Saturday, 25 November 2017

Owls and Dolphins

Fridays dream.
Such an odd dream.  It was almost like my brain was defragging all the stuff I'd done that day but with a wired twist.

Me and Ian were in bed, but the bed we were in was my parents bed where I grew up.

I was on my Mums side.   (I've had very wired dreams here b4)  I was sleeping and dreaming in this bed, and writing in my dream diary between dreams ... only I wasn't cause it was all dream!
SO We both woke and looked out of the window...  The view out of the window was similar to the view out of current bedroom window.   But it had an extra house next to it hung with pink silk, me and Ian had both woke and looked out of the window   and then watched the same thing happen twice. 
I asked him, did you just get Dajavu  he did, so I wrote that as a note in dream diary and went back to sleep..  Then I could feel my self slipping, in and out of stuff..  and I felt like I knew I was consciously jumping.  I woke again to write this in the dream diary in the dream :stuck_out_tongue: 
Next time I woke I looked out of the window again, this time the veiw had changed into a picnic area in the dark... there were kids playing and people eating, and market stalls all in the dark.   I realised at this point I was lucid and started shouting 'pig' and another big in a box would pop up....  so I spent a while going 'pig' 'pig' 'pig'  making more pigs in box's 
So being lucid I turned back into the room, it's a very close approximation of how the room was decorated when I was a small kid.  
I'm very lucid and the dream is fading, then I remember reading something yesterday that saying if your lucid and the dream is fading spin round and round.  
So out of curiosity I spin round and round and the dream starts to carry on.   At this point someone is bringing children (my children + more into the bedroom)    As I'm lucid I'm not really sure how to proceed so I take them threw to the bathroom (also exactly how it was years and years ago)      At this point I woke up cause I wasn't sure what to do :stuck_out_tongue:

It kinda reminded me why I'm not so keen on lucidity in dreams :stuck_out_tongue:   It's a bit to 'normal'

Last nights dreams. 

I think what I should have done is go further into the dream inside the dreams as that's were the fun stuff seems to happen for me :D

Loads of dreams again.. first one was cool and I woke from it at exactly 5.55

Long dream of a humm  place, it reminded me of a garden centre crossed with a hospital/wildlife sanctuary. 
First part I remember is helping someone like a dr,  They were hand writing prescriptions but we had no pre-printed prescription pads and I'd offered to go fetch an ink stamper...    then it got wired.
There is a pool with 4 dolphins in  they can come out of the water and stand on there flippers.
There are also young children around, the dolphins come from the pool and I reach out my hand they rub there faces on mine and touch me with there tongues they are lovely.

They've gone back into the pool and I walk closer to see them swimming, I notice something in the pool at the bottom, at first it's the clothing of  one of the children who was with us  (a small crawling baby)    then I see the babys hand, and realise she'd crawled into the pool to see the dolphins  (her older sister of 6 was ment to be watching her, but hasn't noticed)  

I dive into pool and grab her and hug her to the surface, she coughs a bit of water up but she's fine and happy to be held and rescued.   I walk to the shallow ramp were the dolphins come out and call to her sister to get her parents, but she comes back and tells me they are embarrassed.  I'm confused and get her to take me to them.

They are hiding round a corner and are both physically disabled   in different types of motorised chair, I try to give the Mama her baby but she asks me to follow as she needs her hands to operate her chair.  She takes me to their room were she has other children too.    I'm still holding her baby daughter.     Once in the room, she had a support at a counter and takes her baby to change it into dry clothes.  We talk an I explained what happened, they are great full and I hug and  go back to the dolphin pool. 

When I get there, it's busy lots of people in swimsuits waiting to go and swim/be with the dolphins many of them are disabled children (physical and mental)   I watch as they are helped into the pools for the dolphins to touch and lick...  I was also waiting to go back in and was already wet I sat on the edge and watched waiting till last.  Oh, I also meet a malasyian father who has a young boy with him, they ask if we have Obi-Wan Kenobi here, one of the other 'staff' says yes we do and goes to get him. 

(I woke here)    at 555
Next dream in in a vet inpatient ward with stainless steal cages.    In one are 3 voles,  they are oddly scared,  something falls and I notice someones put 2 green and black budgies in with them.    I'm puzzled at why this would scare them, but then I look up again and there is a small owl.   The owl swoops to catch one of the voles but crashes into a plastic hamster wheel and budgie perch missing the vole so I quickly take it out.  

I'm holding the owl wondering who thought it was a good idea to cage it with voles.   I can see a small suture at the back of it's neck were an injury has been fixed, but the bird is fit and a good weight and clearly ready to hunt.  The stitches look like disolvable so I take it to the door and set it free,

At the end of the shift the staff want to go out.  We go to a huge multistory (It goes down into the basements layers too it's a pub/bar/restaurant/casino thing.  It's packed with people in 80's type of glam ware..  I'm still in greens and push my way threw the crowds and up and up story after story as I'm heading to a roof garden I know is there.   At the second to top floor I pass the kitchens and wave hello to the staff there and go to meet the gardener on his terrace garden, it's got lots of veg patches (Used in the kitchen below)  and some tables too, it's evening and some tables are occupied lit by candles. 
The gardener knows and greets me he's elderly with white hair and rough hands I tell him I've come to help with the weeding.   He hands me a trowel and takes me to a lettuce bed where I kneel to take out weeds.    I spend time weeding the bed ready to plant fresh seeds...     I notice the waiting staff are really busy and so I help them clear some of the empty tables, taking plates to an elevator that goes to the kitchens. 
At this point some of Ian's family arrive (His dieing Mum and his Dad (Possibly his sister too)

I pull out chairs for them, wipe the table and bring fresh candles for the table...   I'm not sure they recognised me, if they did they wern't surprised to see me in a nurses uniform covered in soil with a trowel in my pocket clearing there table :wink:

In the last dream I have a ship and a treasure map!  I'm the captain it's an old fashioned sailing ship with masts and rigging.  I need some crew to help me,  I pick my crew by arm wrestling them :stuck_out_tongue:
I think we were 2 females and 2 males.

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