Tuesday, 12 May 2020

No Thanks.

First dream B4 2am

Abstract.   Hotel garden sleep.  View - Game, different rolls, paths, toys.   Story.   Same echos.  Only a few know the story..... finding it, seeing it telling it sharing it.

Next up.  

Colourless potential - Seeds growth, like crystal flowering plant shapes... Tomato seed to plant, to flower to fruit again to seed.. back and forth like a timeline fractal - all crystal empty clear inside waiting for instruction/input.


Journey by bus/coach to London, wired version.  Rasta types are very friendly and welcoming.

The last dream is a long one.

I'm in a 'complex'  it's sealed and controlled, it's medical and also military.  I've come in as an advocate for family, but also as a woman and a nurse.  All others are in uniform - patients are in gowns.  I don't recall my attire or body.

I go threw to the back, I'm not staff there so I shouldn't have been in the area but I'm unphased and I go to the nurse we have been assigned to tell her we decline the offer of vaccinations and thank you but please do not follow up. 

They are dismissive and sarcastic so I tell the family to leave and I will remain to talk.  I was wandering around the complex observing... staff are tired and frustrated and then it's like an end of shift/year party.

There is a table, and also a deep swampy pool in the pool is a Bear/Crocodile.   Around the table, the nurses are relaxing and talking drinking and sharing and I join them at the table and sit too.    I talk with them, nurse to nurse - about the protective role of a 'mother' science, systems and nature. 

Though I'm a nurse to animals (I think the Alligator and Bear were helping totems)  the staff and me have a common medical language.
At first many get up and walk away but a few stay listen and then more come back to join and sit around the table again.   We share a food and drink and I feel 'herd' I say goodnight and go to leave.

I return to the front of the complex but it's past closing time and the public exists are blocked now as the shift was at an end.  A military-type control the doorways and I'm told I need to use staff exists.   So I go where directed up to the train depot on the floor above.  I move threw what is like a crowded waiting room and up a strange hard to access spiral stairwell.  It's almost like scramble rope netting in a spiral fashion.  It's not easy but I clamber up and out onto the depo level.  

It's dark and open to the sky feels like a military aircraft carrier for trains might if it was floating in space. 

The train tracks are sunk into the walkway like tram tracks so the foot or road traffic can share the same surface. Huge grey hangers are to each side, uniformed / errr uninformed people are moving all over.  There are metal signs pointing to different tracks and I see one pointing for Angel and wonder why it isn't Islington too like the Tube-stop.

In the dream, I was going to see my Dad at home and was looking for a stop to Chathill - I look into my bag to find a phone to call my Father to let him know I'm home soon but as I open my bag a glass clip-top bottle of homemade fizzy fermented ginger-lemonade falls out and breaks. -   Josh alarm wakes me up. 

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