Monday, 28 September 2020

Wonder what am I agreeing to now?

Dreams were very low lucidity - also woken lots by stuff.  

I'd jumped back to the house - We are still waiting there and just chilling.   

Hardly any dream the one I recall best was I'd been with Male me who was Jack and we were testing our understanding of each other. We both had paper pad and pen and we were writing words/meanings to check we understood each other ok now.  

In another, I had a sheep who had had lambs I was sheering the sheep but my clippers were old and blunt, so I just focused on dirty and knotty bits.

Have had wired symbols synchronicity today... reminding me all is symbolic. Lunchtime I power napped 15 mins was in the House again and shown a dream from ages ago... 2013 with a suggested dream re-entry. lol this was one of my first soul retrievals 'Possessions bitch😈' lol Inka, same shit different arse hole.  😏

So many dreams of the same stuff πŸ‘€ Going back years.... So dream re-entry from the room? Ok Yeh why not.     Blugh need a better handle on all the symbols...  'Should have gone to class, Witch 😈'  FU πŸ’œ  

So that was first I can put them in Linear order now.  'Or you could just fix it from now'. 

I like playing too πŸ˜†   Blugh there are so many even without the other Knights Templar ones.  Just the blood ritual ones...What is the symbology then? ......  'You want to play Ren'    Haha truth. 

Knights Templar Dream...from 2013.

Cafe/Restaurant/Vets type of building... it's dark with stacks and stacks of old plates.  It's a little like an old fashioned school canteen/sanatorium. 
The building is crumbling down and very old fashioned, all the staff are leaving.   Boss is upset as they are saying that they will get paid more at MacDonald's.  There are piles of dirty plates and dishes all over...... I stay to work.

The back of the cafe is very strange like an antique shop, filled with many strange artefacts, I go below to a room, there is Latin writing over the door and I can read it.   It leads to many underground tunnels that go on for miles and miles, they are furnished with old red runner carpet and occasional bits of furniture and old fashioned sofas.
I enter a room of the corridor and as I walk in I get possessed of something, something flyes fast into my neck on the left and I float up to the ceiling of the room ranting and raving.... the room changes and I'm watching a Knights Templar Blood Ritual..... they can't see me and after the all leave via the door into the long corridor.

Hahah  Ok first one...
I've not re-read this but Intention!!   'You don't need Seth bitch we've been telling you this shit all your life'  Hahahah IKR sorry πŸ˜‚

Then Jan 2017 - I need to look up the templar dreams but pffff  'Just dream Ren'

Then Nov 2017   - Blugh I wish I knew how all the Inka/Templars and Male DNA fitted properly πŸ˜›  'Symbolically and non-linear ofc' 😏

Sep 2018  - It bugs me I don't have my sleep perspective on this....   'IKR, your learning trust bitch, it's fun though? '  Hahaha 

Oct 2018 - lol BUGS... parasite infestation 😁 Ok, yeh it is fun πŸ˜‹ OMG the hive mind and symbiosis battle you told me to add to the story!!    

Ok Inka, your a punny pucker - πŸ’œ It is fun, I'm all in.     

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