Monday, 28 November 2016

A Night of Wired Things :)

First I felt like I was flip flopping in and out of 2 dream reality's.....   where I had a very different body in each - in one I was hard and hairless with cool blood, I felt brittle like egg shell!  

The other was soft like liquid fire. 

I got the vision of a red burning serpent in the shape of an S   - it looked like it had flames coming out all round it. 

Next I was invigilating in a science lab exam for people making molecular structures out of lego !!   While also removing the weirdest looking selection of 'parasites'  from my under my skin in my body and putting them into petri dish's for them to study too!!

They started of looking like snails eyes, but they were transparent... as I tugged them out they were buried deep in my flesh....  once all out they would rap themselves up or round things and try to get back under peoples skin.  
There were others that were green like the fronds of a fern... 

Some going right up threw me and growing out of different places.  One of the students was trying to remove one but they would only come out for me as I could feel.  Lots of them would turn to gloop once in a dish and out of me......     and at one point I pulled a whole fish out from under my skin. 

Then I was taken by 2 walking bares to a cafe were I was also ment to be serving at tables ...    The cafe was full, and I'd got carried away in the lab, it was a family running the cafe, it seemed to be in a caravan.  

The whole night was full of similar bizarre things,  It was fun though.

A second dream I'm in the sea in a small metal pod,  we are leaving a harbour and so is a huge warship.   We are moving under the warship when it starts to transform, we need to warn it that we are there....    It scoops us up while it changes and moves out of the harbour and then sets us a adrift again once we are out on open water.  

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