Thursday, 17 November 2016

Water Dragon

First one of my book synchronicity!   I went back to one of the 4 books I'm reading and started where I'd left of a month or so ago, only to find I'd stopped just before a chapter all about Seth and the oversoul 7 books  (We have all been chatting about Seth for the past few weeks in dreamer group:P)  I'd also added samples for the same Seth book mentioned onto my kindle.

Soo   Dragon dream,

I'm not sure who 'I' was in this dream I was in a totally unfamiliar room with 2 totally unfamiliar teenage boys smoking pot.   I wasn't smoking so was just looking about the room, on one wall is a notice board.
A calendar catches my attention, it's blue and advertising a water park.... in the picture is a bright blue water monster/dragon serpent thing.  It's got a slide and fountain coming out of it, but it looks like it's tied in a knot.   At first I think it's the Loch Ness monster but then realise that the calender is Welsh so it must be a dragon. 

As I wake up I re'member my other recent dragon dreams.  
Shedding skin
Dream sharing
Purple Dragon
Dragon name

I realise the last ones have been earth dragons, following round the Medicine wheel water dragon would be next.  It also fits with the ocean dreams from this week. 

So I realise I must ask about the water dragon meditation.... as I'm mailing to ask I realise what this about.   It's about the dream/life below - also makes me cry! 

Summer  2011 some time. 

I had such a beautiful dream last night. It felt like it lasted a lifetime...... hence it's long

I was myself, human and I lived naked in a large deep lake were I was able to breath in the water.
The pool was in the most beautiful setting, surrounded by light forest with perpetual low sunlight that shone on the surface of the lake.

One day a black & white penguin appeared in the pool - at first we just imitated each other, but with time we learnt to interact and play together. Our favourite game was fetch, with a pink bath toy.
During a game diving deep for the ball, I happened into a tribe of human like 'people' living at the bottom of the lake.

At first they were a little unsettled that I had found them - I felt that I knew them. (Then realised this was a memory from a future, and that I would know them)
With time they accepted me and I grew especially close to one of them, years went by I lived with them and learnt there ways.
With time they gradually faded out of my visual sight but I knew they were with me still and I could always talk with the tribe even though I couldn't see them.

During this time the other humans (ones similar to how I had been) had taken over the area where the lake was situated. Eventually all that was left of the lake was a small dark deep pool.
The water there had become very polluted, the pollution didn't harm me as I'd become part of the nature of the lake.
The water was harmful to the other humans though, they wanted to dig out the pool and replace it with a swimming baths so that their infants could play there. I agreed and left the lake.
After the lake had been turned into a small swimming pool, lost and upset I tried to find the lake water.
I found where they were channelling the lake water too - it was now flowing in a dark underground canal, the water was black and thick and was being pumped fast threw massive turbines.
I could feel the tribe were with me though I couldn't see them..... I could hear them telling me. 'Don’t be afraid, don't be upset'
I left the canal and the dark water and found a small stream I followed into wild grassland.... I think by this time the tribe member I'd mated with had materialised to keep me company.
We came to a small metal shed on the edge of the grassland, inside the shed were 2 children working several computers. The tribe member I was with asked about the door way.
The children smiled and said they would help us in a moment.
After a small wait they asked us to open a cupboard and press a blue button, when we did so a doorway into another scene opened.
Looking through the doorway, I could see the tribe ‘people’ there.
In the distance there was a small beach set in a rocky cove and beyond a huge bright blue ocean.
I hear them in my mind saying to me ----- 'you know how to swim now, next you have to learn to swim in the ocean'

- I woke up then :) It was such a rich beautiful world and it felt like I'd been there for so so long..... literally a lifetime!

Soooooo   I need to reconnect with this dragon/spirit/life... and the emotions and knowledge from it.  I think there might be a whole sea of un-cried tears with this one :P

-  Next were visions.

The Greek letter Theta  and then Omega but it also had a small line under it.
What looked like a clock face in duck egg blue but the numbers round it were white birds like doves flying.

The last dream my recall is very jumbled, there was a forest and house, debts to pay a large white tent filled with food that was going to be moved.  
Some people moving bunk beds threw a mud filled carpark.  I was also linked to a wild animal threw the forest it was a white wolf, but it was very malnourished and in poor condition.

A tangly wood, were people can play.   Nothing is what it seems.  You are the question and you are the answer the asker and the asked. 

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