Another 333 Wired night with not much sleep as Kitten was out till gone 3.30 am and the little one not well and feeling sick.
Managed a wired dream of a strange Craster that somehow fits with this second of Purple Smoke dream while asleep I knew I was in the same place/space. This time I'm further down a hill and I'm trying to get to the sunrise and a 'Dad'
My recall starts with a strange fight over knock-off shoes? (souls meby) Then a maze-like puzzle with swinging doors. I was in the maze to get threw and reach the sun. I'm travelling with someone and they have something like a radio it's wired not like anything I'd seen before. We could call in to request the music/album.
- Another dream was Mini cars in a race, set in the 60's I think. We were tucking damp leaves onto a coat and under a belt as we crossed the finish line. They made a pattern like feathers or scales.

The first dream I recall was long - It's in what felt familiar in the dream but is no place I know. It might have been a very strange version of my main dream area - but it was very big and all urban.
I start of the dream trying to go into the local health centre/Dr's facility.
I'd had a vaccination for something and where I'd had it on my left upper arm the skin had gone hard and sore in a large area around it like cellulitis and I wanted to log it as an adverse localised reaction. The health centre was also very modern felt more like a landed spaceship. I couldn't log the reaction there and so the receptionist gave me the address of somewhere I could.
I leave again and head to the address of the 'charity' where I can log my reaction. The charity was something to do with 'Dengue fever' ? The address is in a very bleak and blocky concrete area the buildings are brown and grey close together and there is no green or sky. On the way, I meet a group who are heading to the same place and so we walk together and we chat, joke and laugh on the way there.
The building looks abandoned, the sign over the door is old, glass filthy and the tilled grey floor dirty with rubbish in the corners. It' has a 70/80's office feel to it.
The door is unlocked so we enter into a square landing with a spiral squared of stairwell heading down and into a room below. No door the stairs open into a square room dimly lit by a small high basement window on one wall.
I comment sarcastically 'Well, This isn't at all freaky!' as we look around a room that is kind of a steampunk macabre cross between a 'scary' dentist and a tattoo parlour. The walls are covered in a childish but disturbing wallpaper showing pictures of extractions and syringes, blood, pill pots and fresh pulled teeth! The colours are brown, purple, green earthy looking.
In the centre of the room is a chair that's like an old fashioned dentist chair with leather arm ties with a trolly of strange dusty tattoo /dentist /surgical type tools that haven't been used in ages. Round the walls were old desks and bookcases filled with handwritten books and diagrams.
I remember that dream in the morning rather than threw the night. When I did wake I had very geometric dream dust - Again similar to Islamic sacred geometry but it's 3D I'm seeing the shapes breathing that form the patterns.

Second dream
Starts of again in a hall of Res at a big Uni (Later in the dream I find it's UCL (Or a wired version of it).
I was in a male dorm for some reason and I wasn't a permanent student yet, I didn't have a room I could use the kitchen they had. It's an off white colour with old fashioned strip lights and plastic school type chairs. I'm not liked and all the guys in the dorm were waring facemasks as they were concerned about a virus.
We were reading Physics! I had to pass the first semester to see if I was allowed to stay as I didn't have the regular Math and Physics qualifications to be on the course (If I was accepted I'd be given a lab coat with this UCL door card in a pocket that opened doors)
((This is reminding me of another Uni Dream ... Humm don't think I can find it or if I've even written it))
Anyway I'm in a lab in the next bit I recall and we are working on making gold. We have large magnetic machines we can change the polarity. On trays of sand, we have various metals and electrodes and we are working at altering the elements at a molecular level with magnetics and current. I've a A4 lined pad in front of me and I'm drawing what I called electron maps flows of + & - signs, the geometric dream dust was a feature as it tied into the altering of elements.
I understood it and was comparing my notes with that of the other students. On one magnetic work station in the sand our starting metal is now bubbling like boiling grey stone and on another in-between 2 electrode type things liquid gold is forming slowly like wax.
Was an odd dream as I was pretty lucid, reading was easy and I understood perfectly what we were doing 😕
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