Monday, 7 November 2016

A Dragon Gives me Dreams.

I went into the earth again last night.

This time I was in caverns filled with huge crystals and pools of water.  While exploring I meet long black serpent like dragon, it's face is like a sea-horse with huge black eyes.     I think I'd been communicating with it telepathicly before that and it was guiding me to it. 

I go to it, and touch it's face as I do it presses it's forehead into mine -  Which sent me into a dream

The dream is set in a strange sunny town/village with the most beautiful lush bright green grass.

I'm on a central green area with a pond and well, around it are old communal housing buildings.

They are a yellow orangy colour and old pretty and small with exposed beams, but they have been unused and are crumbling in parts.  

There is lots of work going on to repair and update the cottages, the people working on them are descendants of the original builders...  the work is to make a new affordable communal living place.   The work going on is amazing as people are re-discovering the gifts and crafts that have been lost threw the ages.

I get a little lost while exploring and find one area that is ultra modern and kinda out of place for the rest of the dream, in it there is a youngish male.  
He is working on the gardens and helps me find my way outside... when we get there he starts clearing weeds from a pebble court yard exposing a beautiful pattern of swirling coloured pebbles, he is crying with joy as he dose it and is telling me that the stones were originally laid by one of his great great grandfathers. 

As I wake, I'm back in the dream with the black serpent-dragon  we still have our foreheads touching, I embrace it so our hearts are touching, and this sends me into a second dream.

This dream starts in a building...  in the building there is a beautiful unfamiliar woman she's got dark hair and eyes and rich soft skin, she has children with her..... 3, she was also one of 3.   Her family is estranged..     The father is missing but he's due back soon, I make them all cups of tea and leave them to talk.    Outside the room they were in is a magical world, I have no body and am flying round watching, it's a coast line with clouds rolling in.  It's like watching a film set but the story is being told with clouds, light, weather and nature... it's amazing to watch. 

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