Saturday, 27 July 2019

End of July watery dreams.

Wed 17th July

I'm buying a house with Emma & Roz.  It has a compost toilet, there are compost bins too. 
Lost of Dogs and Horses there too.

Thursday,  18th.

First dream is a of an underground puzzle/maze.  It was competitive / finding things in the maze.

Second dream I'm with Male me who is a mix of people.  Emmas is in dream again too, it's in main dream area. 

I get annoyed as male wants to control the vision and female me wants to make things different.  I run off and leave so I can manifest something different,   I'm on a sandy beach watching a race/parade of people in wired animal costumes all running into the sea.  I wave at them all.  

Sat 20th

Learning massage in a school, on the top story.  A hairy woman  (Ware-wolf - sick (I think it was sometimes me and sometimes not)  Running along a beach and something to do with propaganda.

Sunday 21st, 

In the primary school of main dreamscape - I'm living in the school but dream is set in the grounds. A play is going on and we all ware animal costumes - Lots of fox's and dark pools of water.

Monday 22nd.

One of them wired jelly/membrane things again -  Was a wall I couldn't pass threw.  I was also taking a karate grade, but I'd not practiced and didn't know the moves. 

Tuesday 23rd

Robot team game, bit like hide and seek but with tracking signals - was set in some old city runes.

Main dream area, kingstreet going down to the beach, on the outskirts of the village was an old fashioned sweet shop - black and white painted door  lovely sunset.

Thurs 24th

Going back to Alnwick, Martha was there with a girl in her own world.   I was looking round the town, a rainbow in the sky - I visit an old tower, old stone it's strange I think it was going to be made into a tourist pub.  The view is of a mountain range but it's a patchwork of red and brown fields.  There is a robot old man too - he's a kind of deactivated father /body guard. 

Friday 25th

UK from above like looking at a living map The south east is submerged boggy & marshy like - the soil is like a thin layer on the sea, like it would roll up.    Stone hedge was on the map and bigger a center point.  There was a game with patterns too.

Strange dream version of here - the healthfood shop was big, st Christoper's green a hub, wired cafes underground and filled with animals in clothes like old fashioned ladies.  I was going to a cafe but found a littler of pink plastic Siamese cats - real but there skin was pink rubber plastic.    A wired flame/candle too.  Shooting the flame to light a bomb. 

Sat 26th. 

Massive pool all indoors - I'm a swimming instructor one of a few but I swim nekid.  After a while the owners fire me as I won't ware clothes, the other teachers are indifferent to me going.  I know why I'm being asked to leave as some people find me distracting/unhygienic or offensive  - but we all have bodies and I wanted to stay true to myself - was happy to go. 

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