Friday, 24 April 2020

Black & White Fruit


A train is carrying a male to be executed.  He's in a tiny compartment with only standing space alone - I teleport into the compartment and hug him, I'm not totally solid

(This reminded me of the dream when I was waiting to be sacrificed chained to a rock by a natural stone circular pool)  and I was cold and lonely and something appeared beside me and hugged me threw the night to keep me warm)

Anyway, we are in the carriage he's sort of alone, but not as I'm there but not completely real.  At this point, something rips the roof open of the small compartment and there is another man on the roof of the train.   He's come with a sort of helicopter and winch (this bit got all weirdly James Bond)  We attach the guy I was hugging to the winch/lift and he's flown up and to safety.   I stay with the other guy, we jump to the roof of the train and then off it into dark warm jungly/forest.  We are going to hide there as a diversion so the other person can get away.  

We know we will be found as there it's lots of high-tec tracing stuff and we can already hear more flying vehicles.  We climb up to the lower branches of a big tree where we wedge ourselves in hugging and fall asleep.

-  Next was like an astral conversation with India??  D W and a car crash/car filling with water.

24th April

Wake at 2.22 after very strange astral/dream.

Head was all tingly numb on one side like sometimes happens when I'm 'away'

I was deep inside looking for codes/bits/puzzles, it was a game children had played in what would have been ancient past bits had been hidden deep and some of the children had got lost/forgotten got stuck in traps there.   (a little like I imagen Jumanji to be)  It's non-temporal though so it didn't matter than they'd been there for 'Ages' - We were finding each other again.  
I have found a wired wired fruit/food. 
It's black and white, intricately patterned and round and hard outside like a black and white watermelon/coconut - inside is a light liquid that's kind of pearlescent with floating black and white flowers and smaller black/white cubes that are soft like cubes of melon they part of the fruit also black and white stippled pattern.    It was old too, very old and the people I was with were worried it wouldn't be good to eat anymore as it was also 'ancient'  It looked amazing and I was eating it anyway even though it was so old.  I seem to recall they tasted better fresh but it was still good. 

Next up is the weaving thing, like tieing/zooming and I'm going to different people fast one of them is Dr Downing again, Exley and Trump all the people were Male and I was just a thread weaving and binding.

Next is a big old shared house and we are leaving, we have been there for ages and the place is a state, carpets are trashed and dirty and there are bugs and rodents that we need to clear out to leave the place as we found it.

I'm pulling up old carpets there are bugs/parasites in them and we need to clear them out too - a friend gives me Honey and shows me how to use it.   (Reminded me of the 'you catch more flys with Honey than Vinigar' 

Outside the building are 'workmen'   they all have the same uniform and are wearing matching masks.  They are superhero-ish but also clown-like.    Black and white - they were going to remove and reuse the stuff we were clearing out.   Oddly Trump was in the house too -   I bow to him, but it's not like a subservient bow.... It's like the end of a performance or show and you're on the stage and you bow at the end sort of a flourish before departing.

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