Sunday, 14 July 2019

Lots of Communal Dream's Sea, Tram & Festival.

Wed 10th

Grans house a big party people coming from allover local people here now/ people I used to know strangers.... it's like a festival and the party is on the cliff top outside and down onto the rocks into the sea.  

The tide is low out to muckle carr rock... it's making a wired sheltered area, the sea is way to far out.   Lots of us swim.  The rocks change and they sort of open to the sea beyond, making a wall.  


Cups & saucers -  Big industrial dishwashers or cookers and pilling cups n saucers in. 



Living in a windmill - speed 1-3 people telling me to use one (fastest) I'm cleaning it up.  The old door is a big glass window now.   The milling bits have gone, just rooms. 

Sunday 14th July (Stayed in bed long enough to have a few dreams :) )

First dream -
An outside festival, it's on the grange field in a wired version of Hurworth.   The village has turned into a sprawling town and grange fields are much larger.   We are looking for a place to pitch and enter a hippy type of field a circus is setting up on one side. 

Most of the grass is covered by rugs, 100's of strange people are milling around.  It's night but lamps and burning torches and campfires make the space light. 
I think I was going to pitch our belltent but didn't get round to it, we found a space with a fire and I was making a pan of spiced tea to share.
A group of people were round the fire with me, one is a rich trickster/magician type.  Ian goes of with him to wander round and I stay with the fire and the spiced tea - people are bringing there cups so I can fill them.    As the dream ended Ian and the trickster returned he was doing cool slight of hand tricks. 

Second dream  -
Large supermarket, It's wired inside sort of 50/60's feel light and lots of space retro/modern.  
Cream and pastel pink/blue.  I work there I don't remember much produce in the store, just the other work team who were funny.  I laughed lots, there was a wired robot floor polisher some strange big staff toilets and a carwash and petrol station outside. 

Reminds me of the city in this dream in it's style & feel)

(Tuesday 7th Jun 16

Massive long adventure of finding and putting things back together.     I'm with a wired team around 10 of us it starts of in a bleak volcanic terrain, black/grey stone....  there are broken roads and it feels like a blend of eras. 

People have vanished, there are only the 'searchers' left.   There is water round were we are like a rock island and the waves are huge they smash up against an invisible wall then run back down... it's like we are under a dome we can't see.

We have got together onto a bus to move faster but then some filthy water breaks threw a skeleton head wall that had been holding it back.    The bus is stinking in the nasty water we easily open the escape hatch and swim up but it means we need to split up and continue on foot now. 

I find my way to a huge ancient forest..  Massive trees there giants, I'm lost with someone else.  We come across an old round wooden house on stilts, it looks amazing.    It's on fire and burning but not being destroyed by the fire only I can see it, the person with me can't.   He can see the flames reflected on my skin and when he touches me I'm hot from the heat of the fire.

We move into a City next.   I bump into another friend here, I have known her for many many lives, she is/was 'Fire'

The city we are in is crazy! 
It's 50's 60's American feel to it all the people have gone, but everything is left 1/2 done, the buildings are 1/2 build and opened like dolls houses, in them are  - 1/2 cooked meals  1/2 done jobs  like the people just vanished in the middle of what they were doing very suddenly, or that the whole city was set up like a dolls house village but someone took the dolls.

The other dream characters are also 'searchers'  Not local to the city and not of it's time.   I look into a room to find a person in all black making Jigsaw bags from memory's and old school books. 

There are a few people there doing yoga and I find the odd couple having tantric sex.  

I'm amazed by rows and rows of stunning perfect clean and shiny old cars they are in pastel colours with polished chrome .... they are all parked along side unused roads.    There are metal painted sines there too.... One that stands out has a VW camper on it and states.   'THERE IS NO ESCAPE IN RUNNING AWAY'

I re'member that I'm looking for my Dad in this place, I'm still in the city I'm climbing up threw half build homes, marvelling at the way the food isn't spoilt...    I pass threw a garden set up for a part and bbq and then in threw there garage and threw there house to get to another level.   I have a place in mind were my Dad should be it's an old shop.  I walk up some cocreate stairs and along a path. 

The shop is closed up, with shutters down and rows of dirty shopping trolleys outside, it looks disused.    The shop door is open I go into the dark,  I call out but there is no reply.   Something invisible slams into me and sends me flying back out of the door of the shop.    I relax just in time for it to hit me again, this time I fall down the stone stairs but am unhurt as I was so floppy..    I relax still more as hits me again...    I tell it I love it and I accept it back.... at this point things start going white and fuzzy I can tell I'm gaining lucidity......    But am woken up by the cat vomiting  on the carpet :P 

Last dream

This is the place I live now.... or a different version of it.  I don't often dream about here so it's unusual (Hummm,  oh....  I'm getting wired flashes of my other Haslemere dreams)  How it looks in my dream scape version of it and fits together.

Anyway, there are no cars at all.  The streets are a similar lay out but even more posh and non of them are empty.  Instead of cars there is a lovely double ended tram that runs from the town down to Weyhill.
It was run by United the old bus company from the 70's

Like that but 2 doubled decked joined back to back.  It was both old but modern, free to use and inside was like a trendy cafe/bar.  It was painted bright red with a white united sign on it.

People traveled upstairs and downstairs was open for luggage.
Where the bus stop opposite the station was a a big hub where the tram stopped - this was also very nice.  A waiting room but also a communal hub, downstairs were blue sofas and brass shiny finishes and upstairs  cafe style booths nicely styled and very clean.

There was a building there too, I'd left a bag behind on the tram so was waiting for it to come back again.   When it did I chatted to the nice rasta driver about looking below for my bag.. 

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