Saturday, 23 May 2020

Neon Orange & Black

I found this lovely vid today on my next play.  It so fits with my dreams of the night before last and all the geometry lately, lol and all dreams and well... hehe it fits with everything obviously 😃 


First dream I'm with local friends, All-female, Roz, Kelly and others we have bikes and are in woodland very green.  Spring green I've been to a 'shop' it was almost closing time, but I'd got in before it shut and I had got stuff to share.

I was sharing, seeds, plants, veg - ferns.   We were all going to grow something different and then share.

Next up is energy flow again, I'm seeing it in the forest in growing seeds people, plants all the same... but there is energy escaping at the middle - and like a leak in a bag, I can put my thumb on - I'm wondering if I should 'Dam' it?


Next is a wired dream long with Vet Ann at the start.  (Wonder what archetype she is?  She's often tied with DNA and mother/Home)   Anyhoo this time she's being a vet in a church it's a strange church, it also has seeds, plants, animals and all kinds of eggs. POTENTIAL

Ann is giving a strange guy who arrives a 'job offer'  - The job is to be a dancer at a club and be 'seen'  and while they are talking I jump up on a table and start dancing to music in my head and it's instantly decided I have the job too.   I wasn't trying to get it, but I liked dancing and so it was decided I'd go with him.  

We are to head to a strange city to 'promote/advertise' and into night clubs around the city.  We are to put up as many flyers as possible (These are small and cryptic black and neon orange paper flyers we can staple and stick to things.)  Our other job is to be 'seen'   We ourselves aren't totally sure what we are promoting  - It was a 'different'  dance to the usual one I think.   It wasn't like a venue, or a brand it was all just cryptic. 

Once in the city, we walk streets putting up the orange flyers with patterns and quotes on them and then we head to the venue we have been given.  We are to tell the doormen our names and we will get our clothes there. 

Once inside a small woman who enjoys drink and drugs to excess meets us and takes us to the side to offer outfits.  The male gets a choice of 2 te-shirts and me 2 tank dresses.  We pick black with orange neon strips on.  I can hear the bass and am keen to start dancing once changed we head in. 

It's like an old school warehouse party or an underground car-park venue.  It's still early and the crowds are yet to arrive I follow the bass to the Soundsystem and we are surprised that the other factions are there already.... we are instantly sussed as 'promoters'

I join dancing in their midst - while not welcomed our common love of the dance wins over any animosity and we lose ourselves in the music. 

When I leave the trance I'm surprised to see the male I arrived with is not around and I see some old friends from London Dom & James and others... - they are surprised to find me there too.  I greet them and look around for the male I arrive with.  When I don't find him I bump into Dom walking back to the dance floor and he motions to a VIP room, he has access and I enter with him.

Inside the room is black I can hear but there is no light in the room at all and I can't see a thing and I slowly circle on the spot allowing my eyes time to adjust to the darkness.  First into focus comes a pattern and I as I circle I realise it's a wall concrete and the damp is the pattern I'm seeing - as I begin to make out the boundaries and walls of the room I can see the outlines of people sitting in groups on the ground around the walls.   Dom motions to the far corner and I follow him there to join a group - I'm aware that his current partner is there and that the night will be interesting.... 

Kid wakes me here. 

So Other Ann dreams...   They are often quite long detailed dreams, interesting DNA stuff. 

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