Saturday, 2 May 2020

Ripples, Breath In Breath Out.

I should have written these earlier in the day as my recalls not so good now.

The first dream was with dogs to start, lots of them breeds I'd not met before and some I have many were breeding pairs nice looking :)

The main event in this dream was an 'advert' it was something 'set' up too look real, but was staged for attention.   It was going to be shared on social media.

The set up was a mother, dead I think.  The characters were Asian mainly female and the younger female was to cry over her mother's body.  It was odd as I was watching from above and then when she was to cry I joined her and we wept together....   the pain and the crying were real, it was the pain of every woman, the pain of the earth and her 'pain - grief' wasn't staged but very real.  'The cry for the Mama for the goddess'  - the hurt and separation was so real that it makes a ripple... a big ripple,  that spreads. 

The advert is spread and shared, not for it's original purpose but for the ripple of sadness and longing that the cry represented.

The ripple spreads out and it calls to all and they all want to 'come' and just 'be'   Thousands and thousands are arriving and more are hearing the call.

-  I woke suddenly at 444   - It had felt very real. 

Took me a while to fall back asleep and the dreams were so very different.  

First, of there are couples having sex in cars... but they are in fancy dress.   Then the men notice and are freaked out..... but the women were aware of the 'others' all along. 

Next up a fat kid, he's nekid and his skin is strange.  I wondered if he'd been beaten he has a blanket and family.  His family are playing solitaire with cards. 

A group like scouts/guides and they do stuff to collect badges.  The badges are like Startreck communicators.  Metal and glowing (Setting is like some ancient temple ruins  MAYA meby)  I've been given one I didn't know I was working for/towards. 
It's got a sort of gold triangle that has a wiggly but then an angular spiral below... the gold glows and runs like liquid fire.    Not many people have the badge I have as it's given to people who gain an objective but go about it in an abnormal or different way... and don't realise they are doing it.

Next was wired/hazy/far something about a 'male god'  -cross.. come back ????   then stuff I can't make out?

The last dream is main dream area not familiar though it's a sort of reversed flipped version of it I've not visited in a long time. 

A party, a house party but not at a house it's at a shop/cafe/arcade and it's a turn-up and bring your own stuff do.  There is a bar in the cafe, the party is to spill out into the streets.  

More and more people are showing up and the vibe is wired, many of them are 'not with it'   Unhinged, out of it or psychotic.   Thinks are getting set alight and one woman is smashing the place up as we don't have the tonic she likes.  She starts beating up people... killing them and then eating there flesh.  It's very wired.   I'm on the run... lol but I can't run, it's one of them things I used to get lots as a kid where you can't run only crawl and you can't see properly either.   I was trying to get to Irene's house (Again Irene??)   Seem to be dreaming my way threw all my Auntys :P  Anyhoo I was trying to get there.  It wasn't a nightmare but it certainly had an unpleasant vibe to it. 

Wake and sleep again....Then there just wired visions.   A mother/father deity unity and then many children who are 'defiant' and split to go own way (killing hurting each other in a journey back together again)

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