Sunday, 6 November 2016

Dream Hub & More Toilets!

First I'm dreaming of the 3D flower of life pattern it's huge...   the centre of each flower were it interlocks with the other bubbles is a heart.  It's a bit like VR  I'm inside the magic grid all & small.

Awsome dream. 

The setting is a wired hub, like an astral bus station or something also feels like a city in that it's a meeting place.

It's both organic and synthetic the floor is like the circuit board from the hive collective dream.  It's very modern, flashing signs and lifts made of soft grey material, it feels like it's in space it's open.
In it is my partner and another male and me, there is another female there but not present, she's a 'mother archetype' the main people are partner, me and this male... he's supposed to be American but sounds Scottish and I think he's called Schultz.  

We have met to 'watch a film' although it's nothing like watching a film at all, it's like having a brain shower or something :P
It's about messages from beyond the grave.   Our consciousness all join in this place for a info-feast, it's amazing it's really funny and very emotional we all laugh and cry together... there is lots of understanding and love.  After the film we talk and share we learn together.  My partner has made amazing spheres and layers of glass are working with negative space  - but they are information too.  People start popping in that we have experienced in life..  they are showing my partner how they are him too  one that I remember is 2 females, one is an old partner of his and another is a female fox hunter...    The 3 of them talk about karma / quantum entanglement. 

We are having a meeting of minds for a meeting of hearts.   I seem to be getting more and more lucid... and a little awake... but can maintain awareness of the dream hub and my life, I'm aware I can 'Ask Questions' in this place and that I'll know/learn or be shown the answers...  I duno what to ask though!
So I ask, show me :)
I leave the hub....  and I experience layers of 'real'  threw manifestations threw fields of light.... stuff I have no way of describing or making sense of while awake! lol  I'm vast...   spreading out and out.

When I wake it's that wired feeling of realising your way to huge for your body and you can only take a titchy bit back in to animate 'Andrea' :P  I'm also having an Asthma attach and realise I've been very deep.

Next dream

There is a pantomime, a show.   Also something about a safe with stuff in it, we have access to the key but the people who have the safe don't realise what they are keeping. 
I'm going to take part, it's outside.    There are lots of small horses/pony's there.  I'm riding on a small one with no saddle and bridal but I realise the horse is a bit to small so I get of and walk beside it instead....  I walk to try and find it a saddle.   The dream is set on a long green lawn area, to the sides are huge areas of wilderness that I want to go to...   Part of me goes there but I'm aware that male me doesn't want to go so I also stay in the central green area.


Next is so so so wired!!  It's a poop race!   I'm watching a wired toilet contraption... it has 4 toilet seats and the bottom is glass O.o   lol
It's rigged up so that the person that poops fastest wins!  There is some poop chutes that the poop slides down to set of buzzers!!

(I'm sure the symbolism will be obvious in this when I get it :P  )   Wonder if it's the same as the DL speeds??


Next yet another toilet dream... 

I'm in a house asleep in a bed, a strange man walks in and wakes me.  He needs a toilet seat!   I get up and take him to the bathroom and give him the toilet seat??? 

He's happy, he's also asking about some of the stuff in the house...   as he leaves I realise he's forgotten the loo seat he came for so I follow him out of the house with it, he's very grateful. 

Guessing these are linked to the new soul fragment in the bathroom

Sat Dream that I didn't write up.

It was a void experience of being shown time again....  different lay outs (I should have drawn theses when I woke...  it was to do with a planet too...   and the awareness of the planet making a time/info pattern, I could see cross sections threw DNA too something to do with a singularity and a heart...  oh and the DNA was tickly  and hairy :P    After that was a big blue hr glass type thing with energy moving in and threw it. 

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