Sunday, 12 November 2017

Insects and Rodents.


A strange dwelling on a cliff jutting out of the sea.   There are waterfalls coming out of the cliffs...  it can only be reached by water.   The dwelling is small and cramped ontop of a small cliff in the stormy sea and inside is an elderly clergyman he's got old fashioned robes.     He also has a fat tabby cat.    I can't really recall why I was there or what I was :slightly_smiling_face:

----- Today  Sunday  November 12th, 2017 -----

I'm in a large contained communal residential place..... like a live in school but there is a gym & swimming pool as well as classes.   I'm going swimming but when we get in the pool it's cleared cause of lice jumping on the water. 

When we get out I'm with some female friends but I also have my 2 boys with me and they have lice, me too.  The lice are huge - look more like cockroaches.  

When I put my hand into josh's hair I pull out a handful of them.   They are big, not like head lice but flying roaches and beetles.  I squish them and put them down the loo in the changing rooms. 

I'm aware I need to get them all out of our hair, in another part of the dream I'm in a communal bathroom but the only one there it's a dated Victorian style with large white porcelain sinks and  old mirrors that are scratched on the back.  It reminds me of an old hospital perhaps (metal asylum)   I'm pulling bugs out of my hair and squishing them on the cold porcalin with the backs of my finger nails feeling them 'pop' and watching there insides squidge out.     O.o  

Next part of the dream I'm in a lesson, it's an art lesson but it's in an old fashioned science lab.

I've an excersize book and I've planned out a picture and then I'm completing it in the back of the book.    It's lovely I've almost finished and I'm running a pen over it all.... this is changing it, making some of it matt and other bits shiney and tiny lights are appearing in it too.    I keep going in and out of the scene I'm drawing  - when I'm in it it's snowing and the class and teacher are there too, it's rolling hillside and children are sledging and thorwing snowballs  (yet this was only a tiny part of the picture  (the picture had a star filled night sky were the stars really shined)  then round it were rainbows, and woodland animals, trees and plants.   It' was really colourful.

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