Tuesday, 5 May 2020

Dragon Kites & Fight Night!


One dream later on... it learning/school but open strange.   Stuff has changed overnight suddenly odd things that not everyone notices.     Like the washing, machine draw has gone.     Cooker controls have changed and there are now 'devises'  attached tot he cables that were not there before.

I mention it to others but no one seems to know what they are or where they came from.     My hair in the dream was wired.   It was straight then there was an inch or so that was knotted and matted and then the roots growing straight again.   It was something to do with how I'd slept, but another girl with matts similar told be it was where her dragon licked her!

In another part of the dream, I'm watching 3 Asian men on the bank of a wide river flying large dragon/serpent kites.   The wind blows in the mounts and inflates them and they hold them on wide silk sashes.   The men are dressed in temple clothing. 

Fascinating night!  I was feeling really buzzy before bed and knew it would be interesting.  I also felt I wanted my Dalmation Point. 

Dream dust was strange, triangular and pulsating.  

The first part was... Energy/lockdown   HOME -  Busy, reaching, channelling.  Strong, hard and soft.   Mining -  Mining in dreams...  carts/tracks and also mining data.. not sure how this fits with my other mine dreams of late.   I'd been aware but it's impossible to describe as it's not tangible.

The dreams are unusually violent and aggressive, not unpleasant or scary.  A lot of adrenalin and energy.

First dream I'm with Ian, or he's male me.  We are in an unfamiliar terraced house and it's black dark out.   Outside there is a long path and Roweena yoga teacher is next door and she's going to teach a class outside on the concrete car standing.

I have my Matt and I'm going out to practice with her and some others who are in her garden.

When I get outside 2 youngish males arrive, they are bringing a part we requested for vehicle repair - when they offer it's a botch job, it's white and not the gold we requested and they are asking full price.  I inform them it's unlikely to be satisfactory and I call for Ian... the men go down the path with the part and I leave the yoga mat and get Ian and we follow them.  The next part is in a tunnel, meby a little like a subway or underpass.   Ian has walked ahead and when I turn the corner I see him smacking one of the guys over the head with something hard.   The guy crumbles to his knees as the other guy punches Ian and a fight ensues.   I go to look for help for the first guy who's hit the deck as it looked bad.  I don't know who threw the first punch. 

The scene changes and we are back at our home.   The white part is there the white paint flaking off and it's not what we need to fix the vehicle we needed something gold.... and the fight kicks of yet again!  This time more and more people are pilling in, biker types are arriving, old looking barbarians, and then one of the original guys pops up again and he's stolen something from my elderly yoga teacher and this pisses me off so I statch it of him telling him it's wrong to take from females! 
At that point, I seem to be involved too (though I don't recall being physical myself)

We are literally beating each other to death bare fist fighting and smacking each other around the heads with anything at hand when someone sets fire to the building (possibly me) and we carry on fighting regardless as the building is burning around us lost in the violence of the moment.  ---  The scene jumps all of us together and I hear the word 'Valhalla'

I'm in an old fashioned Victorian bar, a little like 'The Elephant' from my college days, I'm behind the bar in what appears to be a backroom/lounge...  The room is full of entities sat at old fashioned tables. They are all turned to face me and are mentally greeting me....  There are all kinds of entities with all colours of skin it's a reunion - I wonder where the men went that I was burning with and my awareness pans round the other side of the bar to show the main bar room where the fighting is continuing with wild abandon!  Flying barstools, mugs of beer and people still punching each other bloody.   

Wake here - thinking well, that was wired!!

  (More of the pyramid-shaped dream dust)

Next dream...

Which seems similar in theme to the first but rendered differently.    I'm with male me and we are in a workshop where we create.

We are aware of something in the building and male me goes downstairs to find out what the noise is,  I can hear something coming it's a robotic drone but disguised as a cat and I climb under a table in the corner to observe.    I'm watching it scan when a portal opens and men come in, they are scanning and searching our creations and research.  Taking bits, I can see them open portals and dream-fasting and sharing mental images.   I don't think they are aware of me but they are.    They issue me with a summons and a warrant,  and I'm aware that our creation has been taken and I've been framed as a perpetrator. 

Wake again wide awake and start clearing... 

Use the Honi what's it....   first at other then bringing it swiftly HOME to my heart.

I'm sorry I'm'seeing' you this way, Please forgive my needing this lesson, Thank you for playing this role, I love you.  

To my heart...   Sorry for perceiving this way, please forgive me for needing this mirror, thank you for offering/service -  I LOVE YOU!

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