us. I swim to the bank to climb out and the shark comes at me, but I reach the shore and climb out... as it bites out of the water one of the solider pushes it up out of the water to it's beached and he kills it.
I feel sad and we discuss it's death. Was it killing to survive or was it greedy? I'm saying it's just taking what it needs to survive but the solider who kills it is pointing out it is it's 'nature'
As I wake up I'm reminded of a beautiful albino catfish 'Layla' I had when I was younger, she was well fed but as she got bigger she just attacked all the other fish till I needed to separate her.
She would chase other fish and stress them and eat there fins.
She had an aggressive nature? She lived alone with a pet rock 'Mr Eyeballs' that she used to attack and bump round her tank.

--- Hummm reading that's given me pressure on my head like info's coming in.   -   Separation or unity....   breath in breath out?

Next dream is a strange shop, & farm.  

The farm is selling firewood...  it's owned by the Royal family, specifically the queen.    The trees are like apple trees, but they are growing chopped logs... they are like little knobbly growths along the branches, it's a pick your own so I go round with a sack.

When I get the sack to the counter the logs have turned into second hand clothing, I have Zak with me and the clothing is small.....  I also have a strange silver hoop, it has an energy to it and I'm moving it round his body.  

Next thing I remember is being in an ancient looking room, there is a fire place with a fire burning.... 

The fire suddenly stops/vanishes..... then the room rumbles and the fireplace kind of burps belching out black smoke all up the chimney breast.   The fire is alite again but there is soot all-over the place. 

There is an antique shop selling floating islands...    Obama and Clinton are in there, I'm going to look at the island and the 2 democrats are bickering, when i get close to Clinton I realise there is dog poop around her.  

-   Hummmm,  this is the second dream I've had about Clinton and dog poop!! O.o 

Next a dream of the Hillary Clinton! lol but she was also Donald Trump too...  well she had his hair :P
She wanted me to 'help'    but her campaign was messy and I got 'dog crap' all over my arms :P  (lol full of shit perhaps)    Anyway I blew her of to go shower and clean myself up.  

When I got back I was handed a pile of Autumn leaves that were the votes, and I was ment to go wash them in milk??

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