Wednesday, 13 May 2020

Team Work

Busy night - dreams all night.

First up is a 2.22 wake.   I've been what feels like far.   A game board, Zooming in and out many layers echos like the onion then an overview.  2 parents what can only be described as 'Alien' as they are so different.  Multidimensional/insectoid.  We can sit above and look at what is like a round game board see the moves from up here - 2 UK politicians were there too.    It's hard to describe but it was funny too - the absurdity of it all from this perspective was very amusing. 

I was disorientated on waking and supprised it was 2.22

Next dream's sort of all followed on from each other. 

A closing in for winter I'm on an island far north there is a glass door for the storms, I can watch threw the glass.   There are seals, puffins, skuas lots of animals - I have a phone to chat to the other islands.

Another dream was wired. It was a thread on Reddit that had gone viral - it was about 'Aliens' & 'Choice' 'Destiny' I'd not started the thread but was a major contributor to it early on.   Now this thread was changing stuff in a huge way.  It was linked to something massive. 

I was confused as my post contributions where not what I recalled writing.   I wasn't sure if this was cause it had been changed externally or I'd jumped from somewhere else and merged with a me that had written something slightly different.
Back to Islands and very far north felt like the Arctic, this is tied to the other dream Sunday night of the North/South journey. 

A friend of mine Clare was a Dr..  We are very far north, Ice and snow but not cold. 
We are wearing summer clothes.  There is a frozen river bright blue ice we walk on it, snowbanks on either side.... there is a waterfall and the frozen waterfall's away for miles below us, we are sitting on edge of the drop as the sun returns to thaw the water and it's bright and dazzling.   There was something to do with the Ra collective, also tunnels and slides for journeying. 

Masturbation with a female nurse I know we are bring each other to orgasm over and over.  

Next I'm plopped into a 'School' with a military feel.  It's a vast room almost like school sports/assembly hall - no outside. 

I'm in a new intake and we are around 150 young volunteers - we are also told that we will be 'cut off' shortly this is like a severing from our higher/larger aspect/connection.  (However 3 of us will retain connection... I remember recalling I hoped I was one of the 3 as my connection was important)

We are standing in a long line and being sorted into groups.   Green/Blue and Red.  

As we are sorted we are issued blazers like school blazers issued in our group's colours with strange piping on the back in 'wing' shapes.  

These were like arm stripes we filled in as we gained experience but were in the shape of wings - They start of empty just the colour of the blazer but with outline piping looked like an ugly cross between a school blazer and an 80's shell suit tracksuit. 

I'm close to the end of the line, a group of 5 boys beside me are sent to red .
I get handed a green blazer.
When I'm given my blazer it already has most of the wing shape filled in.  Purple outside and then yellow/gold inside the purple there was one colour left to go in the center of the wing shape. (A bright pink I think it would be)
I was confused and felt a little self conscious that I wasn't 'the same' as the other recruits.  As I'm issued the blazer I'm also informed I am one of the ones who will retain my connection channel and this makes me feel better about being different.  

Our 'green group' are almost immediately shifted to our first 'experience'  and find ourselves in a huge canyon on a small rocky island in a very fast flowing river. 
The canyon has vast sides and an opening in the distance upriver.     The 'teachers/overseers are floating awareness/observing.  There is just our group of approx 50 on this rock.    In the distance up river we see a waterspout twisty thing forming it's huge and it enters the canyon and is heading towards us.    I spread my awareness out taking in the whole scenario.  We can't stay on the rock and the river is fast-flowing and will wash the smaller members away.  The instructors are indifferent to how many make it - survival of the fittest is valid.  They care not how many are washed away.  Members of our team are scared as they know they can't make the other bank.   I feel 'team' strongly and want to help preserve all.

There is a bank on the right with a  beach and I can perceive a cave system inside where we can shelter till the water twister passes. 
We need the stronger to form a chain into the water and to the other bank - we can make a bridge for the smaller to pass to safety.  To get us all to safety we need to convince the strong to preserve team and not just themselves.  It works and I wake as we reach the bank and help each other climb up into the cliff and caves. 

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