Sunday, 26 April 2020

Enzyme - Catalyst


An odd dream of vets with a motorway between the kennel room and consult room, it was charity vets and I was in Greens.   Old fashioned yellow patient cards - A cafe is in the waiting room and the cafe has been trashed by a group called 'Obese late drinkers' and other people in the waiting room are 'arresting' them.


Off-world chatting, far away or felt it.     I was chatting back and forth, Ask and answers come.. 2 lovers.   Have to wait again for stars/alignment.  (Spiritual quarantine vibe... can't jump again quite yet  Crystals and children)  Was like a consultancy, not quite time... soon exciting.    All sides, oneside

Then a long dream.   Starts in a setting like BaliffGate school in grand old buildings, also open courtyards of smooth stone were classes took place.    There is something wired happening at the school, a grooming/cult/ weirdness that I've agreed to check out.   I'm 'watching, collecting evidence' but am to take part to observe. 

I'm multiple ages and people have astral type skills.   I observe and then befriend the girl representative of this group and then eventually get invited to the group.  She's powerful and manipulative.   They are all following some other person, the girl is the recruiter for them.  I watch and join in with there practises, they don't seem to realise they are being groomed.  After a while, they introduce me to the 'leader' - I know him - we know each other from other places.  

He's playing a sort of devil archetype to the cult.  We have worked/played together many times.  Once I've found him we 'share this is like a telepathic archived info exchange.  We play 'catalyst games... felt biological almost like enzymes;  Me female, him Male.  An attraction in a magnetic way. 
We flick fast threw dream word experiences we have shared, we have 'loose ends'  and we jump as one.  We change ages to blend or vanish completely into the dream spaces we port too so we are visible to each other but not the other dream characters.   There are many but only a few I remembered.

One is a wired version of my main dream area.  It's my infant school playing field (but not) Evidence was left here and we are cleaning up as we go.  
Again, this felt chemical enzymatic... Not really describable.   Then we seem to go to a few places at once.  One that I recalled best is an elderly female fetish prostitute.   Me and the male are there, I'm a young girl 2-3years and he's invisible.   We both have stuff to do here and we watch a man arrive in the woman's flat.   It's a plain room, white with a worn 70's carpet badly glossed wooden doorframes and very little furniture.  The guy who arrives is a regular, he's also in his 60's    -   We watch the interaction - the Male's awareness is in the room, I'm sat in the corner.  The punter has arranged to stay all evening and has been taken to the bedroom - when another regular knock at the door and the woman goes and answers it.  She lets the second man into the living room.   

I'm now in more of an astral form and invisible and the male also still astral is with me and we are in the small kitchen of the strange flat. 

I'm washing a few dishes in plastic bowl in the tiny kitchen with a window that looks out onto more windows.. the male is touching me on the shoulders and our awareness is joined we are watching several scenes playing out at once.  An interaction in the bedroom, and one in the lounge and also the woman in a small shower washing herself.    This was wired, as there was the same feeling of 'catalyst enzyme' at play.   

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