Sunday, 28 July 2019

Egg Mandala and odde men/woman dreams.

28th Sunday July

Very organised dream dust, making patterns and grids.

First dream is main dream area outdie Ali's house - I'm with different powerful females Ive known now and back then, Jo, Liz, Judith, Helen.  We are playing a game and have some tokens to win or lose, I'm drunk and can't walk. 

Next dream was like a large court, parliament or hearing room, on one side are men and the other women.  The women are powerful there is an exchange of talking court like then the women start clucking louder and louder like hens.

Swaps to a May type of celebration eggs and a huge effigy burning this is inside a wired church style building with high vaulted ceiling but the colors are red/white & black with a bit of gold/yellow... like playing cards - it's patterned too checks/ swirls.     The effigy is massive made of straw/fur all kinds of stuff it's a sort of beast I think, the building will likely burn with it.

Next I'm watching an egg shaped mandala unfold it's a fractal pattern but there are eggs/tadpole/ embryos in it  -very strong female/love energy.   (Home)

Next dream...

A game, sort of man hunt chase game... a team of us is trying to stop one runner reaching an end point. 
Their game is a gauntlet run with a flag.. they leave banners on the rout and we need to take them down before their goal.   
It's fun threw lush green jungle with tracks and old crumbled ruins, I'm frustrated with my team though as they didn't bring cc and I can't slow him alone -  I could track and chase/slow him but it was a team game and it needed us all to help bring him down and most of the team wasn't up to it.

Last dream.

Back to main dream area

I'm in the cafe back kitchen outside Monkeys house - it's night but someone is in and they are letting me make a drink to take with me... it was ment to be coffee and I was using the old coffee thing but I was making it with leaves, had been fresh and green but were dark brown and slimy after I had brewed them.

Next dream I'm with lots of very young boys all around Zaks age, again it's a very green area like a child's playground surrounded by trees, there is a miniature railway there that they are going on and a small pond for fishing. 

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