Sunday 5 April 2020

Two Restaurants one Kitchen

First off I'm watching a layered view.  Prison, Psyc, student, nurse observer.    'perpetrators' was a

Early hrs, weaving, jumping musicians and astral chats.

Then another dream with along complicated story again starting at my Aunty Irean's house!  (Was Aunty Sheilas for last growth cycle.. dipping in with Grans.  

It's a wired and complicated story.  3 pigs are pregnant.   It is their birthday.... giving birth and being born.  The farmer and wife are nice, as are the pigs.  I'm with them and ask 'are the pigs your food or your pets' they laugh and tell me both.  There is a basket of eggs

Next bit I recall is in a hall and a talk/conference.  Two females larger than life and curvey, one black with tightly braided hair, one white, very pale-skinned and spotty are talking.  They are both talking about a man/alienation/awakening....   it's wired and complicated - both are emotional and upset.... a 3rd female older like a mother inlaw character is bitter and manipulative.

The presentation is confusing and the characters upset - after I go talk to them all, I touch each one and hold their hands and tell them how they are beautiful and inspiring inside and out. 

Next the dream shifts, to Zak but older and another male in a bar drinking Whisky competitively.

Swap again...

I'm watching ancient & gothic stone buildings crumbling...   beautiful art/architecture decaying.


Last dream I'm back in my main dream area.  A waitress again - only I'm working 2 of the cafes but only one kitchen is left serving both restaurants.  The kitchen is in the seafarers and the driftwood have no kitchen only tables. 

I'm running between the 2 and the restaurant at the seafarers is favouring the cafe above, only cooking for the other cafe when quiet.   I'm trying to feed all of the people but the kitchen can't keep up.    While trying to wait tables I realise the main street of the village is built up now with a tower of flats and I'm running the food underneath where the street used to be.   It's a white tunnel, lined with tiles like an underground station. 

I realise the tunnels go deep below....    but am woken by a cat before I start following them. 

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