Tuesday, 21 November 2017

Jungle Temple

I kept waking myself up coughing last night.. was driving me insane, I'd fall asleep cough and be awake so at 1.30 I got up and had some Valium to knock me out.  I was surprised I still had dreams but I did. 

first one I'm in a sandy jungle?  lol  well it was meby an oasis?  It was sandy like a desert but there was also lush green bits. 
I'm visiting an old temple/city it's ancient and crumbling, made from green bricks and the architecture is incredible.    The paths and stares between the abandoned buildings are narrow and winding.
It's filled with hippies/travellers it's a kinda hippy pilgrimage or something.   People have parties there and meditate but the ruins are becoming unstable and it's going to be abandons/left.    There are rugs and fires on the sand and open squares we were sleep and  dance.

So we have all travelled there for one last look/meet.
As we walk round bits of old green statues are crumbling and falling.  It's strange bricks not like anything I've seen....   green sand stone, but the sand has a glass like sparkly quality.   It's aged and dull though, and covered in moss and ferns.

I'm sad about it being left to fall apart when I meet 'Rose'  she's a shop assistant were I live now (she's a special person in disguise :P )   in the dream she tells me not to be sad, it's being sealed to protect it and not abandoned. 

I meet a guy with 3 big brindle dogs,  one of his dogs has got all wrapped up in that plastic 'danger' tape like the use to seal of areas.  It's wrapped round it's tongue and teeth.  I stop to help them I'm rubbing the dogs warm fuzzy chest as I gently untangle the tape from his mouth and paws. 

Next dream I'm in a large school or hospital I recognise this place from other dreams.  The stairwells at each end of the building leading up to dorms are being refurbished.. and the hall ways are jammed with crowds of people.

I'm making my way threw the middle of people flowing in both directions, I think I was going to a history room to look something up.   A guy passes me, and then another guy passes me again with exactly the same face but different clothes.  Only me and the second guy notice, I laugh and he grins at me and mouths 'WTF?'  we wave bye as we head in opposite directions again.

(Above was Monday)

Last night..

My very elderly Aunt and Uncle are there.. they have just had a new baby.

Last nights dream I'm in a huge residential school type of thing again.  I'm trying to find a mug to make tea, but they are all dirty or some of them have missing handles or are teapots.   I find a small blue/green hand thrown cup and take it to a counter that has boiling water but accidentally knock something off the counter......  this rolls down a huge slope.  I leave the mug and go down the slope.

At the bottom is a drop and I'm going to jump down but people are laying out birthday cakes, and cupcakes and treats were I need to land.   I'm calling them to let me down first but more and more cakes are arriving quickly. 
I spot a small patch and jump singeing a pink and white checked shirt I find I'm wearing on birthday candles.   I manage to get out of the ever increasing cake pile. 
It's a girls birthday and all the guests have brought cakes and pastry's (they look nice :P)  The ask me if I would like one to take with me.  I remember I saw a little plate of cinder toffee and    ask if I can have a piece of that.    (odd as I don't like it) 
I wish the girl happy birthday and push out threw the crowds.

(Odd as I had a dream a few nights ago that also had tables filled with little party cakes also for a birthday) (edited)

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