Friday 7th Sep
Night before last I was having Ghost dreams.
Game type of dream - I'm male and female me I'm mainly male and he's a warrior type female me is my friend Emma. We have an objective to find to ghost children in a very old medieval type of church. We've started the mission by lighting a mote thing and are looking for them. We know they have gone 'walkies' and we catch the odd glimpse of them round the church and graveyard. I find them and charge in warrior style and some how destroy the young boy -- We then find out we could ahev just identified them and didn't have to take one out - the girl ghost is upset with me and so if female me.
Next dream I'm a ghost (invisible) and I'm watching people. This time people are looking for me but they can't see me. I'm floating some scissors towards a guy and he can see them so he knows where I am.
Last night...
Another game, this time there are beads/gems/jewels missing from a necklace and we are hunting for them flying round to find them. Swaps to main dreamscape and I'm in a hardware / veg store it's dark and big with lots of shelves.
It's also home to some young kids with behavioural issues.. It's late on a Sunday and everywhere else closed I'm shopping I get some veg mainly greens of various types and then there are pirated cd's too and I'm flicking threw these I notice Imagen john lennon. As I'm paying I'm with a male (male me) and a youth in the shop comes up with a knife to threaten the male me, I step between them and look him in the face as he relaxes I place a hand onto his chest. I ask him if he lives here, he nods. I tell him I'll come round tomorrow and read with him.
Second dream was walking in countryside there is a festival with orange/red/green 'grown' housing
Sat 8thSep
So many dreams last night I kept waking and going back into them.
The main one was of our 4x4 car being plopped into the Sea in the middle of nowhere and sinking... and me not even attempting to get out just going down with it and then I was alone and 'dead' in the water. I was me but different in a huge grey underwater world at first I swam deeper and deeper trying to see if I could find the car and if the rest of the family were like me now but I didn't and became a little more lucid.
I end up in an undersea city it's a sort of hub at first for new arrivals a small blond boy is there crying he looks 6 or 7 and I comfort him by putting my hands on his head and face and getting him to look at me, he doesn't know how he got there or where his family is. There is a grump guy who is telling me it's pointless comforting him.
As I explore there is this amazing 'clock/atomoatom/mulit coloured creation of flowers and birds' It's in a pit that has no water then at a certain time each cycle (like a day) it fills rapidly and changes - I'm in it, it's like a scene I guess - there are also a bunch of soldiers old fashioned like cavalry in red and white uniforms. There supposed to be there as part of it but I'm not, but it seems ok that I'm there.
The water fills fast pushing us up to the top of a glass thing were occasionally the soldiers will get caught and drown.
I explore a bit and seems there are lots of people and a kind of 'order' and a secrete resistance to the order. I leave and find amazing under sea hot springs.
Wake up but go back into the same dream.. when I go back I'm instantly spotted and arrested this is a little odd suddenly people are coming at me from all angles - I'm taken to a young blond female a girl really she's in-charge now.
Next I'm in a room painted deep turquoise it has water for ceiling bright blue.. there are greeting cards and memory's inside - some beautiful painted jugs, I'm supposed to be clearing it.
I wake up again. Last dream was a coach journey from a country camp place were people were getting pushed round by sheep and threw a large industrial city. I'm at the back of he bus with an old friend we are hugging and sleeping on each other. I've got to stop and collect stuff at a point along the way but were not sure if the bus will wait or just leave me there.
Sunday 7th Oct.
I've been so busy lately I've been crap at writing up dreams but I've noticed I've been having them ones that last over a few nights.
Started last week and one I recall strongly where I was in a universe shaped like a uterus and there light/threads weaving parts together. Part of the dream I was with sentient androids, part robot but with a very real consciousness... they were in bits. I was with people helping to put them back together as they were needed for an upcoming battle. It was fun.... not like an omg were all going to die, but more of a your on our team vibe. There was also lots of dogs, with larger dogs protecting smaller dogs.
Then last night in and out of this big 'event' world wide - there had been a shut down of all media/electricity and communications some of us know why and what was happening and we were trying to reassure the others it was ok. I was with people who were scared but was excited.
I had my friends dog with us - I was looking after him for her. At one point I found him collapsed looking dead but when I touched him I felt a faint heart beat checking his airways I found an orange ribbon down his throat I pulled out and he recovered quickly. Many of the other dream characters were non-human robot types with enhanced eyesight to most they were human too only something around the eyes made them stand out.
There was battles going on around the world, this was something I could see from 3rd person blood in the sea around New York, Tokyo and another city I can't remember - the sea was red with blood.
I woke to pee then went back into the same dream, I'm in an out door amphitheatre/meeting space in my main dream area tiered stone stairs and lots of different groups with different adgenders I'm in a central area with lots of others listing to the people blow front speak - though it's not like a performance more a very active discussion/debate. In the middle we were listing and considering. There was also a tower :slightly_smiling_face: I like my tower dreams, this one was red brick again but very plain..... almost like a factory chimney.
Monday 8th Oct
More aggressive dreams last night. It was a game/fantasy type world at first there was a setting almost like a court room... the participants were small and there was a switch/lever in the middle and every so often it would get switched... and the participants would move places. People accused would be the accuser, or the jury the observers it was all out doors on a floating platform.
Next up there is a haunted house, this is also 'game like' there are floating wooden ships in the sky (I've been here a fair bit of late) there are gold coins that can be collected - make a path. I'm following my 4 year old self.... she looks like I do in photos and I'm watching 3rd person from in the air.
She's like Zak, small cheeky and over confident in a nightdress. She goes into a hummmm I want to call it a haunted house, but it's just the black rotting timbers and shell of a building and the timbers are a live and can move... the whole structure is floating in a purple/darkness.
In the place there is a 'ghost' errr well a thing it's black and rotting, person shaped, dead or undead. It needs putting to rest. I'm hammering a small metal hand crafted chisle into it's eye socket. It's grey and heavy and the shaft is wrapped with a twine. The hammer I have is also crude, hand crafted from metal with a twine/string grip. I feel the skull crunch and shatter as I hit the chisel .
Last dream was rugged country / rock in my dream it was Cambodia there were a kind of sheep there... rugged hill sheep, I was on rocky land with them, (edited)
Wed 10th Oct
Cool dream last night, male me last night was Dom.... the first part of the dream is hazy but I start to recall when we enter a magic/occult teaching facility. It's huge and there's something a bit sinister about it, we are going there as Dom wants/needs to learn something.
As we approach the huge metal gates a big black truck drives out, there is 3 men in the front all dressed in animal suits - we are being watched as we enter (I think we might have been wearing animal suits too)
Threw the black metal gates there is a large concrete entrance it's like walled garden entrance to a European style grand-home but is industrial in style. A wired clash of styles.
To the left and right are metal and concrete coulombs holding up small roofs. Tables and chairs are along the sides in the covered areas filled with men talking playing board games/reading studying. Were watched by all as we enter, I don't walk in the dream I float a few inches of the ground.
We enter a large dark room, walls are lined with old occult and magical books, alchemical equipment.. chemistry/potion stuff. There is a large long low reception table to the left wall and we start here.... were told the answers he's seeking are in this room.. take as long as we need.
The centre of the room has long low tables were people can read/study - the room is busy but quiet like a library and fairly dark. He starts to look around we stay together.. Dom is looking at something and I lay down on the floor looking up at the ceiling I notice on the table 2 sheets of paper stuck to the underside of a low table/shelf. I pull them off and pass them to Dom - they are covered in text and filled with geometrical designs which are labelled. He's interested and things there helpful to what he's seeking.
A meal is about to be served at the low tables and he takes the paper and sits waiting for the food. I go to the desk and as if I can use a bathroom - they point me to 2 large oak doors in the back corner of the room and laugh saying sure if you can find it.
I float off and then threw the doors.... The area behind the doors is very different and fluid it's corridors and doors but it's constantly changing. In style it looks like a 60's posh hotel or something (pastle tan/pink and blues) I pass threw several doors and know that the room I was in would have shifted / changed now. I pick a door to the right that a guy is leaving from, it looks like a fridge / large freezer or larder but I sort of know there's a toilet in it. I find the toilet and it's just in the corridor but I also know that it's not... use it then leave to make my way back knowing it will be different again.
The last part of the dream I'm floating round this strange changing building it's much lighter in this part like a modern library I guess - I pass a huge sort of admin / reception office area with lots of people busy -- again they all stop and watch me float past. I think there was a way into a garden but Ians alarm woke me up at that point. (edited)
Thurs 11th Oct.
More intense dreams...
First of I was in a kind of holiday park with Zak, we were in a swimming pool and on getting out noticed it was infested by small burrowing insects that were digging into me to lay there eggs.
They were massive grubs... even at the time I realised there were more like the grubs bugs that bore into trees/soil/nuts to over winter. I was sort of puling them out of me. It was iccy but I wasn't freaking out ( as I would have done years ago :P )
The last dream was of a festival/gypsy fayre - lots of people in tents, out door cooking, stalls of pots and pans. I friend of mines child had lost 2 socks and the dream seemed to revolve around looking for and finding them. I know in the end they were in a very obvious place - One bit I recall that was odd was a tree on a track, revolving and being carried round and round 2 rows of stalls like streets. It had white dots on it's branches that were a kind of illness.
I've had a few nights of hardly any sleep... last night was dreaming again.
First part of the dream was a huge outdoor venue with tubes/tunnels connecting different places. I'm in a group/team I think there are 5 of us, we are collecting things.
At one point I'm in a small flower filled meadow - it's full of coloured blossoming flowers and insects. A winding path threw the middle - a small area only a couple of mts squared has been mowed with a scythe.. only small areas are taken at once to preserve the meadow eco system. In the grass on one side there is a group of females... they dislike me for some reason, I think they were a kind of adversary group/team. The field turns into a tarot card that I'm holding it's a balance card of fire/water.. and active too.
The card is small and colourful the dream changes and I'm in a dark place holding the card and then notice the rest of the deck.. they are small sized very well used the edges wide and worn with shuffling but the colours bright the images are hand painted. I get a message the deck was my mothers, mothers - I'm confused at first then am shown she had a different theology to my Mum she's watching me.... there are more cards and books occult and herbals different decks of cards. I ask permission to explore them and cut the deck and the word yes is printed allover on all sides.
Next I'm in a dark forest at the edge of a meandering stream the ground is knotted with tree roots i'm laying a rug on the roots to have a picnic with friends.
Jumps again and i'm back with the team from the first part of the dream only I'm saying goodbye to them, they are all going to kill themselves in a ritual. There is a mountain and a dark cave and it's going to collapse/close they are going into the cave to be crushed - as they die there spirits will be me too so I will be all of us.
I'm waiting outside and watch the cave fall and crush them there are lots of others watching too - once they are crushed I hear there voices in my mind and we are together.
Last bit of the dream starts in a dark tunnel a makeshift bed of blankets is along a dark cave wall there are several people in it we are sleeping. I'm dozing in and out of sleep, the guy next to me is masturbating and the woman on the other side of him gets angry with him as her younger daughters are in the bed thing too - they wake me bickering.
Dream changes again and I'm flying over a really strange 'market place' it's got the feel of a old town market day people from allover coming together to trade/meet share news - it's strange almost fantasy like wired, colourful and otherworldly all kinds of entity's and items... I felt ghost like floating above didn't really seem to have any substance just an observer. (edited)
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