Monday, 27 April 2020

SolAs & YinYangs

27th April

The first part of the night was jumbled and fast and mad mad stuff.  Fractal dragons purple-blue iridescent scales - Predestined...  Fast conversations but nothing I could bring back. 

Dream dust like coils all twisting together. A Name...  Solas - Sol-ace Solace / Free / Entity chat too. 

Dreams were odd too, I was trying to journey but I had lots of 'baggage'  and the trains were to fast and wired - and the connections were difficult and routes unreliable.
I had too much luggage too even in the dream I was wondering what it was and why I had it all this baggage as it wasn't mine.  I was moving it for someone. 

Anyhoo first part for the dream is a really fast wired train purple and box-like and it moved so fast I kept falling out the back and having to port back onto it.   On the train I'm with Becks who I've not been in touch within years.. we are chatting mainly about polarity and as we chat we are manifesting yin-yang balls with following torus energy. 
We were in a place where the female had peeled away and there was nothing to brace/hold the construct so it was spinning of and away.   We were talking visually and mentally with the energy balls we were manifesting.   We were adding back the female to brace and stabilise the torus shapes to help them hold together.   That name SolAce was here.  It was like 'one-sun' or something. 

I leave the 'train' in a dreamscape with Amy, the sky is a night/purple but it's day time.  I still have this huge metal trolly full of dirty laundry.  Not mine, I'm taking it to be cleaned.  (felt like them sort of thing a large hotel might use to clear rooms)

I'm pushing it over bumpy damp cobbled streets. I think I was going in and out of banks... it was all very odd.  

In another part of the dream, I was laying on the roof of a van driving on a motorway in a strange modern city looking up into the sky where there where massive fuzzy black bats with green cat eyes looking down on me :)

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