Wednesday, 16 September 2020

Back in the Dark Wood House and a Space/Space More Seeds & Keys.

'Your good Ren' 
I'm Good? 👀   'hehehe, yeh, you are, but that's not what we meant, come!'   Can we play?   'OFC' 💜 Go to sleep.

Dream that was hard to bring back properly but was very real while there.

Dream of a big ship/craft possibly same one as last night...I'm on it and I'm holding space here it's a big space, it's important... I've made it wide and big and others need it to be here. Ship/space/portal.  It wasn't like holdings space for one or a few entities this was way bigger.

I was there for what felt like a very long time just holding I woke a few times but went straight back. Was like a large and unfamiliar hub. At 303 wake and am still there.... 'Sleep Ren'.  

I wake again at 330.   '333, jump to me please'   I do Inka is still purple and furry I join him and sleep.    

In another dream I'm back with Malico & Kaylo in this strange unfamiliar house he's in at the moment, It's very old fashioned with lots of dark polished wood every time I seem to see more of it.

I was in the avatar he made for me last night only I'm more grey than white now and I was sleeping there in a big old fashioned wooden bed, Malico and Kaylo were in the room at a table talking quietly as I slept. 

Leon joined them too and Malico and Leon merged for a bit they were both grey too.  I was in the bed dreaming the other dreams. I was transmuting lots of stuff too at orange-center.  The bed reminded me of this bed where I was dreamweaving for friends....  

In the morning we went down to the formal dining room and we 3 sat together. The guest house is busier now with people at other tables and there is food on a long sideboard almost like a continental brekky that people have helped themselves too we don't eat we just got to the head of one of the larger tables, Malico sat at head and me and Kaylo on either side of him. Like the tarot lovers/devil cards. Male/female mind and archetype aspect.

The people in the building are modern... yeh the building it's self has the feel of a museum or stately home but nothing is worn/old dusty it's fresh and lived in, all dark wood elaborate windows and staircases.

The dreams I was dreaming below...

Dream of a school, all the windows are open to let fresh air in and a group of children are celebrating the end of a year/class.

In another, I was back in the dream where I'd been made a reluctant captain of a womans football team... I think this was before I was made captain though as I was playing hard to win and loving it.

Heheh, Inak that's also when you guys warned me to play nice... I just realised you were the person I was hunting in the gauntet game dream too where my team were crap and I was raging at them!  😆

I was also in lower astral outside the house, just moving about watching stuff.

Nap at 10.30 as stuck in with Kittens.

Straight back into the house where the dream stopped. Malico has been speaking to the people in the guest house and then he gives me and Kaylo the key to the room we were in last night he hangs it around my neck on thin white a ribbon.  We jump back to the room so don't bother with Key and reform as grey Ren from Story and go to sleep awake back in that room and smell Inkas pipe smoke he's on the bed leaning on the headboard smoking and is in the uniform from the Re-ed station.   Confused I ask him why we are here now.    He's tired, really, tired... tells me stuff to do here and it's more comfortable than the hut/station which made sense 😛   He reminds me Malico is teaching me not to be small...  He will remind me 'I can be small, I can me more, I can be nothing or I can be all'   lol Inka :P   

I wake and remember that old old dream, with the key on a string, was there one or more?   Hum.. will look them up. 

Oooo   wow...   O.o  so this is the one I was thinking of, didn't realise that was the same night as that Clone dream or that you were there that night Inka!   'lol Ren, flys to shit'   😏  Hahah  So was this before or after I agreed to the contracts?   Oh... lol time NOW 😛   'ofc' 

Hahah I can dissociate...   I can also have bonkers conversations with myself now too!  😆

Ok back to the key... Wow.. It's another of the dreams with a queen in and more seeds and keys. So both Key dreams 17.

I want to know more about the elements and clones Inka?  Oh the lithium... that was also to with a spaceship 😛   Is this tied to the Valhalla & stolen creation ??     and that tickles....  'Ren, we are playing, wait and see!' 

Oooooo  is it this Key from right at the start of the blog when I first met Inka!!   Hahahah

Bloody hell!!

Just found this Key dream from Beltain before I started the book!  Sorry Inak, I should have listened earlier.   'No shit Bitch.  Don't worry Ren, we team for a reason, your useful as a stubborn goat, now let me chill, you fiction.'    💜    Maybe if you'd been less rattly irritating?   'Sleep or fiction Ren I'm not arguing with you here'  👀   😏

---- 20 mins later... 

You could just shut up then?  'You're not sleeping or fiction'  Hahah point take wait up, I come there.

Split and Jump...

A paper wall I can push straight threw.

'Your shadow glaring back at you 👀, you can't hit a wall Ren you have no form 😈'

So I scatter like light absorbed by all.

'There is only your reflection, you know you are one'

If there is only one where do I belong?

'YOU belong NOW, you belong HERE! Listen, stop and go back in.... ' 

Inka.... track ID!!! The Gamemaster remix, dreamy rework never herd this one 😲 Hahahahah

'Now fuck off Ren, stop thinking, we got you ok?? '  💜

Light scattering is pretty cool!!!   'So are humans now please STFU for a bit!'   hahahahha  ok  😶   ........

'If only' 

Guardian angels are pretty amazing..    'I'm not your fucking Angel and your no Tinkabel, Now please Bitch, shut up'.   😂😂😂


Several hrs later.   'Your triggered bitch 😆'

No shit Inka I'm fucking livid 👿 'Hehehe'   

'Go easy on them Ren, they are growing... we have a perspective... you just burn shit'

So my shadow is telling me to cool down??

'You're in service bitch, they will drive you as bonkers as YOU drive us'.

Fucking wonderfull =  and I can't just burn why?   

Heheh that helped, thanks 💜💜

The youth are good 😏..... the Fuck off, the no mask, no bra not even fucking shoes...

'Yep Witch,  walk it... your insane to the world now.... but they see you! '
That wasn't what I was thnking...  
'We know what you ment Witch, We eat you... life cycle' 😈  pffff I'm nuts and so sane.    '
Your a gamer Ren and you love to play'

Found it...   You didn't need to Bitch.. you are it 😈

I grow into you and I chew you up....   'And we got your back, and will smack u up'  Hahah  'Team Ren now fuck off and play earth side'

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