Tuesday, 26 May 2020

Group Intention.

Sat 24th May

The first dream very hazy... 

Recipe, remembering long -dream... impossible design, Now bake the new  - Can see unseen. 

In time the hidden factions come to the table... we need to bake together.

A forest and a city, games... rope bridges between the two.  Gaming aspect... fun/play and competition. 

Then I have a broken leg... it's a wired setting a group and I'm annoyed my leg is broken.   I need to have it set will take 6 weeks.   

I'm reluctant but accepting... and as it's set I have wings... one black one white like bird wings, feathered and big.  As I accept my broken legs and 6 weeks out of game my wings wizz into a ball and then I'm a Ying - Yang type spiral ball.  

Then there is a wired thing in my main dream area with music and money and the money is strange the £10 notes are thin and I realise it's like the golden ration.   £50, £20, £10, £5

Tuesday 26th  May

I know I'm dreaming alot but it's hard to pin down when awake. 

Hybrid moving spiders.. 

Watching, singing waiting web-like lines.  - Creations and growth.

A long dream of a house/home we want to rent.   At first, I'm in the gardens of the house -  Moving threw times seasons fast... plants grow then go backwards and watch them shrink.  A shed is built and then over years crumbles and decays, trees grow up.   Time was stretchy here back & forward at once. 

The house that we are trying to rent, it has a strange vibe in it.

The house is alive though and we need to be impeccable with our intentions and emotions.   The house 'knows' 

There is a big cat there and we are having a meeting to see if we can stay.... it's a group thing, we all need to hold the same intention and outcome to stabilise it - but we keep messing up. 


but hard to put into words :) 

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