Wednesday, 2 November 2016

Dreaming Sharing with Others, a Pattern and a Dome.

I'm dreaming of dreaming....   my awareness was split between several layers of reality/waking/dreaming

I'm with others and we are learning dream sharing.  

In the 1st dream in,  I'm in a bed with some others, there are 4 or 5 of us, it's dark and I'm holding hands with the dreamer next to me as we all sleep into the 2nd dream in (We have no forms in the 2nd dream)

We are aware of both dreams too, part of our awareness is in the shared dream scape world and part is aware in the dream in which are our body's are asleep dreaming together.

(I'm also 'sleeping' very lightly as I keep waking to take notes and write them on the dream pad in the dark, I can easily re-enter the dream's in fact I think I might be aware of them still slightly while awake and taking notes.)

We all seem to be quite new to this, it's very good fun though and we are learning together.   

Non of us can quite get a handle on who's doing what :P   and we can't work out how to turn the lights on so it's quite dark in the dream :D 

The dream scape we are sharing is a void type 'sand box'

The kind of void that you manifest stuff in with your mind.
It felt like experimental team work, we working together to try and sort ourselves out and make something work.

In the dark dream space we have drempt up a kind of track... it's shaped like a figure of 8 I think, it's black and magnetic...  we have a small 'vehicle' (It's more of a hovering container)  It can travel round the shape, it's held in place magnetically and can trace the inside and outside of the infinity shaped track easily and quickly.

I was aware that we were trying to 're-invent the wheel'  lol :P


Next was wired,  or weirder ;) 
I'd moved out of the dream 'structure' so I was outside it looking into the dream void.    The dream was contained in a kind of web that looked like an interference pattern.  It's  larger like a dome and the holes have fallen away leaving a lattice type energy.

I think we all might be outside now.....  we are playing with what can best be described as 'puppets on strings'  On the outside of the dome shadows dance.

I remember at one point wondering if the dome was my skull...   I also recall that it was 'stereoscopic' 


Thoughts on this dream, I'm wondering if the 'people' I'm with are the Elements again?   (Hummm  I'm going to say yes, as everything in my reality just 'swivelled'  a bit...   lol  -  It's like everything around me spins slightly, it happens when I get more lucid in life) 

They were the ones trying to lay down together in last nights dream I was telling them it was ok to touch.. 
So I'm now wondering if this is my 'team'  that I work with in dreams...   I often am aware I'm working with a small group...   Fire is the only one I regularly meet and talk to at the moment, the others I'm aware of but I never see there faces or remember talking to them.... just that they are with me, Oh actually the moon crone that's earth.   I wonder if the animals are Archetypes or elements?

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