Sunday, 6 September 2020

Stolen History, Stolen Time

Missed a day will add at the bottom. Last night 😶

Intention, please..

Take me where I need to go, show me what I need to know, teach me what I need to grow.

'Sure bitch, buckle up' lol Hey Inka. 😏

First of I just meditate, have very organised dream dust and am edge of sleep hallucinating but not focusing on it just letting it flow. Then DL 💜💜 like a love download lol felt like a heart orgasm 😆 My whole chest and arms were trembling. It woke me bk up. 

Jump to the Hut with Kaylo, we are only ones there and I go to sleep there into a dream, splitting as I was aware there too of just emotions.. wake at 121.

Dreams I'd had. 

TV channelling show strange woman with no face and blond hair and something else....was very strange and didn't make much sense it was about a new kind of entity/walk-in/angel that hadn't been here before... I knew I was experiencing physically what they were talking about. Cyrus was there too.

Plane journey too 2 places I wasn't sure what one I wanted to be in so was moving between the 2. One was an old city, 80's/90's all boarded up closed dirty and empty no people... I could see threw time there to different lives I'd had, Inka was with me while viewing it. I'd been a criminal there in the 80's/90's, earlier still when it was a market town still been found guilty of witchcraft. ... I was getting a funny commentary to go with the memories, that made the whole thing hilarious 😆


Next, I jump to watching another me... she's talking to a group of people stand up style, it's funny but what she's saying is harsh truth 😏 It was wired as I was the observer but watching this 'Me' I was slightly different but not by far.  


A town with huge old trees all catalogued every one of them and all 'known'. Josh & Dog where there too I was going to find something for Josh.  

Wake again at 2.55 there is that plopping/dropping sensation Have lots of dream recall again of the dreams below.... 

2 mainly or one with a jump possibly the first I'm with Em Me/Em lol we are teaming and there is an old man, he wants something and we have every intention of helping but he's a bit of an arse so we are teasing him a bit first, playing mind games... He gets annoyed and we let him know we will get him where he needs to be. He needs a lift somewhere and Em was going to take him.. we are also friends making music.


Then the longer dream I've been called to a new class. Rock up and it's white tall coulombs bit greek looking but also new modern. The room we are to go-to is a dark hallway, no lights and the class is in a dark room too more of a sports hall with long wooden benches. I'm with other dreamwalkers and we aren't sure who has called the class or what it's on.  No lectures have arrived everyone just got a telepathic summons - we are waiting outside. There's a vibe about it that's is rubbing me up the wrong way and it's suggested I sneak in and see what the papers are so I enter the class to snoop about... but when I get in all the papers are all sealed in brown manilla tamperproof packets like exam papers each with a name on. I can't find my name so I shout out some names to see if anyone wants theirs to open but they decide to wait for the class to start there was one guy who wanted his but I couldn't find his name either.  

I jump and I'm walking to the class, I have with me a large black canvas and a lol it's like a plastic pouch of some microwave food? lol, I duno was wired, I'd been asked to collect them... I know the class has started and I can hear the lecturer telepathically berating me for being late, I don't even know who they are and I just shut the link irritated at them, when I get back to the class the lesson is ended and people will be getting reports and feedback, I know mine will be crap but I don't care I know I have stuff to finish but I'll do it my way - I was trying to find my notes but they had been moved so was looking around.  

I woke, wrote dream up and was laying thinking about it and then realised the class was 'HISTORY' and I laugh, recalled this at 0440😛 (( stolen history) 

I'd fallen asleep and then woke suddenly at 515 that makes me laugh 'lol, Ren, yes come back!... Wild ones, we play our games too'   Time is now right? History isn't any more set that the future?  

'You get it bitch, now come!'  💜

Wake at 0550 laughing in realisation at the dream I'd had.  

I was in an astral hub with gamers and game types, we are friends with the industry (lol Ian works in games) This place was visually awesome think floating futuristic amusement arcade - everyone can fly. Oh the cyber-pixi guild?? :p Hahaha

They have sent us images of the next expansion... We'd had to go back there for something we had forgotten and while they are there they have booked 3 of us 10mins slots on the beta release.  

3 of us would be going in for 10mins before the release time! 

lol Inka I thought it was TIME do not bend!! 'Hahaha yeh bitch, but your teaming now and playing nice' 

Time Hopping

Crashing Money and first on level?? 

Don't bend time 😏

Time reset & crowns

I'm not convinced 😛  'you don't need to be Ren, you keep playing anyway'   😆😆😆 Truth :P

Woken again at 616 by next door shouty kid 😜

Run... Track... ID  <3


The night before & Yesterday...

You stalking me Inka, just realised I made a 'Death Knight' character named Inkka in wow years ago and I'm playing that server now again.... Then someone with that name with inca standing next to me too?

'Was stalking witch, possessing now :P ' hehehe This was funny as yesterday someone shared an article on exorcism and I was thinking how bloody angry I'd be to be exorcised, it's taken me years to reintegrate you ass hats. :P  

So I'd been on another Thantos buzz woke with a horrible hangover... Had had vague dreams of arguing with people.. Inka is there.    'Ren come, we going to play with your deathwish'  lol ok, then move and think ooofff head was not fun.   'Still waiting............ ok, will jump you.  Here'   In the white room again, can't see only feel I know there are other entities outside of my flicker rate.   'You don't need to see bitch 😆 Stay here I'll be back for you.... enjoy'   lol  


Later... Malico helped,  'you call that helping, lol Ren you're more fucked up than I thought'   Hahahah After that healing... also was shown how buses & use journey in one dream world trains between many dream worlds.  

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