Wednesday, 1 April 2020

Burning Stone Circles and Magic School.

31st March

A large school, with Emma. One point a teacher was showing us 'vanishing'  she was wearing a gold silk hat and she kept appearing and vanishing just leaving her gold hat dropping to the floor like a cushion, then she'd reappear inside the hat again.

Then laying on the carpeted floor in a shoe shop, looking at the shoes and shelves from underneath (This felt like a small child perspective)

A bat waiting to eat.

1st April.

First dream, back again at a magic school. We are playing a fun game practising teleporting - there are a series of tall stone stalagmites large enough to land on. We are playing a relay race with objects. Porting from point to point, leaving and object for the jumper behind and also picking one up from the jumper in front.
Watching a snake lay eggs, black, white & grey. The eggs are soft and transparent, I'm watching the snakes develop in the eggs.  

Second dream
A setting, it was an old abandoned pool. Like an old-style child's paddling pool you might have in a city park. (It felt like Scarborough or Skegness )  The pool is neglected and wooden boards have been put up to section it off from the park.  The boards painted blue and covered in graffiti the fence is rotting and it's easy to breach it.

I step barefoot into the cold shallow water - it's surprisingly clear and filled with sea life, small rays and catfish are swimming around my feet.

A large city hub, perhaps London but it wasn't like London.   There is a very large paved area with buildings distant...
It was a little like an alternative Trafalgar square. All pedestrianised apart from a tram/train track and station. The stone was sandstone. Oh, just looked... yes it was Trafalga Square, but with yellower stone and dusky purple sky.   I was between lessons/School it was a swap time and I'm passing threw.
It's strange there, I arrived on the open-topped train/tram. It was filled with people and also flying creatures that reminded me of dragons crossed with pokemon.  The people on the train were from all over the world, all races and cultures. We were pointing to the different creatures in the sky and smiling - there was a feeling of 'Freedom' a shared freeness.
The woman I was sitting opposite on the train got off with me. She was 'celebrity' not really anyone in particular, blond pretty (almost a blend of many celebrities) and as I watched her I could experience her at any age, she was 50's when we got off the train. 
She realises I'm waiting and not in a rush so she askes if I want to have sex while I'm waiting.  Having no other plans I agree, we port up onto one of the rooftops together. Her skin changes under my touch, sometimes aged marked and loose... and sometimes young white firm and plump - It's a strange experience - a sharing of her lifetime.

I leave her on the roof and head down and back into one of the buildings - It's got the feel of a large hotel, It's decorated in black and white, with red velvet carpet. It feels 'fussy' and overly showy. 

A bar is in a wide hallway with 2 tables opposite, the tables are empty and I chat to 2 staff behind the bar when an old guy comes in. He's in his 80's with long grey hair. .. he'd been famous perhaps still was. He was used to getting his own way and wanted to have sex with me too. I didn't want to but I did take him to his room and help him onto a sofa. He seemed tired and frustrated.


Next a tick on my stomach, it's below my belly button on the soft area (I did once have a tick there) Its body is round with spikes coming off like the sun, it's patterned too, green, yellow and gold. I surgeon is there and wants to remove it but I tell them no, I will myself. I have a collection of blue bottles labelled 'Mediciments' (That was in another dream too) I remove it with a fine wired and dab a seed/nut extract onto the area from one of the blue bottles.

I look around the area I'm in it's on a large sandy coastline. There are a series of open rooms and I have made a sleeping pod in one room, it's wooden shaped like an upturned boat and in it is 2 small bunks a cushion and a shelf were the blue bottles are kept.

I walk out thew a shared wide walkway with communal shower and washroom.  Other 'rooms' are sectioned of.  They are all very open, opening onto the large walkway and then onto the beach.

I head off for a walk along the beach it's night and dark.  Busses are coming people are leaving and arriving all the time.

The sand is damp and the tide ebbing. The shore is covered in small stone circles, some built around natural rock's jutting from the sand where alters have been carves and offerings placed. Others larger formations are just in the sand, the tide has left dips and rock pools in the at the backs of the stones.

Most of the stone rings have candles or the stones themselves are alight.  People have poured a paraffin type fluid on them so they burn. 

I don't talk to anyone just walk a long way out looking at the stones then come back intending to go to sleep. When I get back my pod has gone, confused I call to someone in another room to ask if they know where it is.

They tell me no one has left with it so it must be inside somewhere still. I wander around till I find a young girl with red hair trying to pinch it.

I ask her what she's doing and she tells me she wants it. We sit down to talk and she sits next to me, she looks like she has downs I ask her if she wants me to show her how to make it, she does and I tell her I can help her paint it too. Her mother is there too and is pleased.

on waking, I remember how the building area was laid out with the sleeping pods in a pattern.  Different sleepers were in the building with beds opposite Male dreamers were in rooms opposite females and rooms were in a ring with feet pointing to the centre - A little like this dream but the other way round. 

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