Monday, 6 April 2020

Another Egg

As a soul, I am neither young or old
As a parent not a
Ma or Pa
As a student, I'm your subject and your muse
and I will
ask the questions that to you,
still confuse
and make you still.
I am the question and the answer,
I am the reason for your anger

I'm the thing you want to hide from
and yet the want you rely on
I am inside you and without
I call your echo when you shout
I'm your shadow you can't escape but the arms you long to embrace

I'm the in and you're the out. 
We are the reflection looking back, from the us inside from which we try to hide.

Woke at the end of an astral conversation... and all I could remember was the last part saying 'compatible lives Edgar Casy'


Lots of them were an overview observer of a scene type of dreams. 

One of a girl who'd been raped by cyborg/android/robot types but was pregnant and the confusion around it as it shouldn't have been possible.   The girl who had been an art student was scared and confused and now being treated like an oddity/specamin/ research subject to try and find out what it was she was carrying. 


Dream of a coach trip threw Asia and China - The coach was ultra-modern (Should have wrote this down earlier as my recall is hazy now)   There were huge camps/ almost like refugee camps we were free to come and go.  Dirty but friendly.  The place was busy, people arriving and leaving all the time.  On the wired modern spaceship type coaches.  It was next to a lake with small fishing boats, and children playing in the mud banks.  

I'd been chatting to a family and was running late for my coach to leave.  

The engine had cut out and the bus had stalled making it possible for me too bored.   They were telling me I was lucky as they were intending to leave without me - but I knew that the bus had stalled and waited for me.    Inside it was strange, grey metal nothing at all like an actual bus... there were rails along the side to hold too when there was no gravity.   


Another overview dream, seeing layers of realities interacting... A Prison and the organised crime inside is being orchestrated by the same people who have imprisoned the inmates. 


Last is another dream of an egg.  I'm watching inside the egg the stages the embryo is going threw... how it looks like fish/reptile/bird  It's very cool and detailed.  I'm just a perspective in an egg.

Was like the snake egg dream

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