Wednesday, 29 November 2017

More Horses and 8's

Monday dreams..  In the first one I'm with Zak  we are laying out in the open looking at the night sky and shooting stars the sky was so full of stars and they seemed so close :smile:

Next dream was a hum, I guess it was like the grounds of a stately home.  There was a yoga class in one of the gardens I'd been attending with 2 daughters of one of my friends. 

The class had finished and the grounds were shutting up for the evening.  There was an ancient forge there and the fire was still burning in it, I was standing in the evening sun in the garden watching the pattern of the smoke rising threw the crumbled walls.

I notice another fire, but this time its in an old stable block.  The straw has caught light and there are 2 horses in a stable, I run across the grass into the stable yard to free the horses and call to the girls to set the fire alarm off. 

The horses are lovely  massive shire/cobs one brown and white the other black and white (they were very similar to the 2 horses in the dream the night before)

Ohhh  I just remembered there was also a guy in the yoga class who had a wired prosthetic/robotic  arm.  He was showing it to me and how it worked.

Tuesday nights dreams..   In one I'm in the most beautiful grove of beech trees, it's late autumn and the leaves are golden orange and red, the ground is covered and the sun shining threw the leaves is the same lovely warm hue.  

Next dream was game based.  It' was like pen and paper rpg..  but we were both at a table and also very much in the world/game too.   The DM was Angus an old friend of mine, he was playing too.  
We each has a small veg garden with a table were we were sitting playing the board version then we were also in the world we were making.

The world was bonkers with huge bases in caverns underground.  There were magic stepping stones that needed a special water to activate them...  and huge plant At-At things that walked.    Like giant 4 legged dryads on long stilts :stuck_out_tongue:   At one point me and another woman were tied sitting on chairs with tanks cannons pointed at us....   I'm not sure why.   I think we were being interrogated or something.   There were lots of candles too and a jungle.

Wed - Today
Another dream with 888!   All the dreams last night were odd.. not sure were there going
This time it's a big adventure game, I'm in a team of 4 or 5 and we are in competition with a single male. 

There is a chip thing  It's extraterrestrial something to do with communicating with someone off planet or bit of a spaceship.     I think we needed it to fix something, but the other person wanted it too.

The 888 this time popped up in a hot drinks stall.  All the drinks cost £8.88 which was lots but you got a real mug with each drink.  You had to keep the mug then every wed you could get free tot ups of hot choc another day was free tea.    I can't remember how this fit in with the other bit of the dream, I think meby we hung out there it was the 888 that stuck in my mind again. 
There was also the sensation of someone continually tickling my ribs it was driving me potty :stuck_out_tongue:  I think at one point I grabbed the invisible arm and bit it :stuck_out_tongue:  Crunching on tendons O.o 

The transmitter bit we needed was being kept in a black small rocket thing, it was in a park in a kids playground.  

Our team and the other guy both knew when it received transmissions and would rush to get it before he did as he would wipe it again. 
I woke as I'd split from my group.. I'd got trapped between a huge steam train buffer and the wall on the other side of the transmitter the guy was close too.

Next up.

A huge posh house, it's really grand.  I've been walking in the countryside and land it owns.
The people in it are civil but clearly think they are above us and others.  They had made a room for there baby, it had no windows and there was a large formal dinning table in there for when people came to see the baby.  I didn't see the baby.

We go threw into the hall, they have prepared a meal for us.   Rice wrapped in vine leaves greek style and there are little veg parcels wrapped in raw beetroot curls.    Then I find out Ian's Dad is upstairs, he's in bed ill, someone is asking him to get up he needs to get up.  he jumps up and runs to a bathroom but is sick allover me who happened to be in the way.

I'm heading down to the kitchen to find stuff to clean up when In wake.

I wake but go back into a similar dream.  A row of large posh houses..  there is a posh school too.  Somehow I'm there too, but I'm 'common' :smile:   Most of the kids don't like me and think I don't belong there.  I have one guy who dose like me, we kiss too.  It was an odd dream, not like my usual style.

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