Friday, 1 May 2020

Should Have listend to the Rattly Door

First 'dreams' early on - underground rivers or sewers... waterways anyway, underground networks, there is a sense of a 'wash out'   'Wash threw' due.   Number 8.   If things aren't in a good place or tied down they will be washed away with the flow.


The dream is one that words will never do justice too it's a long 'big' dream   - all underground.   Not describable in any common reference as it's so abstract but also 'real'.

There are tracks like minecarts.  There are spaces so wide the sides can't be seen... there are rainbow sulfur pools,  swamp lakes and spaces lit by crystals and glowing liquid. 

Caverns vast and deep with honeycombed rooms.  Rooms that open into central plazas like a fantastical victorian dolls houses. 

The walls of rooms revolve and move like the stairs in Hogwarts.   The huge banks of stone walls filled with rooms are rotating and in each stone room a scene... a family, story, play.  

Between the walls of rotating stone, are common spaces almost like fairytale ballrooms, carved wooden balconies and elaborate staircases allow access to the burrow like rooms when their position is right.  High glowing chandeliers and candelabras light the gloomy earthen halls in glowing colours.    The whole space has an air of ceremony and celebration.   It was like an upside-down faraway tree.

The flow of the dream is hard to tell as I woke and slept back into it a few times.   I'd arrived via a minecart over bumpy tracks.   My first sharp focus is a cave-like room...  Like the ones carves from the rotating caverns.   My room is soft and wide and I'm sat upon a rough wooden bed with natural linen and fur blankets the room is softly lit by wall candles and a fireplace.. it's a 'hunters room'.

Opposite the bed and above the fireplace is an elaborate spooky wooden door.. a little like a loft space access to an old attic. 
The room itself is cosy and warm and comfortable on the bed, with me are 2 small boys, one a baby one almost 2, in the room there are animals as well, a goat/ moose type creature with what looks like fairy lights woven around its soft horns.  The horned creature is nosing the baby who is sitting in an old wooden cradle at the foot of the bed.

Pushed against the left-hand is an ancient carved wooden bench with a red velvet seat,  on the bench, the cat is sleeping with the older child.  Above the bench, silken party clothes and fine lace cloth are hung on rough wooden hooks banged into the raw stone wall and a large shaggy dog sleeps on an animal skin rug spread over the stone floor.

I'm observing the room when the door above the fireplace starts to clatter.  I recall that it does this, there is a 'ghost' that bangs the door, flickers the lights.   In the dream, I'm recalling other dreams of ghosts/shards/missing bits being 'noisy'
The door is normally just annoying 'rattling and banging' but while laying in the bed I hear it speak clearly... It says....   'I can take you into the earth' 

I'm not afraid of it but I'm dismissive of its approach, it's been frightening and irritating in the past and I'm reluctant to trust and I tell it 'I can find my own way'  

On retrospect, this seems stupid.....  I've had tinnitus since I was a teenager and know I have guidance with interference.....lately I've been telling it to speak clearly..... but I'm also super stubborn.    I'm kind of thinking I should have listened to the rattly door!  (Sorry door- I'll try and remember next time to come in! )  

Adamant to find my own way I leave the cosy room and two infants and head into the dark earth tunnel that leads to one of the central spaces.  

It's amazing, huge and wide with hundreds of cave rooms open on one side like a muddle of a stately home, cross-section ant farm and ancient dolls house.  I sort of realised how cool it was at the time but seemed quite intent on what I was doing and that was to find the room with my brother in.

Many of my Mums sisters were there dressed like Grims fairy tale characters I speak to them and they try to explain the tunnels I need to take, Irene tries to lead me threw but the tunnels change sizes like Alice in Wonderland rabbit holes and it's impossible to follow her and I find myself lost again.

There are giants and dwarfs but I can't work out if It's me or my surroundings that are changing sizes.  
This bit blurry as I'm in a sulfa pool, I was on a track and fell off.   The waters are rainbow and warm, my clothes are wet and the water is too hot to be comfortable so I scramble out to the side. The pools smell strong and overpowering.  The minecarts rattle past and I follow them till I find a pirate ship (The it's more hazy and jumbled as I'm getting woken by kittens/binmen)

I've lost a key and it's important.   I need the key.. There is a boy in old-style tweed shorts and braces, he's a friend.   He wants to help me find the key and we remember the sulfa pools and perhaps it fell from my pocket there (my pocket was also old like victorian style bloomers) We, me and the boy are children.  Back at the pool, we find the key, and then another...  and we jump.  

An old city, old Grocers with hand made and painted wooden shelving.. this is tinned meat time... War perhaps.  We are in the grocer's store it's cold and bare with a small window and thick stone walls.    In the store is old stuff like-  tinned meat and there is a strange painted door that goes down into a tunnel system that we use.  There is a link to the Kennedy family and something about a group linked to a  'blue scarf'  (Throat?)

Down in the rooms below the shop, is a group of kids...mainly boys and we need to find the keys I lost in the rainbow sulfa pool.  We are jumping now, the pool has the keys, and then the caves... there is an ipad so modern it can make water flow like a tap.

Then it's wired as I'm more 'awake' Merkal & facemasks, Trade Deals.. hidden tec and 'Atol'

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